A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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Hang in there and keep your PowerON button running, shel.. :wave:

Yea..I take short naps when I can to maintain my energy. Just a lot of walking and walking with my family and then having to get up early for work. They all can sleep in and get their rest in the mornings. lol
What's up with asian screennames lately? yeah I couldn't read their languages. :(
Well here it is. Hot and humid and I know in NJ the water is pretty warm for this time of year...I don't know about MD. lol

oh whoa - I didn't know you live in PA. For some odd reason - I thought you're in midwest. Sounds like you're close to NJ border???
Glad as heck I got over my flu (upset stomach, sore throat, fever) yesterday as I had to call to say I needed to be excused from work so I dont risk getting anyone at work sick if I was to appear there sick as well.. now only that sore throat a bit annoying but everything all fine.. and one more day till I leave for camping for a few days.. heheh..
Glad as heck I got over my flu (upset stomach, sore throat, fever) yesterday as I had to call to say I needed to be excused from work so I dont risk getting anyone at work sick if I was to appear there sick as well.. now only that sore throat a bit annoying but everything all fine.. and one more day till I leave for camping for a few days.. heheh..

Glad you are feeling better..

Sounds like fun.. Where are you going camping at?
oh whoa - I didn't know you live in PA. For some odd reason - I thought you're in midwest. Sounds like you're close to NJ border???

I'm right near Philly. I have family in OC. NJ though. :)
I'm right near Philly. I have family in OC. NJ though. :)

oh wow I go to Philly (1.5-2hrs) several times a year just for fun..... cuz of Geno's and Pat's :lol:

Philly went thru nice transformation compared to past.
oh wow I go to Philly (1.5-2hrs) several times a year just for fun..... cuz of Geno's and Pat's :lol:

Philly went thru nice transformation compared to past.

It is much better now! Which do u prefer Geno's or Pat's? I don't eat meat, but iit seems that my friends all prefer Pat's. :lol: I don't spend much time in Philly though...I can't stand the traffic!
Glad you are feeling better..

Sounds like fun.. Where are you going camping at?

Thanks, Babyblue.. I'm going camping at a park in my old hometown and also am helping out with demo derby work there to set up things and etc.. but most of all to have a relaxing time and etc.. I got my new tent ready and also the sleeping bag and the pillow (I forgot that pillow last time I went camping last year and had to borrow one from my 2nd brother and his wife) and the other thick blanket which would double as mattress fine enough *unless I get damn lucky and find a new air mattress that is roomy enough.. .*

SO am eager for the camping and then back to work on Sunday afternoon or so.. ahhh...been looking forward to the demo derby and camping for a month or so...
It is much better now! Which do u prefer Geno's or Pat's?
Geno's for cheesesteak and Pat's for french fries. Or was it other way around? :dizzy:

I don't eat meat,
BLASPHEMY! :mad2: You talk crazy :crazy:

but iit seems that my friends all prefer Pat's. :lol:
nom nom nom. I've gotta go to Philly soon!

I don't spend much time in Philly though...I can't stand the traffic!
oh yea tell me about it especially that notorious I-76 :roll:
Geno's for cheesesteak and Pat's for french fries. Or was it other way around? :dizzy:

Yeah, I always get cheese fries at Pat's. :)
BLASPHEMY! :mad2: You talk crazy :crazy:

nom nom nom. I've gotta go to Philly soon!

Yeah I need to get to South Street while it's nice weather!
oh yea tell me about it especially that notorious I-76 :roll:

Our 76 is better than LA! :lol:
:wave: great job!

I am so freakin' excited to have my laptop back! :dance2:

Glad as heck I got over my flu (upset stomach, sore throat, fever) yesterday as I had to call to say I needed to be excused from work so I dont risk getting anyone at work sick if I was to appear there sick as well.. now only that sore throat a bit annoying but everything all fine.. and one more day till I leave for camping for a few days.. heheh..

:ty:quirkylibra :)

Sharky, I sure hope you are feeling better and able to enjoy camping this weekend.
thank god tomorrow is friday... and almost 5 days left til I am 32.. yep my bday is almost here soon ugh it scares me that I'm getting old :P but it's just a number anyway good night to all of you ;)
thank god tomorrow is friday... and almost 5 days left til I am 32.. yep my bday is almost here soon ugh it scares me that I'm getting old :P but it's just a number anyway good night to all of you ;)

LOL in 3 yrs I will be *dramatically gasps* 40...it's all on how you feel. I don't feel old....until I look at my son...in the eye. *sniffle* lol
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