I never went to the Black Friday. Today, just its after
Black Friday.
I don't like to wake up morning, because I would be crabby, or became a
rebellous! If
for example, If I would went/go to the shopping at Black Friday, I don't want to be rebellous such as pushing someone away,
or throwing things at someone!
Oh, no. I feel sorry for you.
I heard a word on this thread that Pacman said that, "I'm sick of one man who pushes me then pushes him again and crashed on shelves. The employee asked him to leave and he's refused then security got him out of store." Hey,
Pacman, it's good to have an advice to know. So, after that I learned
about the way; I don't wanna to be experience in my life that when
someone would be pushed my mom or me.
I rather to be sleeping in the morning!

It should been stay in a dream... I love dreaming, I hate if my dream
had everything wonderful in my dream, but it would be broken
my dream, then after its has been broken
I will make my crabby when I woke up!
I will saying anything with profanity about something to my mother.

It's great idea for me, I won't go to Black Friday.
I had a experience for my mother for the first time
for shopping in 2001.
Meanwhile, I had a sleepover at my friend's house in Northern Minnesota on
Gamecube Launch Day: My mom had to go the store, but not for Black Friday; during the
launch day for Gamecube in 2001, she waited in the line
for stores open, my mother was shivering, cold, and stand
in the line, and she bought for me. After that, my mother went to
my friend's house for pick me up, and my mother showed
the new console of Nintendo's Gamecube. I remember that it was
a great day for my Sunday after leaving the Church for answering
to God & Jesus for being myself for my mother
bought it for me then praying really worked. Thanks God for my mother was striving hard for me. Because my mother love me too much.
:topic: I am sorry to have something to say that.
After that, she entered my friend's house, my mother told me, "I almost get a speeding ticket, a cop never give
a ticket, because my mother was beautiful, attractive, sexy so he would not give a ticket for my mother. I am serious! I am very fortunately for
my mother! Thanks God, because I was attending the church
for God protect her from a speeding ticket and my mother
gave my wonderful gift... a Gamecube! But yet, I didn't say
about anything about speeding ticket, or protecting my mom
from ticket until my mother told me when I was at my friend's home
after leaving the church. That's all!