Search results

  1. Lantana

    Seattle Socials?

    Seattle Deaf Events Do you have a Yahoo Homepage? Just ask for deaf events for Seattle, Wa. and it will be set up for you and right on your home page each day.
  2. Lantana

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    Oh, sure, you are fooling yourself, Meggers. Every try to take a poll of your friends? (If you have any). Wake up and smell the coffee.
  3. Lantana

    Chastity Bono

    I admire C. Bono for being who she is. She does not owe anyone anything. I think she learned from her mother that "glamour" is artificial and intolerable. Good for her!
  4. Lantana

    "Nevermind".....THAT word!!

    Being "you" is not always acceptable. Trust me. Saying "nevermind" to a deaf person who is having a problem understanding the conversation is the ultimate insult. Everyone has a "handicap" of some kind and believe me many of us need to take a good look at our own tolerance of those who...
  5. Lantana

    What is your middle name?

  6. Lantana

    Are oral dhh folks hypocrites?

    It is a known fact that "oral" deafies are lonely and unsatisfied people. But it is up to them to realize this and act accordingly. Using ASL is not "dumb". Those days are gone forever! Heck, even the grocery checker at Safeway knows how to say "Thankyou" in ASL! Those of you who...
  7. Lantana

    Pet Names

    We have a purebred Bengal cat named Kula. We named her Kula after a town in Maui, where you can see the sun rise and set over the ocean. We love this town and hope to live there one day. Our Solomon Island Eclectus parrot is "Lenny" because that was his name when we got him. He was 9...
  8. Lantana

    Are oral dhh folks hypocrites?

    I can see your point and do agree with you DD. However too many of these "oralists" are impossible to understand. My husband is hearing and he is very embarassed when oralists try to speak to him and are unintelligible. Too many oralists have no control over their voices. They would be...
  9. Lantana

    Looking for a Boston

    Hello, Nancy, so we meet again. I just wanted to add that animals have a way of paying you back in double for rescuing them from the animal shelter. My husband adoped a cat there, and she is precious and looks at my husband like she adores him! A very special feline, we love her dearly...
  10. Lantana

    What are the pitfalls of being a deaf parent of hearing kids?

    Do not judge until you have walked a mile in their moccasins. I think the ELDERLY deaf take more advantage of their hearing children than the younger adults do. I know many CODAS with elderly deaf parents who are stuck taking them to doctors appointments, etc. If the assistant living...
  11. Lantana

    Are oral dhh folks hypocrites?

    I know of some very lonely and socially immature oral deaf. It is sad, really. No excuse for it.
  12. Lantana

    Florida - no state tax?

    Washington resident speaking: You are right, Washington State has no income tax. But they have sales tax and ALL of the other taxes, all except income tax. So, what about it?
  13. Lantana

    How to deal with hearing people who become deaf? Baby boomers getting older.

    Great thread! My husband is one of these. Hearing all of his life, now he is 69 years old and VERY HOH. He does not Sign, because I have good speech and am an excellent lipreader, but the way he is now, there is very little communication, unless I repeat over and over and even then he...
  14. Lantana

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a deaf person using their voice. Being asked if you "have a cold" is because you talk thru your nose, like other deafies. There is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a FACT. "Deaf accent"?? Whoa! That is just a fancy way of saying that you speak like a...
  15. Lantana

    Lion Cut

    Yes, Lion Cuts are the rage here too for long haired cats. I do not see the point myself, sounds like a big waste of money unless you do it yourself!
  16. Lantana

    Can someone explain what the fuck is happening here?

    'Don't know -- care less.
  17. Lantana

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    Speaking WELL and speaking NORMALLY are two different things. Deafies who think they speak normally are fooling themselves. I went deaf when I was 10 years old and I have a very strong voice, but I know it is a deaf voice and have accepted that. I have a close friend that went deaf...
  18. Lantana

    DVD Players

    I am one of the few people in the world who has yet to purchase a DVD player. Any suggestions? I have heard that Pioneer is good.
  19. Lantana

    Innocent "Deaf Quote" - Offensive to Hearing People?

    Well the quote is kind of stupid and immature, you will have to agree.
  20. Lantana

    Who is older member here ?

    Oldest Member Here Well I guess that leaves me. I am 72 years old, 08/08/1933. Is that a challenge? I am definately not senile, trust me, and can give you a run for your money! :bye: