I will try it. While i ask you to tell me who "We" is. Does it include me? WDYS? Fuzzy? Botts? AC? Blue? Foxrac? everyone here on AD? Who is "We" man? To me "We" is everyone here , there and everywhere.
we means D
in regards to this thread, the we not only means Deaf, it also means a certain growing segment of that D, who hold the values i have posted here, share the same concerns, and have decided on a praxis of action to engage phonocentric colonialism, which seeks by methods covert and overt to colonize Deaf bodies with the aim of eradication of Deaf, by its replacement with "hearie". by methods not limited to the denial of an acquisition of a signed language.
language is a root and cornerstone of culture
by denying sign languages through policy and action to Deaf children
they are denying our culture
if you share those same values, and sign, or wish to learn sign then you too can be part of that WE
im not the only one
WE are growing
to again repeat the definition for those that having difficulties with grasping what the D means
Deaf are those who are culturally Deaf and who use sign. and identity as Deaf
deaf. WE dont view being Deaf as a curse, an affliction, we don't see ourselves as broken goods, sick in need of a cure..
We Deaf are full human beings, living and leading vibrant lives in this world, which is our world not just the hearies world. this world is just as much Deaf as it is for the hearies.
We us our Language, share OUR jokes, tell OUR stories, show OUR poems
We have OUR own theater, OUR own history
Our own dreams and aspirations
We are Deaf
deaf well go ask them...