I'm thinking back to some statistics that have been stated. Not by any specific poster, but generally.
I can see where there would be such high numbers of "oral deaf". There's all the ones who don't learn sign and grow up orally, there's those that are late-deafened (or at least post-lingually deafened), and then there are those that could be like me but mis-interpreted.
I was never approached in school years by anyone wanting statistics on me. If I had, whether in person, or in a questionnaire, I could see how the questions could potentially go:
1) Did you learn to speak? Yes.
2) Did you speak to your classmates? Yes.
3) Were you set up with an IEP (TOD) Yes.
4) Did you have note-takers? Yes.
5) Did you have access to tutors, other help? Yes.
6) Do you wear HAs (Only HAs asked because CIs didn't exist then) Yes.
7) Do you use an FM system? No.
8) Did you learn ASL? Yes.
9) Did you use ASL with your classmates? No.
and so on ...
This could indicate that I'm a successful oral deaf student based on being able to speak, speak with classmates, read notes, not use an FM system, not use ASL with classmates, and so on. Nowhere, at any time, was I ever asked how difficult school was, self-esteem-wise. No mention of bullies picking on my speech, sign, and so on. This is why we, on this board, share many of the hellish moments we have. It boggles my mind that statistics are so valued and seen as the majority, when it isn't also addressed how difficult a time any of these students had in school. For all I know, I could be classified as part of that % of oral deaf, even though I'm absolutely not.
I see that my parents had the same line of reasoning as some of the hearing parents on this board. They were trying to do what was best for me. And that meant going with the majority of what they learned from doctors, research, whatnot. (Forums like these didn't exist then -- the internet didn't even exist then!

) I do commend parents who are trying to do what's best for their kids. But, again, why feedback from those who lived these school years are not valued I do not understand. Statistics don't paint the true picture.