Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Bullym0m said:
Uglier truth....

Hey CCsinned, You made me lauff'n hell lotsa becz you're swore and piss'n... LOL

btw fact is truth.... lotsa people are hate Bush!! How's sad...

I swore yes... It is up to the inividual if they like Bush or not.

I'm just sick of the blame game. I mean there are people missing or dead. People really nead to stop blaming & start helping. America should come together as a nation when are in need.
Instead we are acting like a bunch of children on a playgroud. Saying - It was him - nope not him it was her - Nope it was him - Nope it was her... All we need is some one to start screaming COOTIES!!!
OH Wait! That did happen when Jackson & Sharpton blamed racisim.

We should be helping those people. We should not be fueling or own political agendas. Based on a hurricane and the deaths of others
Reba said:
That is part of the problem; everyone is too "dependent" and not taking the initiative.

Actually, the US govt does NOT have a fleet of buses standing by just to evacuate people all over the country. The mayor DID have a fleet of school buses that could have been used. But the mayor did NOT use them.
:werd: :gpost:
I just found out today from someone I know well, that they said on TV....during Hurricane Katrina's arrival, a nursing home was getting they had to get the people out. They got the ones who could walk and able to get out first, as the water rose up faster....unfortunately, they left the ones in bed to drown. :(
She said it made her sick to know that they left the elderly people invalid in bed to die.
Reba said:
That is part of the problem; everyone is too "dependent" and not taking the initiative.

Actually, the US govt does NOT have a fleet of buses standing by just to evacuate people all over the country. The mayor DID have a fleet of school buses that could have been used. But the mayor did NOT use them.

US Govt do have military buses. I rode in it once for emergency only.

Too dependent? u tell me senior citizen people and disabled ones should not depend on others to help them out? So it is La responisble for them? Then Bush is a liar when he declared state of emergency two days before hurricane hit south. I forgot your supporter of Bush and you would do anything to protect him because u voted for him and blame on governor of La ( she is a democrat) and mayor of La when the communiction was down for few days there.

Give me break this is nation diaster.
And also.....

I copied the Quote:
The decision to subject an entire population to poverty, ignorance, injustice and government corruption as a way of life has its ugly moments, as the world is now seeing. New Orleans officials issued an almost cynical evacuation order in a city where they know full well that thousands have no car, no money for airfare or an interstate bus, no credit cards for hotels, and therefore no way to leave town before the deadly storm and flood arrived.

The authorities provided no transportation out of the danger zone, apparently figuring the neglected thousands would somehow weather the storm in their uninsured, low-lying shacks and public housing projects. The poor were expected to remain invisible at the bottom of the pecking order and somehow weather the storm.

But the flood confounded the plan, and the world began to see a tide of human misery rising from the water - ragged, sick, desperate and disorderly. Some foraged for food, some took advantage of the chaos to commit crimes. All in all, they acted exactly the way you could predict people would act who have been locked up in a ghetto for generations.

The world also saw the breezy indifference with which government officials treated these tens of thousands of sick and dying citizens, even as the scope of the disaster became clear. President Bush initially shunned the Gulf Coast and headed to political fund-raisers in the West.

from this link:

Make sense!

Oh wait minutes......
I forgot about RS... you would flip your mind off.. If suppose RS is here and would dare blabbering his breath about BUSH, policties, demorancy, liberal.. blah blah... what his reaction.... ?? LOL

I would love to little sneaky his(RS) last resort breath about this issues...
Sorry, I couldn't help but love to out my curiousity...
:topic: <~~ sorry about this... by the way... back topic!
Bullym0m said:
Oh wait minutes......
I forgot about RS... you would flip your mind off.. If suppose RS is here and would dare blabbering his breath about BUSH, policties, demorancy, liberal.. blah blah... what his reaction.... ?? LOL

I would love to little sneaky his(RS) last resort breath about this issues...
Sorry, I couldn't help but love to out my curiousity...
:topic: <~~ sorry about this... by the way... back topic!

Want his email?
Shiva said:
I saw a video of deaf evautee at cnn site but i cant get link so you have to go there

click browse/search that is right next to watch free video in green box. Once that pop up (this require flash player) type Deaf in search box on top right corner and hit arrow blue dot it will show up that say: Deaf evacuee explains escape (1:16)

there a few deafies group hanging out and one of them explain how he escape and he hasnt heard anything from his mom.

thanks to other site for the link to the one i was refer to now that there an actual link direct to the video
I watched this video.... Made me cry every minutes.. break my heart.. That guy really miss his mother "Where my ma?" Bend down his face and covered...

How Deaf people having hard time to escape... I understand how they feels...
I watched on the news on Headline Prime about Kathrina catastrophe. The Sheriff police said that he was not able to help them due out of control and police group did not show up in the area. There were many reports that they raped babies. It makes me sick.

