Lotte is moving on fast, catching up every day.
Lately her sentences became longer, more clear. Discovered rhymes, and more and more singing. Putting on CD's by herself (as in her own choice) with songs and/or stories..
Also writing new words is getting more and more her attention. She can write all the names she knows, but that's just remembering the order of the characters. Now she starts to figure out how to write words she hears.
It's a great adventure.!!
Last week she was at the 1-year control in Oslo, where they checked her equipment and tested her for hearing, sound discrimination, sentences etc.
They skipped the usual tests because allready last year she showed she had no problem with these. So, in order not to waist time (and attention from Lotte) they went straight to the "advanced" tests. She did great.
Some days ago, we had friends visiting us that we hadn't seen for almost a year, and when these kind of visits happen, people are amazed about how well they can understand her now, compared to a year ago. For us, it's a confirmation that she improves. Sometimes, improvements are so slow (like with any child growing up) that we don't notice, and it takes "outsiders" to give a sort of reality-check.