Humph. Is that called a double entendre?eating is wicked too
The only problem with saying there has been ZERO deaths from Marijuana is there are car accidents EVERY single day.... It is not typical to test for marijuana in a drug screening after a car accident so there would be no definite way to say there are ZERO deaths caused by marijuana... plain and simple. Is it close to the amount with alcohol, HELL no... However, you can't say it hasn't ever caused one single death.
The only problem with saying there has been ZERO deaths from Marijuana is there are car accidents EVERY single day.... It is not typical to test for marijuana in a drug screening after a car accident so there would be no definite way to say there are ZERO deaths caused by marijuana... plain and simple. Is it close to the amount with alcohol, HELL no... However, you can't say it hasn't ever caused one single death.
No, you may not realize most fatal accidents require drug test as part of investigation. No fatal auto accidents goes without investigation.
And if a driver dies from car accident, there will autopsy as part of investigation and it will include chemical test.
Because of this, they should be able to bring a number greater than 0, yet they haven't so far. Meaning nobody's smoking? I don't think so.
Chemical tests are done in accidents but they do not test for everything. They do NOT TYPICALLY test for marijuna in most chemical tests even involving fatal car accidents. Just like in autopsies they run chemical tests. They do not typically test for a chemical called Ethylene glycol (Found Radiator Fluid and many other household chemicals ) and it has been used COUNTLESS times to poison people for murder. Do they test for it all the time? No, no they do not. I have been responsible for running many MANY tests on fatal car accidents here in the Tampa area and I will tell you that they do NOT typically test for marijuana ( At least in the first round. ) If the tests come back with a harsher drug ( Cocaine, Meth or pills ) there's no need. They blame the harsher drug even though marijuana may be in their system. The first thing they test for is usually alcohol. It may be tested for in drug tests and what not for every day use but it is NOT tested for in fatal accidents unless the alcohol test is negative. THEN we test for marijuana and other drugs but not in the preliminary test. Also to back my claims that you can't say it doesn't cause ANY deaths Marijuana Raises Risk of Fatal Car Crash There are many more links just like it. Can you overdose on it? Very unlikely, however it definitely increases your risk of causing a car accident. Boom. You can't say it doesn't cause any deaths. A friggin hot marshmallow has caused a death so NOBODY can say it causes absolutely ZERO deaths. Period.
I did not say they never do drug tests I think you need to re-read what I wrote. I said they do the tests however they do not typically run tests for marijuana unless the alcohol test is negative. These tests are INCREDIBLY expensive, so they try and run the minimum they can to save money. Again, I never said for one second they didn't conduct drug tests, please read what I wrote before jumping the gun. :roll: The fact I work as a P.A. in the major triage hospital will tell you I know a little more than you think I do. :roll:
Again, we can't say anything doesn't cause death as a marshmallow killed someone and that's one of the LAST things you'd think of killing someone! Maybe not one of the last but I'd certainly think of a drug ( Even marijuana ) killing someone before a marshmallow! Marshmallows haven't killed just kids either, some adults have bitten the dust with them too...![]()
Yep and candy bars ... my mom told me awhile back she was sitting at her computer eating a hersheys chocolate bar and dosed off with it in her mouth and aspirated part of it but she woke up when that happened. It scared her pretty bad.
Cannabis intoxication and fatal road crashes in France: population based case-control study | BMJ
Is ‘Drugged Driving’ the New ‘Drunk Driving’? Fatal Accidents Up 18% |
Those are just handy reads....
Prosecutor says NY teen charged in death of 4 in car crash tested positive for marijuana | Fox News
17-year-old tests positive for marijuana after crash that killed pedestrian on 32nd birthday - Chicago Tribune
Catasauqua man admits causing fatal car crash while high on marijuana |
ThreeI could go on and on.... These little "statistics" you pulled up for Zero fatalities can be made by ANYONE! They're not true unless they're backed by a University or heavily reliable research team. NOBODY can say it causes ZERO deaths. I am fine with it being legalized, however it does need to be treated just like alcohol, a DUI when under the influence of it. It DOES slow your reaction time and you are more likely to be in an accident with a slower reaction time.... End of story. You got your three, and there were more, just Google it, you'll find plenty. I am not saying it's AS BAD as alcohol, however I AM Stating that it does cause accidents and impairment... period.
Anything can cause death, we can't rule anything out... no matter how seemingly little and stupid it is or seems.Glad your mother is okay though for sure!
This one, you are correct. My point is smoking cannabis alone have not prove to be any dangerous, if mixed with something else then yeah.
Moonshine tops it all.... you wouldn't want to drink too much of that.![]()