It made me sad to watch this news link that he could not find his mother.
jazzy said:
US Govt do have military buses. I rode in it once for emergency only.
They have some buses that they use locally on their bases. For anything more than short trips and small groups, they charter buses and drivers. They do NOT have fleets of buses positioned around the country waiting for use. If you notice, when you see troops travelling in buses they are usually Trailways or Greyhounds or other charter companies' buses and drivers on the highway. On the bases, they have a few tan, gray, white, or blue (usual colors) "school" style buses that say "USN", "USA", "USAF" on them.

Too dependent? u tell me senior citizen people and disabled ones should not depend on others to help them out?
I am talking about the general American population. Of course, there are some people who need help. But they shouldn't be dependent on the President and federal government for everything. Uncle Sam is not daddy. The more dependent one is on government support, the more control one surrenders to the government.

... I forgot your supporter of Bush and you would do anything to protect him...
Not true. In many of my posts I have stated over and over again the things that I disagree with Bush about, such as illegal "immigrants" and weak borders.

I guess it would be fair for me to reply that many of the posters who blame Bush for Katrina are "haters of Bush and would do anything to bash him."
jazzy said:
Bush is atop man of this country, we depend on him to help us and I do not see him help those people for first 24 hours aftermath. For this he is responsble for many deaths. He already announced state of emergency before Katrina hit US soil. It does not matter which state but the soil is belong to US. US govt have buses but they did not use them to evacuation those people neither. So therefore it is both states of La, Miss, and US govt are responsible for those deaths.

I am not listening to no more republicans blame democrats nor deomcrats blame republicans for this whole mess. Teach us lesson? no it was a freak and it still freak us all out. None of us want to deal with it so now it is time for us to be act alike mature. Time for us to move on and help those people. America need to heal and find a way to bond us together as union, not divide.
you can't depend on president.. president can't tell 258 million people what to do all at once.. its too much responsibility for him.. this is the reason why we have sentors, house of rep. governors, mayors, general attoneys, supreme court judges, and the list goes on..

first of all.. ur hometown.. the mayor's responisibility to take care of the city budgeting, etc.. the next step is house of rep.. they are regional they manage and make sure ur area is in stable condition.

the next step comes the governor.. they budget the state stuff.. take care of the state.. plan evaluations, plan emerency issues, and the list goes on...

next step comes the federal (please note federal doesn't mean president bush) such as sentors, supreme court..

then there comes the president.. presidents main job is to make sure other countries are still friends with us, make deals, and the list goes on.. president CANNOT again i say CANNOT plan every evaluation for each state.. how the world can 1 man do that in 50 states with thousands of cities?
Reba said:
The Charleston police never had to shoot anyone because there were no looters. They were too afraid to loot. That's how it works. If the looters know there is a strong police force that will do what they say, then the looting doesn't happen. No one was hurt or killed.

If the police department is weak, then criminals take advantage of that.

"Run and chase" looters? What good does that do? They will just come back again.

Don't forget, the criminals are also raping, beating up people, and shooting people. They are violent people.

Simple is put them into jail with full of criminals... They will SUFFER there...

police department and weak? That's police's job task to handle with criminals or what? They are training how to deal with criminals instead of just shot them... It would be different story if the criminals have weapons.
jazzy said:
23,000 are nothing when we have hundred thousand people still stuck out there.

Texas are closer to Lousiana and it costs less for them to transport them to Texas than to farthest states.

Quit bitching, we send alot helpers over there from here in CA. So are other states.

Beside Bush should have done it faster right after it happened instead of waiting too long. Many people already are dead because of too slow. Of course I am angry at our government for not doing it quick and let other countries help us when we need them.

Good point, that's what the news on the TV said... They are furious and blame Bush for that.

Yes, I'm agree that the government should do SOMETHING because they KNEW the happening comes...
C.C.Sinned said:
Ok...first things FIRST! STOP POINTING FUCKIN FINGERS!!!! I keep reading all these emails and posts about how the Bush administration has failed in regard to Katrina..... WHAT??? Bush failed??? WTF? (OK, I'm about to offend the shit out of some people so if you can't handle the TRUTH, STOP READING NOW!!!!) Why is no one stating the absolute truth about what really happened down there? First... EVERYONE was told to GET THE FUCK OUT!!! EVEN if you have no where to go..JUST GET OUT!!! Why do I keep hearing about people getting rescued who say (in shitty english I might add) "We wuz thinkin weze could ride dis one heya out....we'ze wuz wrong". And you know that a shitload of those lower class people stayed behind because they ABSOLUTELY planned on looting after Katrina passed. Not all, but some.

