A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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this comment is about absolutely nothing
I can not believe the database is full of rubbish.
Enjoyed a nice lunch with my deaf buddy , I drank MtDew baja blast it was gooooood!:P
In less than two hours, I am going to meet my baby sister! :D
I cant believe how exhausted I am trying to do activities with my family and work. The humidity is getting to me.
I cant believe how exhausted I am trying to do activities with my family and work. The humidity is getting to me.

Hang in there and keep your PowerON button running, shel.. :wave:
I cant believe how exhausted I am trying to do activities with my family and work. The humidity is getting to me.

You should come cool off in Texas.....It's going to be 105 here Saturday 104 Sunday with high humigity to boot. But yes it is the humidity that sux. I have played golf and softball at above 110 in AZ and NV......That was a piece of cake because it is so dry
damn... im just thinking how long it has been since i was here last! so hello again!
Wirelessly posted

Aced my test :)
I hope my family decides to go to the beach on Friday..I am so in the mood for beach fun!
You should come cool off in Texas.....It's going to be 105 here Saturday 104 Sunday with high humigity to boot. But yes it is the humidity that sux. I have played golf and softball at above 110 in AZ and NV......That was a piece of cake because it is so dry

I grew up playing fast pitching softball tourneys in the middle of the summer in Phx, AZ and in the California deserts. Sometimes, the heat got to me, sometimes it didnt.
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