Florida - no state tax?


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Florida has no state tax?


And they wanted us Taxpayers to bail them out during hurricane?

Alaska, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming have no state income tax???

Washington resident speaking: You are right, Washington State has no income tax. But they have sales tax and ALL of the other taxes, all except income tax.

So, what about it?
We used to be residents of Florida. No state income tax--it was wonderful! No sales tax on groceries--great!

Now we live in South Carolina. State income tax, sales tax on everything, property tax (house), personal property tax (cars)--ugh!
States with no state income taxes is no big deal. It all evens out with other taxes to make up for it. Sure, there are states where you get the best of all worlds but not by a tremendous amount. On the other hand, there are states that are just plain tax happy and makes it harder to live there (i.e., New York and Massachusetts).

Take New Hampshire (has no state income taxes), property taxes are outrageous and quite well make up for the missing state income taxes.
Right.. my bf live in wyoming and he had to pay high taxes on personal property compare to Ark.. its cheap? only 17 dollars per year... when in wy0 pay more than that.. yikes!!! I pay taxes on everything in Ark.. so that made sense to me.. ha.. no big deal..
Miss*Pinocchio said:
why other states have to pay state taxes...

I don't get it?

I just comes down to the history of that state, the people and how taxes evolved over time.

Just remember taxes are how states get revenue to take care of all the things that states are supposed to do for it's citizens. Whether they do a state income tax or not, is totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.
No income tax and sale tax in Florida? :jaw:

No Wonder, why they need our support... :roll:
More likely that is because of corporation taxes is really heavy down there. Especially tourism industry where they pay most of the share of the taxes. How clever Florida is!

Nevada don't have much taxes, BUT they make alot money from casino business!

Speaking of Alaska, government is really making money off from oil business! Also they have heavy hotel and fish taxes up there.

I personally opposed to taxes UNLESS condition is true, that government manages money just like everybody else. Government does not do their budget very well, and that is what pissed me off.

Liebling:-))) said:
No income tax and sale tax in Florida? :jaw:

No Wonder, why they need our support... :roll:
Liebling:-))) said:
No income tax and sale tax in Florida?
Florida has a sales tax. They just don't tax groceries (food).
Washington state has no state income tax because the tax system is different. The sales tax is high on goods (food no sales tax). Property tax is generally high. Gas tax/car tab tax for traportation/infrastructure improvements.

In Oregon has high state income tax (yes higher than California's state income tax).
They have no sales tax, but have high property taxes. The state to state tax system varies...
I remember a few years ago, my friends and I traveled to visit soonerseth in Oklahoma and we stopped to get some groceries in Texas, I noticed that it didn't charge for tax I was like :eek:
watch your pocket or purse

No Taxes huh, if you are not watching, maybe your wallet or purse gets lighter?! :ugh: