English lessons

Actully, I'm a whatever, just like you. But even moderators can't create new sections.

When the issue was raised, I also saw no harm in making the subform, and that's still my thinking. The positive comments in the poll that was taken greatly outnumbered the negative, but the forum was forgotten as other drama came along. Apathy wins again.

Why not make a thread in Creative Writing? Ask Chase or August? People can write in for help.
but no one reads Creative Writing.

and it wouldn't just be "creative writing" we would be helping with.
but no one reads Creative Writing.

and it wouldn't just be "creative writing" we would be helping with.

:topic: me. But please play our story game in Creative Writing. And I believe if anyone wants help, and see the thread in index, they can then find you.
but no one reads Creative Writing.

and it wouldn't just be "creative writing" we would be helping with.

If I remember correctly, August's argument (or similar) was posted in the discussion months ago. I agreed then and now that it's not the appropriate place.

At that time, "Creative Writing" was mostly posts of dashed-off poetry. Lots of it was blank verse where writers didn't polish their poems at all, nor really giving a hoot about spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

In my opinion, sticking all writing helps in "Creative Writing" is similar to sticking Religious discussion in the section for debates. It just encourages trouble, takes away from its real purpose, and effectively killed it. Too bad.
Read, read, read! i think its the best way for the deaf
kids to learn basic English skills..My parents always
encouraged me to read everything..newspapers, magazines,
books. I also had a few years of speech lessons which i
guess helped me to use proper English and also to speak.
I guess it helps since most people told me that i speak
very well for a deaf person.
I suspect that some deaf never had proper training in
proper usage of English language..If they would just
read and read, especially if they never had the opportunity to learn
when they were young.
I still read a lot these days.
Now some people just will never learn, why? Some people
has Aphasia..it means that part of the brain that controls speech
was damaged during birth or injury so therefore, they dont know
how to speak properly..their words are so messed up..like for
example: He says.."me lawnmow the yard" when he should say:
"Im going to mow the yard" Also he could say..i broom the floor,
when you should say 'I will sweep the floor". Aphasia is something
they cant help fix, not even speech lessons..It is a rare disability.
It's really great that some of you have families that are willing to read to you and learn sign. I work with a 17year old deaf girl whose family didn't even try to learn sign and never read to her!! I've asked them how they communicated with her and they said through writing. The problem is, she reads and writes at about a first grade level. She is just now learning to sign properly. I've been working with her mom for the last month trying to teach her some basic signs and it has been hard. At least now mom is trying to learn.
I also said it's a good idea.

Tousi is right about the use of such a section being a low priority for most members, but it could be a real help for those members (or their kids) writing papers for many high school and college classes (not just English).

I was very surprised at the resistance a few months ago. It was like, "Yeah, I'm ignorant about spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but that's the way I am and that's the way I'm gonna stay!"

Another reason cited for not wanting a writing helps section was that other members would make fun of poor writers. That excuse was the screwiest of all.
We've already got a "Creative Writing" forum. A lot of members use that for feedback on their writings.

Most of the forums in AllDeaf are based on general specific topics, not specific specific topics. If we were to keep creating specific specific topics, we would have hundreds or thousands of forums to deal with. Members would get lost trying to find the right place to put it. Moderators would get confused trying to figure out where to put it.

For instance, "The Closet". if we were to get too specific... we would have to create sub-forums for Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders, Bi-Sexual, and whatever else there is to create under that category.

What about "Current Events"? "Political News", "Stupid News", and "Deaf News" are pretty general. ("Deaf News" is important since this is a deaf forum.) Want more? Then we would have to create "Republican News", "Democratic News", "Iraq News", "Iran News"... then "Science News", "Entertainment News" (this is best left alone for the "Entertainment" section), etc.

We've already got a "Creative Writing" forum. A lot of members use that for feedback on their writings.

The flaw in the argument about "Creative Writing" being a diversified forum is that the title actually limits it and directs its posts. The same thing happened by listing "religion" in a debate forum. It directs the way the forum is viewed and used--as a battleground rather than a discussion of values. Then when debate gets out of hand, the anti-religious faction wins by the forum being closed.

The forum would fare better as "Writing," instead of its implied ownership by creative writers, especially those so quick to interpret creative license as "no rules apply."

Actually, when the few writing rules are understood and applied, it helps those having to read what we write.