This area is not real friendly with cyclists. Some of the roads have bike lanes halfway and then nothing. I still ride though. I ride on sidewalks too. It's fun and good exercise, right?
if the bike lane disappears, then fuck it. just ride in the traffic lane like all the other cars and let them slow down for you. they can't make you ride offroad. many times you can't even ride off the road because the dirt is too gravelly, the terrain is impossible, or you're too close to parked cars or a wall, etc.
you're also not legally allowed to ride on the sidewalk, at least in CA. i was watching youtube videos about hazards of cycling, and some dumb cunt got angry and said "these cyclists need to get off the road and start riding on the sidewalk, it was made for them!" nice try but no cigar, you dumbshit. i also watched many videos about asshole drivers that always cut off cyclists and don't obey traffic laws with them (if they did that shit with other cars it would cause a fatal accident), like to randomly honk their horns and yell at cyclists, and even throw food and beverages at them as they drive by.
last week i bought my first bike in about 7 years. it was a $100 Walmart piece of shit. oh well, i can't afford a $1000 bike right now. it's been acting up. while i ride, i occasionally feel a jolt and it sounds like the gears are changing when i didn't change them. i checked today, and it's not changing gears, so i really don't know what it's doing. i turned it upside down and gave it a try and when it moves into the low gears the chain has a tendency not to catch and keep getting stuck. :| also, it looks like the front wheel is way misaligned but i don't know how to fix it.
i've been riding it around the block, and jesus holy christ, i'm out of shape. there's just the slightest incline on my street, but by the time i ride around the block and pull into my driveway i'm ready to fall over.