A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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LOL in 3 yrs I will be *dramatically gasps* 40...it's all on how you feel. I don't feel old....until I look at my son...in the eye. *sniffle* lol

:laugh2: wait til your son si 18.. then u wud be feeling too way old to realize time does fly too damn fast ;)
Going to the beach with my family today.
Now I cant go camping due to wet grounds where the demo derby is to be held for tomorrow.. I was supposed to set up camping tonite but was informed via email from my 2d brother's wife she told me the news about the wet grounds.. so all I can do is go tomorrow to watch the demo derby and more.. that's it.. I can wait till July when the Ukrainian festival is held there at the same town so I can do camping for the weekend.. hope it works out on my favor later for July.. all I can do now is get set for tonite to watch Game 4 of the Chicago-Philadelphia Stanley Cup Final and then get ready for tomorrow.. ahh

Oh a good plus, I got email from my job counselor saying that she had info for me and mentioned that the company I had the job interview back in mid May, the company want to hire me.. so I will be working 3 or 4 days there.. I still can work at my part time job at the pizza place but will have to drop the dishwashing job (Monday nights) as I dont think it would be wise to judge 3 jobs at all.. so all I can do is wait to know when I can start my new job soon... then I can get the new schedule fixed soon..
Depends if it is food or clothes?

I know there will be definitely clothes :cool2: (if I find some... I'm a fast shopper though :D ) If I'm not mistaken (since recently I seem to have some reading issues) there should also be a flea market...
Now I cant go camping due to wet grounds where the demo derby is to be held for tomorrow.. I was supposed to set up camping tonite but was informed via email from my 2d brother's wife she told me the news about the wet grounds.. so all I can do is go tomorrow to watch the demo derby and more.. that's it.. I can wait till July when the Ukrainian festival is held there at the same town so I can do camping for the weekend.. hope it works out on my favor later for July.. all I can do now is get set for tonite to watch Game 4 of the Chicago-Philadelphia Stanley Cup Final and then get ready for tomorrow.. ahh

Oh a good plus, I got email from my job counselor saying that she had info for me and mentioned that the company I had the job interview back in mid May, the company want to hire me.. so I will be working 3 or 4 days there.. I still can work at my part time job at the pizza place but will have to drop the dishwashing job (Monday nights) as I dont think it would be wise to judge 3 jobs at all.. so all I can do is wait to know when I can start my new job soon... then I can get the new schedule fixed soon..

Look on the bright side, you get to watch the demo :) Hope the other job will work out for you.
That's what I use too! :) Only at the beach or pool though. On a regular day spf 30 :)

I wish I had used it yesterday because I got a a minor burn despite having SPF 30 on.
Nice day today @ the park with one year old learning how to throw or I should say how to roll a ball :D
Today is housebitch day for me....
it's hot outside ugh up to 88 degrees.. bleh perfect timing for me to wear old shorts and tank top and head out to enjoy the hot sun.. :P at least.. I don't have to worry about hot weather cuz summer time isn't here to stay for long time cuz of time flies by too damn fast :roll:
I'm glad my AC is fixed cuz it was hot with out my AC and it wsa like 90 out.
I'm tired from work today, but I had a nice glass of wine. :) Life is good!
Get to start packing tomorrow after church. The heat will be unbearable, but it has to be done.
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