cleaning at home?


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May 14, 2008
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some people don't clean at home at all. i was watching the other day about people who don't clean their home. it leaves so messy and dust. all clothes and newspaper all over the place called clutter. clutter can lead to distraction and stressful or unhappy.

i remembered something about the lady who was on talk show. her house inside was way too much clutter everywhere and all over the place for 30 yrs. and all of her stuff sitting there for a long time and it's bad for the health because of mold. the clutter she have was dolls, shoes, clothes, jewelry and everything like 3,000 stuff or something all over the place. so, finally all of her stuff was gone and now it's cluttter-free. she couldn't let go of the stuff (OCD). someone helped her to get rid of it.

you need to get rid all of the stuff that you don't need, give it away to friends or goodwill or thrift or salavation or sell things on EBAY or craigslist. you can be clutter-free and space give you peace and feeling comfortable.
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Yes, I have seen some cluttered homes on TV with people having compulsive hoarding issues. They’re the ones with serious problems, having the inside of their homes and yards piled up with everything under the sun.

There is a difference between a normal collector/clutterer and hoarder. There are a lot of us who are either neat or untidy clutterers. For most of us, we collect favorite items, whatever it may be, which gives us enjoyment.
i MUST clean at my home cuz of i like fresh.. if i get sick , i dont clean til i get heal.. and if we go out of town on weekend then i clean on friday before we gone..
I like my home clean, but I like to collect too. I think maybe I have clean, cluttered home.
I used to collect clutters and now they drive me pretty soon we'll clean everything and donate, toss, etc out of our house. It makes me ugghhhh! So I realized the clutter make me that feeling...we'll start that pretty soon, I hope. I guess I can do it one at a one room at a time but it'll take me a while doing that...I already done with one closet downstairs, that's one is done! Next is storage room or my hubby's office..not sure which goes next!
Everytime I start to get rid of stuff, my dad gives me more. And then I have friends that store stuff here too. I hate it. One ex friend had stored a truck in my driveway for over a year. It was supposed to be here two months. Made me so mad. There was no motor in the truck, so couldn't drive it anywhere. Our relationship fell apart the beginning of May, so I had it towed to his house and I brought the rest of his junk to him. I guess I am just a sucker for helping people.
I am a neat freak and anal about everything being in their place. I CANT stand clutter, not even a small one. I used to be so bad about it and drive the others who lived with me crazy but I have worked on it and now, I am not as anal about it. Doesnt mean I dont have my days when I feel anxiety from a little clutter. I cant live in a house like the one you described it. I would feel chaotic inside which will leave me feeling unable to function.
i do clean house include kitchen because of roach and bugs on dishes and cups yuck! but i always put dishes and cups in washdishes machine everyday morning,afternoon and nights when wash start and my mom looks nice in kitchen and also clean stove,cabinet,etc in kitchen that why its so important for kitchen they wont bugs or roach get on dishes! my mom told me says MUST in washdishes all the times!

and also my rooms also sometimes quite mess but i always clean and vaccum but my closet little mess but i put books and video in separation boxes include Royals videos and Royals books also.

when i check cups,plates in my rooms and my mom's rooms please returns to kitchens but i always put my mom's plates and cups for her.

i always help my mom very much.
I also have this problem, not severely, I don't have heaps of stuff piled around, my home is pretty clean and neat. Not always super clean and neat, some times I need help to clean it because I can't see stains or dust very well, or if the floor needs mopped... so some times there might be some dust or a spot on the floor from a spill, but as far as neatness goes, I try not to let things pile up. (and actually prefer to be very organized

As for collecting things goes, I tend to want to keep everything that I can conceive a use for, right down to paper, plastic, twist ties...

For example, I like to keep envelopes from my mail, with the mail in them, neat and preserved, and I tend to prefer things be placed in them in the exact way that they came to me. The same with packages, and boxes from things I bought, I still have my DSL modem box with all the papers and booklets that came with it, the little bags, packing material, rubber bands and twist ties for the cords...

I also really like to organize the things which I 'collect', and some times it is hard to do it. Where will I store it, how will I sort it, should it be alphabetical, by size, by color, by category, by how likely I will need it again soon, and when... (things needed more often should be more accessible than things not needed very often).

Just a little insight to my strange habits. Haha.
My place's always clean. The only messy area is my workspace desk. I don't like dust so I have this dust cloth on my desk. I shed more hair than cat so i vacuum about twice a week. My car's always clean too. I don't get how people can drive with tons of garbages inside - UGH! CLEAN UP!
oh boy jiro i hate garabages in car EWW but i have to suffer to ride in keep my mouth shut
I am OCD about cleaning and organization until it is not even funny. I want everything in its place. And I want a place for everything.
i hired maid to clean my home. thats easy way to be hassle-free.