Killer Lawnmower


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
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Yes, there was an attack of the killer lawnmower here last night.

It was a night like every night. Hot and steamy like a wet dream. Shortly before bed I stepped outside for a cigarette. Only this time there was something different. I looked into the front lawn and just beyond the light I saw two eyes staring coldy at me. Fright with fear, I quicly re-emerged into the house, hastily shutting the door before me.

I quickly beckoned for the head of the estate to come have a look (my dad), who came quickly at my call. He then cautiously opened the door to peer out with me close behind to help further investigate.

The two cold eyes were not moving, still yet we stepped closer for further observation. The first theory was that the two eyes belonged to coyote, smaller cousin to the wolf. The other was that it might be a black bear searching for food.

Once we stepped closer - we realized neither observation was correct. We turned to each other with looks of stupidity upon our faces. The moment was followed up by large bursts of laughter from the two of us. The two cold steely eyes turned out to be..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


The knobs on my daughter's toy lawnmower.

I've never felt quite so stupid in my life. :lol:
That is soooooooooo FUNNY! OMG! You may need to get rid of it or hide it! :lol:
LOL :D I had an attack of the killer jeep last night myself. We had a day of hard rain and late last night, I peered outside to see 2 eyes glowing at me (we have had bear sightings lately!) so we got the flashlight and stepped just outside the front door. Turned out that with all the rain, the knobs on the hubcap of boyfriend's jeep were glowing! :)
That's funny!

I like those stories where it leads everyone one way... until something is revealed at the end. ;)

Mod Note: Thread moved to correct location.
what's so funny? I don't get it. How is it funny when it turns out to be some toy?
what's so funny? I don't get it. How is it funny when it turns out to be some toy?
Dixie and her father thought it was some wild animal (coyote or bear) prowling on their property only to find it was something else.
Dixie and her father thought it was some wild animal (coyote or bear) prowling on their property only to find it was something else.

yea but.... it's not LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL to me. it's more like... :roll: