Why would anybody want to be "impaired"?...
That's an unanswerable question because there's too many answers. It actually irrelevant to this thread but I will touch on the effects, because as that is relevant.
Both drugs don't have to cause an impairment, that's why there's a legal limit for driving. For me it's one beer in an hour, more than that and I'll blow over the limit. I'm itty bitty though, 5'1 and around 107 lbs. Now back when I used to have 2 or 3 beers after work every night 1 beer wouldn't have much of an effect. Now that I rarely drink one beer will give me a buzz, so depending on the person, size and tolerance one or two beers won't necessarily cause an impairment. Same with weed, you can have a few tokes and just get lightly toasted, you don't have to smoke til you get fried, and you don't have to drink til you get drunk. But there's also a tolerance factor, a first time smoker one hit will hit them harder than someone who's experienced it more. Impairment us not ALWAYS the end result, it's what happens with over consumption.
BUT there are huge differences even between someone that's fried and someone that's drunk, and yes being drunk is more dangerous than being fried. I don't think anybody who's ever used both drugs at some point in their life would say that weed is more dangerous.
I have my own little saying, well it's a combination if sayings I started using it a LONG time ago, variety is the spice of life, moderation is the key. Try a little bit if everything

hmmmmm it also reminds me something I used to say. 20 years ago I used to smoke a few times a day, I found that ....the first high of the day is the highest high of the day, after that it's just maintenance.
Ps I could always remember my phone number, my SSN etc etc. I did know one long time pot head that was a cliche, stereotypical pot head. She was a hippy at one point and personally I think she acted like that on purpose, like she was playing a role. She was my friends mom, everytime you went over there she'd talk real slow with eyes half closed "you got any weeeeeed maaaan" like she was forever doing cheech and Chong impersonations. Most pot users don't act like that. I haven't used it in years and years and years but I have friends that used to smoke with and they still do. They're totally normal people that are no, not high ALL the time.