17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today


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Apr 20, 2003
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Bicycling it isn’t always easy. Busy streets, honking horns, and inadequate city funding for bike lanes and paths can make bicycling an uphill battle. However, with green in the news, the economy in a slump, and summer on its way, it’s getting easier to find reasons why there are some 1.4 billion bicycles and only about 400 million cars in the world today.

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17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today : EcoWorldly
:ty: for post positive article.

Yes, bicycles are popular here in Germany... We have bicycle lanes everywhere in towns and some cities.

I use bicycle real a lot than before since gasoline prices go higher.
yea. i love biking ! it is fun to ride !

sadly some ppl in cars dont share the roads with us on bikes.
I haven't been bike riding for months... Reading that article makes me feel bad.
I've been riding my bike to work every day and love it. Have done it off and on for years and had some problems. Some people throw things at cyclists. I've had salsa, water, soda thrown in my face and one time while I was riding over a bridge, one idiot hit me in the head with an egg!!! I was wearing a helmet, but the egg hit me just below it. Hurt and I almost fell
:ty: for post positive article.

Yes, bicycles are popular here in Germany... We have bicycle lanes everywhere in towns and some cities.

I use bicycle real a lot than before since gasoline prices go higher.
Yeah, I noticed... Amsterdam has more bikers than London! After being in Amsterdam, it inspired me to buy a bike few years later eh.. I have ridden bicycles all my teenager years till I entered college (I left it at home! I should have brought it with me!)
i enjoyed to bike my mountain bike and BMX. True, some of people dont share road with cyclists on the street.

Often its happens to me, i would flip my middle finger to driver. Enough said.
Hmmm...Portland, Oregon is the most bicycle friendly city in the US. They have over 150+ miles of bicycle lanes and they're adding that to around 400+ miles in near future. I saw a lot of bicyclists in Portland when I visited there last month. I don't have a bicycle but I should get one someday in near future.
This area is not real friendly with cyclists.  Some of the roads have bike lanes halfway and then nothing. I still ride though. I ride on sidewalks too. It's fun and good exercise, right?
Too bad an average bicycle can't go as fast as cars can go. Most average bicyclist go around 15-20 mph while you can drive at 60+ mph. That's one of the disadvantages.
My friend added a ~66cc motor onto his bike. It runs well, and will get you from point A to point B quicker. But, I think the motor takes the fun out of riding a bike and developing your leg muscles and cardio. And, it would be hard to do wheelies with a motor..:)
This area is not real friendly with cyclists. Some of the roads have bike lanes halfway and then nothing. I still ride though. I ride on sidewalks too. It's fun and good exercise, right?

if the bike lane disappears, then fuck it. just ride in the traffic lane like all the other cars and let them slow down for you. they can't make you ride offroad. many times you can't even ride off the road because the dirt is too gravelly, the terrain is impossible, or you're too close to parked cars or a wall, etc.

you're also not legally allowed to ride on the sidewalk, at least in CA. i was watching youtube videos about hazards of cycling, and some dumb cunt got angry and said "these cyclists need to get off the road and start riding on the sidewalk, it was made for them!" nice try but no cigar, you dumbshit. i also watched many videos about asshole drivers that always cut off cyclists and don't obey traffic laws with them (if they did that shit with other cars it would cause a fatal accident), like to randomly honk their horns and yell at cyclists, and even throw food and beverages at them as they drive by.

last week i bought my first bike in about 7 years. it was a $100 Walmart piece of shit. oh well, i can't afford a $1000 bike right now. it's been acting up. while i ride, i occasionally feel a jolt and it sounds like the gears are changing when i didn't change them. i checked today, and it's not changing gears, so i really don't know what it's doing. i turned it upside down and gave it a try and when it moves into the low gears the chain has a tendency not to catch and keep getting stuck. :| also, it looks like the front wheel is way misaligned but i don't know how to fix it.

i've been riding it around the block, and jesus holy christ, i'm out of shape. there's just the slightest incline on my street, but by the time i ride around the block and pull into my driveway i'm ready to fall over.
Too bad an average bicycle can't go as fast as cars can go. Most average bicyclist go around 15-20 mph while you can drive at 60+ mph. That's one of the disadvantages.

Honestly, I never think about good/bad advantages on bicycle... I know there're most good advantages on bicycle is health and execrise.

I would use bicycle for travel 15 km to work if my both boys are not in school. It's my responsible to make sure that they go off to get the school bus before I have to leave for work which only 20 minutes drive to work. I know it would take me around one hour to arrive work place but I really don't have problem with that.

My work place will move to other base this year which only 5 minute away drive from my area mean that I will use bicycle daily. I can use bicycle when I see my boys off for get school bus then ride the bicycle for 20 minutes to work place. I am looking forward to it because of gasoline expenses.
Yeah, I noticed... Amsterdam has more bikers than London! After being in Amsterdam, it inspired me to buy a bike few years later eh.. I have ridden bicycles all my teenager years till I entered college (I left it at home! I should have brought it with me!)

Yes, true about Amsterdam and London... In London is diffcuilt to use bicycle due heavy traffic and no bicycle lanes. It's unsafety place in cities than countryside in England.

Yes, you should bring bicycle with you... it's good for you...:D
Yes, true about Amsterdam and London... In London is diffcuilt to use bicycle due heavy traffic and no bicycle lanes. It's unsafety place in cities than countryside in England.

Yes, you should bring bicycle with you... it's good for you...:D
College is over long time ago like 15 yrs ago LOL but I now have a bike, it is a mountain bike, which I have had for 8 yrs