90% of the responsibility here falls on the LOCAL government. How come the local government wasnt prepared for this? Why didnt the local government use school busses and city busses to evacuate those who couldn't afford or were too old or sick to get out on their own. (Interesting fact... someone counted and there are 210 school buses under water). Why did the mayor not call on the 10,000 guard members THE NEXT DAY???? I'll tell you why. There is no leadership down there. The first line of defense in a situation like this is local, then state, THEN FEDERAL!

Oh and how about all those New Orleans cops that handed in their badges and quit? How come thats not being reported? Why are idiots shooting at rescue helicopters and boats??? Why are stupid black women throwing away MRE's? (Meals Ready to Eat) And yes, that DID happen. So your poor ass who didn't evacuate is too fucking good for the food that our troops live on over in Iraq? And yeah, Ive eaten those before when I was in the Air Force, they are not that bad. So this ignorant bitch is crying how she hasn't eaten in days, and when they hand her an MRE, she THROWS IT AWAY!?!?!?!? If I was there, I would've told the bitch she can starve for all I care. why are minorities looting shoe's and jewelry and dvd's? Food I can understand, but come on...lets call a spade a spade! If you're caught looting for anything else than food, you should be shot. Point blank. In the head. And...if you shoot at a rescue vehicle, you should be tortured, then shot....and no, I'm not joking.

This is how it works people. When a disaster like this occurs, local government is supposed to act. They had no plan. They had 40 years to plan for this and they did nothing. No Levy improvements, no evacuation plan, and the superdome was their only fucking shelter? Thats it??? And why was the Mayor on the news CURSING about busses when there are 210 of them underwater that THEY had control of? Hmmm I guess hindsight is 20/20 huh? If your City is BELOW sea level and and you are that close to a river, lake, and the Gulf, dontchya think you might kinda wanna have some kind of plan in place for something that is bound to happen? This is not Bush's fault. Next after local government, comes the state. They are the next level of response for this type of catastrophe. Where were they? What did they do? What was there plan? (wow, thats alot of questions with no answers) Ok, last....Federal...thats where Bush steps in. Bush steps in and shit starts to get done. IT SHOULD HAVE been started already before Bush got there. If the local government was anything like Rudy Guliani (who will be our next president by the way) this would be a completely different situation then what we have now.

Ok.... let's just look at this:
1. Local Gov't should have evacuated everyone they could (didn't happen)
2. Katrina hits
3. Local Gov't calls for support from national guard (which didn't happen)
4. State asks local Gov't what they need (didn't happen)
5. Federal Gov't steps in and ASSISTS and sends relief money (happened)
see my point?

People, if you're going to point fingers, point them south where the blame really lies. The LOCAL government is at fault here. THEY HAD NO PLAN. With that being said, I really hope people get their shit together down there and I wish them the best. Now...Im going to make a prediction here. That entire local government is going to be replaced and you probably wont hear too much about it when it happens. Why? Because the media loves to bash Bush. Seriously....if you are going to watch the news, watch Fox news. They are the only bi-partisan news channel on tv.

*nodding agreement* you have a great point here... but it's also part of Bush's responsibly, too.

Thank you for sharing pictures here with us, Magastu... I'm also agree with you, too. Jazzy's posts are quite correct, that's exactly what I learn from the TV news.

It's still part of Bush's responsible...
C.C.Sinned said:
:applause: Awesome that is what should be happening. Americans coming together to help each other. The United Sated should be UNITED in helping fellow Americans.



Don't forget about other countries... They also help Katrina's victims, too.
Bullym0m said:
SEE BUSH.. ain't help them for few days while on hurriance....

What he's doing... play play play... blah blah.. for his pleasure.. why can't he put on hold other activities... focus on Hurriance where spotted at area... Defenaitely(sp) He is neglect!

That's what the TV says... :ugh2:
sablescort said:
TELL this to the people of NO and the Gulf Coast what the President DID when Katrina hit the coast on Monday. WHERE was HE last Monday even though he had knowledge that it was going to be a Cat 4-5 hurricane and the local officals have been working their asses and doing their JOBS to get the people out of the area. The Governor of LA, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco DECLARED a State-of-Emergency for LA on the 26th CONTRARY to what the Bushit Administration and FEMA had stated:

Last Monday even with the knowledge that Katrina would make landfall on Monday, he had time to have cake with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) while people in the Gulf Coast were trying to survive the storm.

Where WAS George last Tuesday when New Orleans was flooding?

Strumming on the guitar while New Orleans is DROWNING, my ass! Dumbya has PROVED to be an INCOMPENTENT leader! Reminds me of when Rome was burning, Emperor Nero was playing the fiddle!

Yes, I know that's what the Europeans are furious after saw news on the TV...

Check my link

That's what Bush said HIMSELF that he refused to let anyone from other countries for the help but cash.... :ugh2: