Will my daughter be accepted in the Deaf Community w/ a CI?

I completely sgree with the tool box mentaltiy. As you know, I also agree with teaching a deaf kid sign.

BTW, What the hell is "hearing on forehead"? Never heard that one. I assume there is a sign that is placed on the forehead of the signer and it is a pretty derogatory one. So can anyone describe what the sign is?
I completely sgree with the tool box mentaltiy. As you know, I also agree with teaching a deaf kid sign.

BTW, What the hell is "hearing on forehead"? Never heard that one. I assume there is a sign that is placed on the forehead of the signer and it is a pretty derogatory one. So can anyone describe what the sign is?

Yep, it is derogatory one. It is to put a deaf person down simply because that deaf person hasnt embraced deaf culture values in their lives. It is very hurtful but in any culture there will always be people who put other people down so like I said before, I am not gonna stress about it anymore. I had hearing people call me "deaf and dumb" and then later have deaf people call me "hearing". I figured I cant win so who gives a shit? LOL!
I completely sgree with the tool box mentaltiy. As you know, I also agree with teaching a deaf kid sign.

BTW, What the hell is "hearing on forehead"? Never heard that one. I assume there is a sign that is placed on the forehead of the signer and it is a pretty derogatory one. So can anyone describe what the sign is?

I think the word for the "hearing on forehead" is Audist/Audism...not sure. But I really hate that sign, it is very rude. What it basically means is that "you're deaf who is a "hearing" wannabe...or "you can't hear but you're not really 'Deaf' because you speak and don't sign". Hope that makes sense.
Yep, it is derogatory one. It is to put a deaf person down simply because that deaf person hasnt embraced deaf culture values in their lives. It is very hurtful but in any culture there will always be people who put other people down so like I said before, I am not gonna stress about it anymore. I had hearing people call me "deaf and dumb" and then later have deaf people call me "hearing". I figured I cant win so who gives a shit? LOL!

Fuck them, just be yourself! :)
I am a hearing parent of a 1 year old daughter who is deaf. After a lot of thought and prayer, we have decided to get her a Cochlear Implant so that she may function more easily in the hearing community and with our family, which is all hearing. However, I still want her to learn ASL, as well as our immediate family, and whatever extended family is willing and able. I have just started taking an ASL college course, and am LOVING everything that I am learning about the Deaf community. And the more I learn of the language, the more sure I am that it is the right choice to still use this language, as it will always be more comfortable for my daughter than English. My concern is: Will she be accepted in the Deaf community if she has a CI? I know there is a debate over the surgery, and I would hate to have it keep her from the culture she was born into. What are your thoughts? Do I have anything to worry about?

Yea, same with Lilly's dad...

It depends on deaf people's personal that accept with CI or not, also more deaf people would realize that CI is part of deaf community then they would accept that. For me, I'm accept CI to be part of deaf community, same with HA. Not just for CI, some deaf people are against on HA and oral language.

I would take deal with other students that who don't get along with CI users then they will get over it.
At Gally, I will confront on other students if tell me to not use oral language.

I know about some of oral language and easier to communicate with employees at places, such as store, mall, fast food, club and other place to visit. Same with lip reading too.

I'm still work on oral language and lip reading.
thank you jazzy! that was my point.....there's a huge diffy in sound quality between hoh and hearing. It's like.......the sound quality that deaf people can hear is one dimensional, the sound quality that hoh folks can hear is two dimensional and the sound quality that hearing people hear is more lke three dimensional. It really doesn't have too much to do with dcb level. I can hear at 10dcb with my hearing aids, but the difference between that and nautral sound is like the difference between the computer animation in Polar Express (which looks very realistic, but still obviously animation) and live action.
There's a really good piece by Oliver Sacks(in an Anthopolgist From Mars) about a blind guy who had an operation to regain his sight.He did regain his sight, but the sight he got back, wasn't what we think of as sight. It was more of a blind/low vision person's idear of sight. Although that piece was about sight, it very well could have been about a dhh person's idear of hearing.
There's also the fact that there's a huge range of hearing abilty with the CI, just like there's a huge range of hearing abilty with traditional hearing aids! (from awareness of just enviormental sound to "almost hearing" and every hearing level in between!)
Its interseting that use use the 1,2, and 3 deminsions to describe sound. Last month I went to a forum on bilateral, bimodal hearing. A lady that spoke described her hearing in the same way. With HA it was 1 deminsional, 1 ci was 2D, bilat CI was 3D. She used the example of going to the symohony. With ha it was kind of pointless to go because she couldnt hear well enough to hear, let alone understand and enjoy the music. Wit 1 CI she could hear, and enjoy the music. If I remember correctly, she said she could feel the music through sound. With the bilat CI, She could experience the music. She could hear the "different layers of sound that combined to make beautiful sounds". I just thought the 3d comparison was interesting because it is also used on the opposite side of the coin.