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  1. K

    I resent my family

    I work with a deaf girl and her family doesn't sign either. She is now 17 and we are both trying to teach her mom how to sign. The worst part is, they didn't send her to school when she was younger, so up until recently she only knew home signs. I have asked the family how they communicated...
  2. K

    17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today

    I still ride on sidewalks. It is illegal here in Ca., but unless someone complains, nothing happens.* I try to be courteous to people on sidewalks.* Have you been in crosswalks and had cars go around you?* As for your bike, take it back to Walmart.* Is the chain dry?* I was having a prob with my...
  3. K

    Dad back in hospital....

    Coolgirl you may be only 14, but you are kind and thoughtful beyond your years. Steph, I will pray for you and your dad too
  4. K

    17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today

    This area is not real friendly with cyclists.  Some of the roads have bike lanes halfway and then nothing. I still ride though. I ride on sidewalks too. It's fun and good exercise, right?
  5. K

    17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today

    I've been riding my bike to work every day and love it. Have done it off and on for years and had some problems. Some people throw things at cyclists. I've had salsa, water, soda thrown in my face and one time while I was riding over a bridge, one idiot hit me in the head with an egg!!! I...
  6. K

    Hearing From California

    This really is an awesome site. I have posted some things that people didn't like and they told me. I know this sounds weird, but I really do appreciate it when people do that. I've made some friends here and am very grateful to them. They have helped me through some bad times, so to all...
  7. K

    Hearing From California

    Yes I am. I'm north of Sacramento.
  8. K

    From Eastern Pennsylvnia anyone?

    I lived in Sunbury for a while. Where are you at?
  9. K

    Hearing From California

    What part of California are you from?
  10. K

    Hearing From California

    Welcome aboard
  11. K

    English lessons

    It's really great that some of you have families that are willing to read to you and learn sign. I work with a 17year old deaf girl whose family didn't even try to learn sign and never read to her!! I've asked them how they communicated with her and they said through writing. The problem is...
  12. K

    male or female here on AD?

    I am woman hear me snore
  13. K

    wouldn't want to make friend with someone who's not good with grammar english...

    The person the rejected that girl is an insensitive idiot. She is better off.
  14. K

    hi how are you>

    Welcome aboard
  15. K

    Happy Birthday to me!

    Happy birthday
  16. K

    Killer Lawnmower

    Too funny
  17. K

    Cell phone users outside U.S. secretly tracked

    It's funny this subject is up here. I just got a text from someone I don't know and it says something like thanks for supporting some event and ends with lets blow up Sac. I don't know what it's all about or who to call about it. Weird.
  18. K

    you dye hair? or never (natural)

    My dad is 82 and he just started getting really gray. He does not look or act his age
  19. K

    you dye hair? or never (natural)

    25 is young to start going gray. I bleach my hair sometimes. I have dark brown hair, so put the highlights in it. I have a friend at work who has been dying her hair for years because she also went gray at a young age. Sometimes she is blonde, redhead, brunette, never stripes though.
  20. K

    cleaning at home?

    Everytime I start to get rid of stuff, my dad gives me more. And then I have friends that store stuff here too. I hate it. One ex friend had stored a truck in my driveway for over a year. It was supposed to be here two months. Made me so mad. There was no motor in the truck, so couldn't...