Your identity Your attitude

I don't think I said anywhere that these factors all had to be perfect, or that all standards were necessary here. College matriculation is extremely important, because there is absolutely no use to learn advanced courses or make a legal argument if you are not looking to use it for professional life.

I understand that with your academic shortcomings you are going to have a different view on what school is for. Please do not try to act like your views are appropriate for everyone, especially those who are academically capable of it. I am not advocating my views on everyone either, but for Ms. Katz I think my criteria for a good school best describe why many deaf schools would not work out.

Academic shortcomings.... I have to blast you for making me spew tea all over my computer. Damn...
I don't think I said anywhere that these factors all had to be perfect, or that all standards were necessary here. College matriculation is extremely important, because there is absolutely no use to learn advanced courses or make a legal argument if you are not looking to use it for professional life.

I understand that with your academic shortcomings you are going to have a different view on what school is for. Please do not try to act like your views are appropriate for everyone, especially those who are academically capable of it. I am not advocating my views on everyone either, but for Ms. Katz I think my criteria for a good school best describe why many deaf schools would not work out.

You still don't get it. College matriculation is perhaps important for you, but it is not a criteria for all students, nor does it predict the success of that particular school.

Academic short comings?:laugh2: Coming from someone who has not even graduated from high school, that is too funny! You really need to work on your insults. Right now you are just coming across as a egotistical little punk that no one takes seriously!:laugh2:
It was your words that the standards of a deaf school are the same as standards of a public school, and those standards are wholly designed for preparation to college (though they do a bad job at it).

You may call me a HS runt, because I am, however I am auditing full time in MIT, taking class for example Topology class, which is no joke, and Stanford EPGY. I have read in various posts from you about your algebra skills. I am rally curios what actual credentials you have besides for being about four times my age, and equally immature. If your arguments had any merit, they would be consistent and you wouldn't constantly be retorting your classic phrase
Give it time.

I don't think college matriculation is for everyone, and it certainly is not critical to succeeding in life, and on the contrary many college students fail at life. For Miss Katz's needs, college appears to be an important element, and she is capable of it. I dislike how you mock college matriculation, when we are talking about the qualities of a school for Katz.
It was your words that the standards of a deaf school are the same as standards of a public school, and those standards are wholly designed for preparation to college (though they do a bad job at it).

You may call me a HS runt, because I am, however I am auditing full time in MIT, taking class for example Topology class, which is no joke, and Stanford EPGY. I have read in various posts from you about your algebra skills. I am rally curios what actual credentials you have besides for being about four times my age, and equally immature. If your arguments had any merit, they would be consistent and you wouldn't constantly be retorting your classic phrase

I don't think college matriculation is for everyone, and it certainly is not critical to succeeding in life, and on the contrary many college students fail at life. For Miss Katz's needs, college appears to be an important element, and she is capable of it. I dislike how you mock college matriculation, when we are talking about the qualities of a school for Katz.

I talk with a person from Harvard, other from MIT, other from Cornell... And to this day I still am not impressed.

So for YOU to say "I am auditing classes at MIT" I am not impressed at all. Want to impress me? Solve the energy crisis then we will go from there, child.
It was your words that the standards of a deaf school are the same as standards of a public school, and those standards are wholly designed for preparation to college (though they do a bad job at it).

You may call me a HS runt, because I am, however I am auditing full time in MIT, taking class for example Topology class, which is no joke, and Stanford EPGY. I have read in various posts from you about your algebra skills. I am rally curios what actual credentials you have besides for being about four times my age, and equally immature. If your arguments had any merit, they would be consistent and you wouldn't constantly be retorting your classic phrase

I don't think college matriculation is for everyone, and it certainly is not critical to succeeding in life, and on the contrary many college students fail at life. For Miss Katz's needs, college appears to be an important element, and she is capable of it. I dislike how you mock college matriculation, when we are talking about the qualities of a school for Katz.

Wrong. I said state mandated curriculum, not standards. I guess that is w here you became confused. Anytime you read something other that what was written, it leads to confusion on the part of the reader.

This thread is not about anyone in particular. Something else that you are confused about.