Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

My mom told me that my brother maybe go to new orleans to help the people and some people is out of the contral so need more military police corps to help them. I am a little worry about my brother go there . I hope he will be all right out of there if he go there.
Quite frankly I'm disgusted by it. It took us more time to respond to this than it did to respond to the tsunamis. I realize that the magnitude isn't as great as the tsunami's but this is our country. We should be taking care of our people first. It took our president a whole tour through the devastated areas to sign a damn piece of paper to give a few billion dollars to start the effort. I would have signed that bill as the storm was hitting. I heard about nurses stuck in hospitals who resorted to IVing themselves to keep hydrated so they can take care of other patients. People have to pretty much swim through filthy water for 4 days. The response of the American people is impressive. We are extremely charitable as people but it isn't enough. Over 60 countries have offered their services to us. Even Fidel Castro himself has offered services from Cuba to send medicine and doctors to the worst parts of the disaster... A country that we've cut off trade from for decades is reaching out to us, yet our government takes 4 days to take care of our people. Those assholes up in Washington DC need to remember that they are NOT America, they SERVE America.

Here's some more on what Cuba is giving.

Cuba's President Fidel Castro attends a live television program in Havana September 2, 2005. Castro spoke about Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and other parts of the U.S. Gulf Coast, killing hundreds and possibly thousands of people. Castro has offered to send 1,100 doctors and more than 25 tonnes of medicine and equipment to the devastated area in the next 48 hours, saying 'many countries are offering money, we are offering to save lives.' REUTERS/Courtesy AIN/Handout
diehardbiker65 said:
Hey, see? CCSinned got the point across loud and clear! I hate those people who blamed on presidents of the United States of America! They are just bunch of idiots expecting ONE person take care of EVERYTHING and ALL! That is BEYOND whats really impossible! United States Gov't let each local branch of government deal with their local issues.
IMHO, any idiots would want to live way below sea level and be close to the river and Ocean, and expects NOTHING to happens? Whats wrong with these idiots? I would NEVER want to live in the south! Hurricane, too destructive and devasating than just cute blizzard that I really enjoy from time to time. They don't have that magitude of destructive power like Hurricane do.
I also think that bowl of Orleans should be filled with dirt and have serious plan for future Hurricane.

Let me remind you, what concerns me is that in New York City, they have NOT had any earthquake for the past 200 years. That NYC is really on fault line! That Fault line is waiting to go off anytime. How can NYC handle this disaster if the magnitude hits 3.0 or higher on richter scale? Believe me, only 3% of the building and structure is capable of holding from 3.0 to 10.0! Image, only three exits from NYC area after the quake hits. How can 13 million people escape? Are you going to blame on that president at that time when this shit happens? Why only 3 exits available? Remember when earthquakes hits, Most, or all of the bridges and tunnels will be collapsed. Scary, eh? What did NYC do about it? NOTHING! Whose fault is it?
great point taken..

also if SF, Ca had another major earthquake or couple more.. SF will be totally gone forever in the ocean. and i doubt they're planning on this.

have you seen a movie "the day after tomorrow" where governments, presidents, and world presidents, prime minster, etc..etc.. don't believe it will happen and didn't even care to plan and it happen.

i believe the same thing will happen to san fransico any time, japan going underwater, alaska small islands are raising, long island, NY are burying into ocean, and the list goes on.
It took us more time to respond to this than it did to respond to the tsunamis.
That’s because the entire world helped out with the aftermath of the tsunami immediately, while the U.S. seems to be carrying the brunt of hurricane Katrina alone thus far. I am sure we will be extremely thankful for the assistance of other nations when it arrives.
It took our president a whole tour through the devastated areas to sign a damn piece of paper to give a few billion dollars to start the effort.
Our president took the time and effort to see how much devastation was there. He is out there rolling up his sleeves and getting things done, but you expect there to be an organized effort overnight, it ain’t gonna happen.
Those assholes up in Washington DC need to remember that they are NOT America, they SERVE America.
These “assholes” are the ones that WE elected to represent us, and I say they are doing a fine job in our time of trial.
What happened is tragic, but as CCSinned said, much of it could have been prevented by the local government, not federal.
Though her state has been devastated by Hurricane Katrina and thousands are believed dead in New Orleans, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has refused to allow the federal government to take control of evacuation efforts.
The Louisiana Democrat had also failed to use more than a hundred school buses parked near the Superdome to transport stranded citizens who didn't have the means to obey earlier evacuation orders.
State and federal officials also told the Post that Gov. Blanco did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday - more than 24 hours after New Orleans descended into chaos.
TELL this to the people of NO and the Gulf Coast what the President DID when Katrina hit the coast on Monday. WHERE was HE last Monday even though he had knowledge that it was going to be a Cat 4-5 hurricane and the local officals have been working their asses and doing their JOBS to get the people out of the area. The Governor of LA, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco DECLARED a State-of-Emergency for LA on the 26th CONTRARY to what the Bushit Administration and FEMA had stated:

Louisiana did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday, three state and federal officials said. As of Saturday, Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said.

Aug 26, 2005 5:00 PM CT

BATON ROUGE, LA--Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco today issued Proclamation No. 48 KBB 2005, declaring a state of emergency for the state Louisiana as Hurricane Katrina poses an imminent threat, carrying severe storms, high winds, and torrential rain that may cause flooding and damage to private property and public facilities, and threaten the safety and security of the citizens of the state of Louisiana The state of emergency extends from Friday, August 26, 2005, through Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless terminated sooner.

The full text of Proclamation No. 48 KBB 2005 is as follows:

WHEREAS, the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act, R.S. 29 21, et seq., confers upon the governor of the state of Louisiana emergency powers to deal with emergencies and disasters, including those caused by fire, flood, earthquake or other natural or man-made causes, in order to ensure that preparations of this state will be adequate to deal with such emergencies or disasters and to preserve the lives and property of the citizens of the state of Louisiana;

WHEREAS, when the governor finds a disaster or emergency has occurred, or the threat thereof is imminent, R.S. 29 24(B)(1) empowers her to declare the state of disaster or emergency by executive order or proclamation, or both; and

WHEREAS, On August 26, 2005, Hurricane Katrina poses an imminent threat to the state of Louisiana, carrying severe storms, high winds, and torrential rain that may cause flooding and damage to private property and public facilities, and threaten the safety and security of the citizens of Louisiana;

Governor of the state of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, do hereby order and direct as follows:

SECTION 1: Pursuant to the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act, R.S. 29 21, et seq., a state of emergency is declared to exist in the state of Louisiana as Hurricane Katrina poses an imminent threat, carrying severe storms, high winds, and torrential rain that may cause flooding and damage to private property and public facilities, and threaten the safety and security of the citizens of the state of Louisiana;

SECTION 2: The state of Louisiana's emergency response and recovery program is activated under the command of the director of the state office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness to prepare for and provide emergency support services and/or to minimize the effects of the storm's damage.

SECTION 3: The state of emergency extends from Friday, August 26, 2005, through Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless terminated sooner.

Last Monday even with the knowledge that Katrina would make landfall on Monday, he had time to have cake with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) while people in the Gulf Coast were trying to survive the storm.

Where WAS George last Tuesday when New Orleans was flooding?

Strumming on the guitar while New Orleans is DROWNING, my ass! Dumbya has PROVED to be an INCOMPENTENT leader! Reminds me of when Rome was burning, Emperor Nero was playing the fiddle!
I got an email from someone that there were 11 deaf people got killed in Hurricane Katrina, I dont know if its true or not...anyone got that email?
and you have proved to be a complete imbecile!

as you can see from my previous post, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco has not only refused help, but FAILED to provide assistance when necessary. you are pointing the blame in the WRONG direction.

Where was the state's evacuation plan???

Who was responsible for maintenance of the levees?
Oh wait!!! Louisiana DID have an evacuation plan....too bad they chose not to employ it.
Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00

'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...
SEE BUSH.. ain't help them for few days while on hurriance....

What he's doing... play play play... blah blah.. for his pleasure.. why can't he put on hold other activities... focus on Hurriance where spotted at area... Defenaitely(sp) He is neglect!
bullymom, the governor of lousiana wouldnt let anyone help.
call me an imbecile? How nice and quaint of you!

The levees were the primary RESPONSIBILITY of the Army Corps of Engineers:

Tell me Kathleen Blanco refused Help from the Feds?

August 27, 2005

The President
The White House
Washington, D. C.

Regional Director
FEMA Region VI
800 North Loop 288
Denton, Texas 76209

Dear Mr. President:

Under the provisions of Section 501 (a) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5206 (Stafford Act), and implemented by 44 CFR § 206.35, I request that you declare an emergency for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina for the time period beginning August 26, 2005, and continuing. The affected areas are all the southeastern parishes including the New Orleans Metropolitan area and the mid state Interstate I-49 corridor and northern parishes along the I-20 corridor that are accepting the thousands of citizens evacuating from the areas expecting to be flooded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

In response to the situation I have taken appropriate action under State law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26, 2005 in accordance with Section 501 (a) of the Stafford Act. A State of Emergency has been issued for the State in order to support the evacuations of the coastal areas in accordance with our State Evacuation Plan and the remainder of the state to support the State Special Needs and Sheltering Plan.

