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  1. M

    question to all parents

    I remember being lost in the mall when I was 5 yrs old. One of the scariest moments in my life.
  2. M

    First day of school for your did it go?

    Fortunately, I want to have offspring in the near future. 4 of em. :wave:
  3. M

    Show Us Your Car(s)

  4. M

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

    I made a really awesome picture for my gf. I'm sure she will love it when I give it to her. :D
  5. M

    Do You Dream In Sound or In Silence?

    I always dream in sounds and music.
  6. M

    Family events

    I usually annoy people cause I have a hard time following group convos. What works for me is being close to one that I understand well and paying attention to whoever's saying something at all times. If I miss something, I ask him or her what they said to keep up with the convo.
  7. M

    you plans get laptop,netbooks somedays??

    It's called marketing. They know that they're losing customers to Macs so they're gonna try every trick in the book to influence the population to buy their product. It's about money!!! I just wanted a high-end laptop for the lowest price and got one for $700. 2.2gHz dual-core, 256mb nVidia...
  8. M

    What are you thinking about?

    I thinking about my girl. I hope she's ok.
  9. M

    5 Stages of "Drunkness"

    Stage 6 - SHOCKED This is the last of the last stages of drunkenness. This is when you're puking at the toilet and then slowly starting to realize that none of the first 5 stages is true. And it seems like all of a sudden the universe is against you and there's no reason for it.
  10. M

    Men's Rules

    correction: "Women.... can't live with em, and without em." I'm pretty sure that I'll be the next guy to sleep on the couch tonight.
  11. M

    Foods that could trigger a nasty headache

    I don't get headaches from orange juice.
  12. M

    Optical illusions

    my eyes hurt...I think I'm gonna go take some painkillers and sleep.
  13. M

    Wish Gone Bad

    When the guy finds out he can't do it and whines to me. I'll say, "tough shit"
  14. M

    Optical illusions

    I remember showing one to my teacher in my color theory class. She got hooked on optical illusions ever since... Needless to say, she's always loved bright colors.
  15. M

    For guys only

    I'd take maternity leave to be with my family.
  16. M

    FTM (Female to Male) cartoon

    a sour note for the men lol. I wish for emotion, friends, and cleaning skills.
  17. M

    "Fitting" for a Woman's Love

    sound's like Cinderella gone wrong. ;) subliminal jokes are tough but you did well on that one.
  18. M

    "Full Catastrople Living" by Jon Kabat-Zinn

    Better time management, letting go of thing you control, a clean house, delineation of unimportant things, meditation, good music, feeling good about yourself and more "me time" helps a lot in dealing with stress. Finding out whats the cause of your stress is a very good step to take so that...
  19. M

    *it's a choice"

    I just happened to love women since I was a kid. Butts, yummy. Body, woah. Breasts, Yay! Pussy, I've died and gone into heaven. Eyes and Smiles, I melt faster than chocolate and pant like a wasted dog. Penis, wtf? It's a part of who I am. I have a best friend who is gay. He's so awesome like...