Search results

  1. Lantana

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    It is a good idea not to fool yourselves. Once you have been deaf for awhile, your speech deteriorates. I went deaf during the month of May and by December, my family could hear the difference. If you wish to concentrate on speech and neglect everything else, well good luck. Do the best...
  2. Lantana

    Need info on Hearing Dogs!!!

    Buy yourself a doorbell and phone notifying system. They do not eat or get sick.
  3. Lantana

    which wedding dress store??

    My one and only suggestion is to use the money you would have spent on a wedding to purchase a home for yourself and your future spouse.
  4. Lantana

    What kind of animal do you have?

    Pets, etc. We have a Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot from the New Zealand area named Lenny. He is almost 12 years old. And here at home we have Kula, a purebred Begal female who will be 9 years old in April. At our farm in Washington State we have 2 grey spotted tabbies adopted from the...
  5. Lantana

    Unwanted christmas gifts?

    Can't you have a little chat with your mom? Tell her you would much rather have a gift certificate from your favorite store. I am sure she will be happy to know what makes YOU happy and satisfied. I am a grandmother many times over and I have learned over the years that gift certificates...
  6. Lantana

    deaf or hearing friends

    Great subject! I am glad you brought it up. I probably have an equal number of hearing and deaf friends. 'Because of the communication problems, of course it is more comfortable to be with your own kind -- deaf -- however sometimes deafies do not satisfy my need for intellectual...
  7. Lantana


    Poms I feed my parrot, Lenny one fourth of a Pom each day. He loves them! At our local supermarket they are 2/$3.00. They are expensive because the season is short, -- November to January -- and then it is all over. I use Bi-O-Kleen to get the stain out of the carpet, etc...
  8. Lantana

    Does Anyone Still Use Dial Up?

    Please do not feel inferior because you have a dialup connection! At least you have a connection! DSL, Cable, etc is expensive and many folks cannot afford that. Too many deafies feel that they have to keep up with the Jones's. Hang in there guys, better days are to come.
  9. Lantana

    Nicely balanced news article

    Boult, so nice to see you! I wanted you to know that I have an appointment with a CI doctor and will post accordingly. I have had to cancel once, due to bad weather, trees down, debris on the road, etc. But I am finally going to find out just what my options are! Thanks for your...
  10. Lantana

    Need help with your VP???

    What about if you have a network to another computer in your home?
  11. Lantana

    Vote on Gay Marriage

    I will have to do a little research but I am pretty sure that here in Oregon, Domestic Partners can share Medical Insurance. I do not know about the rest of it, but it is worth looking into. Oregon is always first to allow the odd-laws, like physician assisted suicide, etc.
  12. Lantana

    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    JW kicking people out :bsflag: I live in an area where there are alot of JW. Some deaf, mostly hearing, (tho to give them credit, most of them sign!). I know for a fact that some of my deaf friends have been kicked out of the church for living with their boyfriends outside of marriage...
  13. Lantana

    why people extend stay at Gally?

    Have you ever heard of "Professional Students"? As long as SSI, SDI, Welfare, and Rehab are alive and well, there will always be Professional Students.
  14. Lantana

    On Thanksgiving, we......

    What woman has time for GAMES on Thanksgiving? The games are for the rest of the family, while the Mom works her tail off. Creating a big meal is a huge and very tiring job that many young people today have not yet mastered. I told my kids that it was time for the younger generation to...
  15. Lantana

    Hi Everyone

    Hello friend. I am on the Oregon Coast and yes, I am/was a deaf parent, tho my kids are adults now. They are happy and successful people, I am happy to say. Now I am a parent to a parrot and a female Bengal cat. 'And to my hubby, of course.
  16. Lantana

    Thanksgiving Tragedy

    Hmm, reminds me of when I put fake ants in my daughter's salad. I don't think she thought it was funny!
  17. Lantana

    Me and Sweetheart on Thanksgiving day

    'Glad to "meet" you at last! What beautiful rosey cheeks! A very lovely couple and you look comfortable with one another.
  18. Lantana

    1973 v 2006

    If a woman wants an abortion, she will get one, whether or not it is legal. Remember the days of wire coat hangars!
  19. Lantana

    Black Friday

    God Bless Target! Such a cheerful store, so clean and with decent bathrooms. I love shopping at Target, even tho we do not have one here. Whenever we can (when we go to the city to the doctor) we stop at Target, then have lunch at The Red Lobster!
  20. Lantana

    Vote on Gay Marriage

    I am confused about this issue. What is the difference between "gay marriage" and a "domestic partnership"? Here in Oregon we have the Domestic Partnership and it appears to work well. Why get married, just to get a divorce? I am straight, but if I had my druthers, I would go for a...