Pursuant to 44 CFR § 206.35, I have determined that this incident is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster. I am specifically requesting emergency protective measures, direct Federal Assistance, Individual and Household Program (IHP) assistance, Special Needs Program assistance, and debris removal.
Preliminary estimates of the types and amount of emergency assistance needed under the Stafford Act, and emergency assistance from certain Federal agencies under other statutory authorities are tabulated in Enclosure A.

The following information is furnished on the nature and amount of State and local resources that have been or will be used to alleviate the conditions of this emergency:
• Department of Social Services (DSS): Opening (3) Special Need Shelters (SNS) and establishing (3) on Standby.
• Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH): Opening (3) Shelters and establishing (3) on Standby.
• Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP): Providing generators and support staff for SNS and Public Shelters.
• Louisiana State Police (LSP): Providing support for the phased evacuation of the coastal areas.
• Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (WLF): Supporting the evacuation of the affected population and preparing for Search and Rescue Missions.

more at link....

And the buses? yes there were buses, but the amount of buses WOULD not be enough to get everyone OUT of NOLA. Remember most of them DON'T own a car and have no way to get out even with the interstates being jammed full of vehicles trying to get outa Dodge.

Keep spinning all you want, but it wont diminish the fact that many deaths would have been preventable in the AFTERMATH of Katrina. The President has the blood of over 10,000 citizens on his hands with the DELAY of the aid and the bungling of the FEMA. It will not wash off his hands like Lady MacBeth! Also his underlings, Chertoff and Brown totally fucked up Katrina's aftermath.

Look at the PICTURES that has been taken on the days Katrina hit town and that is YOUR leader having cake while PEOPLE are dying from the storm! to quote the lovely Marie Antoinette: "Let them eat cake".

The Governor of LA and mayor of NO has been BUSTING their asses and BEGGING for federal help at the same time trying to evacuate everyone as much as they could. and what is the President doing? Instead of going to lend the states a hand, he flies off to AZ and CA for a couple of bullshit photo-ops.
BabyAngel said:
I got an email from someone that there were 11 deaf people got killed in Hurricane Katrina, I dont know if its true or not...anyone got that email?
yea thats right but 17 deaf people now
call me an imbecile? How nice and quaint of you!
don’t forget “accurate”

Tell me Kathleen Blanco refused Help from the Feds?
Though her state has been devastated by Hurricane Katrina and thousands are believed dead in New Orleans, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has refused to allow the federal government to take control of evacuation efforts.
And the buses? yes there were buses, but the amount of buses WOULD not be enough to get everyone OUT of NOLA. Remember most of them DON'T own a car and have no way to get out even with the interstates being jammed full of vehicles trying to get outa Dodge.
The Louisiana Democrat had also failed to use more than a hundred school buses parked near the Superdome to transport stranded citizens who didn't have the means to obey earlier evacuation orders.
hmmmm let’s think about this for a moment. 100 school buses…..approximately 45 people per bus….100x45=4,500. So I guess what you are saying is, if she couldn’t rescue ALL of them, she shouldn’t help rescue ANY?????
State and federal officials also told the Post that Gov. Blanco did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday - more than 24 hours after New Orleans descended into chaos.
You mean she could have gotten more than just her share of buses from other states???? With those numbers, she could have evacuated PRIOR to Katrina and then there wouldn’t be such a high fatality to be blaming on anyone else in the first place.
Eve said:
...100 school buses…..approximately 45 people per bus….100x45=4,500.
It is also possible that each bus could have made at least two round trips, so that would equal 9,000 people.

So I guess what you are saying is, if she couldn’t rescue ALL of them, she shouldn’t help rescue ANY?????
If all the people got the buses who could have, then the burden in the Super Dome would have been greatly reduced by those numbers. Then, there would have been more resources for those left behind.
sablescort said: way to get out even with the interstates being jammed full of vehicles trying to get outa Dodge.
The interstates would not be as jammed if the two-way traffic was converted to one-way out sooner. The LA governor made the same mistake as Gov. Hodges did when South Carolinians evacuated for hurricane Floyd. He postponed converting the highways until too late. BTW, we did NOT re-elect Hodges after that debacle.

Efficient evacuation is key. Every since the Floyd snafu, our state has annual evacuation drills. Also, all evacuation routes are permanently and clearing marked. Prior to evacuations, extra porta-potties and supplies are set up at state rest stops, extra gas is brought in for the gas stations, and police are positioned at the exits with barricades to set up for changing the traffic patterns. Shelters are carefully selected for their location and safety, and well stocked with emergency supplies. There is even a shelter for pet owners and their animals (and staffed with a vet). The local governments set up a primary command post, and a secondary one in case the first one is destroyed.

I think the 50 governors need to get together at a conference and share their ideas and lessons learned.

It is called being PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE.

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