A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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I know. the past few days have been confusing. weather report's all wrong.

I was waiting for the tornado that were supposed to hit my area!:giggle: At least I have a good excuse not to get on my friend's motorcycle! :giggle:
We have had massive thunderstorms, hail, 60-80 MPH winds and lots of lightening. Now we are under flood advisories. I can feel the rumble of the thunder and hubby is complaining that the noise is keeping him awake and he has to get up at 4 in the morning.
I am so jealous of you guys having good warm weather... here in Washington has been raining nonstop, pretty much for almost all month. Come on Sun, where are you?
I was shorter than either of my kids by the time they were each 13. Daughter is 16 and 6'4" and son at 15 is 6'1". I am only 5'5".

damn lol that's crazy.. oh well at least I don't feel alone thinking short people doesn't get noticed for being smart.. :cool2:
Hmm....I hardly can wait for this weekend to arrive here...Mexico and Six Flags....it should be fun!
anyone of you know much about north carolina, is there anything good over there in NC? lots of bad flooding ?
Two more weeks left!!!! HURRY!!!!
My last work week :dance2: Friday hurry!!!
Wirelessly posted

~*Kaelei*~ said:
I am so jealous of you guys having good warm weather... here in Washington has been raining nonstop, pretty much for almost all month. Come on Sun, where are you?

Haha, glad I needed a break from WA state weather. :)
Wirelessly posted

Frisky Feline said:
anyone of you know much about north carolina, is there anything good over there in NC? lots of bad flooding ?

Try asking SteelX from Alldeaf on PM, he grew up in NC and still lives there. :)
Had a good day at work and a great workout after work! Nice to be back on my routine!
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