Of course they did
but.. also whenever they could, they relied on someone who was better hearing, better speaking, better speech understanding.
and always asked for help if there was a friendly hearing person about. actually, it's natural and nothing wrong with that, it's resourceful!
and I bet you don't even realize that,
but whenever there is a group of Deaf, they look into each other for support when communicating with hearing people.
whoever is better at communicating- they look into that person for support. I bet even
you do that.
Nyle didn't have time for communication guesswork and hardship while taping ANTM and DWTS. he needed fast and fluid means of communicating,
so he got an interpreter. btw, that's what the interpreters are for - to
enable the deaf people, to make them independent,
so I don't understand why you are in such a tizzy over that. nothing wrong with an interpreter. that's what they are for, no?
when ever have i stated i oppose using terps? we Deaf use them when we need them, nyle used terps, so what?
do you actually believe he uses a terp every second of every waking hour of his entire life?
your statements are not how i experience being Deaf, nor all my Deaf friends, and all i went to Deaf school that i still see all the time.
part of how we decided to break hearie domination on us is to not rely on them, (as you state), even the Deafie with a golden tongue, in a group and he starts flapping his beak like a hearie wannabe parrot we tell him, as Deaf do, not very subtle either.
cant you see there is far more to your life then to learn to move your lips and tongue oh oh so proper and right,,,th...th...th...th..thats it...ba...ba....ba...ba...thats it.....
...i understand thats needed for fields such as porn, and brothels and i know working girls need to make a living and be competitive, thus oral skills are much required. after all few fields need to move the tongue and lips and all those muscles as porn..
it begs the question what all those speech therapist and ents watch late at night when think of more ways to screw us...th...th...th...th...ba...ba....ba...ba...
shirk the thought.
for us Deaf not in those fields, its rather low on our list of aspirations .
the idea we rely on those with better hearie or speakie is certainly not how the Deaf i roll with play. that what assimilationist want you and us to believe.
better hearing, better speakie to us Deaf is nothing at all we feel we must chase after like a boogey mans wet dream, or dog chasing it sown tale...
deaf do that sure,
around around they go...
Deaf not so much.
that not to state it has not been inflicted on us, oh yes it has, most of my friends in Deafie school till vividly remember their hands being tied so they couldnt sign....so trust me lady..
we aspire to far grater things in life then the best way to move ones damn tongue.
what we do do , is write if we have to, with hearies, plenty of us also sign.
we dont need to speakie, plenty by choice keep voice off, for those who can or those who were forced and abused to learn to speak. Voice off!
we are already independent, after all we use OUR language in our lives every damn day, every all the time...
we choose to use terps when we need them..its that simple
thats not what you stated.
go read your statements again
and maybe you can see what the issue here is.
its not nyle using terps.