Many Deaf people in the Deaf community support the use of both. Heck, I have many Deaf friends who grew up going to Deaf schools with ASL as their first language who also have developed good oral skills and they use them when needed. I dont see anyone attacking them. Maybe there are a few who are extreme ASLers but they dont represent the whole Deaf community.
Why didnt your mom expose you to ASL and the Deaf community? My mom thought it would slow down my development so she didnt expose me to either one of them. Pretty pathetic, huh but I dont blame her cuz she was brainwashed by those oralists.
We lived in a small community very rural Georgia. One high school, one middle and one elementary. It was so small, Vocational Rehab had a long drive to come to school to assist me. My mom was not brainwashed by oralist, she did not have any input Deaf or oral. Doctors said to just give up on me. I was not going to be able to anything with me because of the heart damage and hearing loss. She stopped listening to all of them and raised me the best she could. I had great teachers in Middle and high school. I was the school mascot and graduated with honors. I never heard the word deaf until I went off to college. By then I was functioning with HAs and working for my degree. Then my hearing ran out fast.