Why the World Hates the US?

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Liebling:-))) said:
Not really, Everyone aware that Americans are furious against Bush and want to stop war. We withnessed from the media and TV... I never heard the word "How brave or Held, Bush is to fight for America or Americans admire Bush as held etc". All what I know is Americans don´t want war except the Republicans who support war.
I don't think Europeans are seeing both sides of the story on their TV news.
US is spoiled... very very very spoiled.. that's what makes us a brat and big-headed! I can deffy understand why other countries would think of us like that.
RebelGirl said:
US is spoiled... very very very spoiled.. that's what makes us a brat and big-headed! I can deffy understand why other countries would think of us like that.
In what way is the US spoiled?
I am not an American but I do not think the US is spoiled :dunno:
ButterflyGirl said:
In what way is the US spoiled?
I am not an American but I do not think the US is spoiled :dunno:

the way our lives are.. the way we eat, what we drive, ssi and ssd is what's making people take advantage of and they are capable of working... etc there's a lot more
RebelGirl said:
the way our lives are.. the way we eat, what we drive, ssi and ssd is what's making people take advantage of and they are capable of working... etc there's a lot more

And the Europeans are not? They have a better social security net than we do and they take every advantage of it. Let me see six weeks of vacation, low cost health care, more or less guaranteed job security. Unfortunately for them, the system has been showing strains and is now starting to crack and they are wringing their hands at the changes they must do to fix it up. Guess what? They are using us as a model in some of those things. One example is unemployment benefits...they pretty much guarantee a lifetime of benefits. This is slowly changing in the direction we took by saying to folks...nothing lasts forever...get a job!

Question is it depends on your POV and the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence.
sr171soars said:
And the Europeans are not? They have a better social security net than we do and they take every advantage of it. Let me see six weeks of vacation, low cost health care, more or less guaranteed job security. Unfortunately for them, the system has been showing strains and is now starting to crack and they are wringing their hands at the changes they must do to fix it up. Guess what? They are using us as a model in some of those things. One example is unemployment benefits...they pretty much guarantee a lifetime of benefits. This is slowly changing in the direction we took by saying to folks...nothing lasts forever...get a job!

Question is it depends on your POV and the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence.

You get some of wrong information. :)

I will make my post later. I am doing with my job here and then post later in the evening.
Reba said:
Military people get SGLI (Servicemen's Group Life Insurance).

They get free medical care while on active duty. After they are discharged, they can use VA hospital services for free or low cost.

If a reservist is activated and sent overseas, the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act protects their property from foreclosure proceedings while they're gone.

If a military person becomes permanently disabled while on active duty, he/she will receive a life-long monthly pension and medical care.

While on active duty, he/she gets paid a tax-exempt housing allowance. Whether or not that covers the cost of a mortgage depends on the cost of the house the person owns.

I'm not sure if this answers all your questions but I hope it gives you some information.

Of course, whatever pay and "benefits" military people get, it's never enough for the sacrifices they make.

Thank you for your clear explanation, Reba !
Reba said:
I don't think Europeans are seeing both sides of the story on their TV news.

It sound to me that you support war and don't bother to listen Americans who protest against war. Of course Americans are not only one who protest against war but other countries as well. Yes, we have seen both sides and disagree with US polities/Republicans on war issues because I'm not for war and revenage against other countries.

"Revenage" doesn't solve anything but worst.
Reba said:
Military people get SGLI (Servicemen's Group Life Insurance).

They get free medical care while on active duty. After they are discharged, they can use VA hospital services for free or low cost.

If a reservist is activated and sent overseas, the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act protects their property from foreclosure proceedings while they're gone.

If a military person becomes permanently disabled while on active duty, he/she will receive a life-long monthly pension and medical care.

While on active duty, he/she gets paid a tax-exempt housing allowance. Whether or not that covers the cost of a mortgage depends on the cost of the house the person owns.

I'm not sure if this answers all your questions but I hope it gives you some information.

Of course, whatever pay and "benefits" military people get, it's never enough for the sacrifices they make.

I recall that one - "Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act." There was a foreclose house a few blocks away when he was sent to Iraq. I don't know what happen to him, and he might have killed or still in active in the war. I really do not know if a small real estate broker or auctioneer broke the law. Does this act law really work?

I watched 20/20 news last spring, and there are very few soldiers receive better health benefits than other soldiers because they passed the front line where the zone was dangerous for them to be in the area. The other soldiers who are behind or out of the zone have less health benefit when they are seriously injuried - It is hard for me to believe it. That's what the reporters said on the 20/20.
RebelGirl said:
the way our lives are.. the way we eat, what we drive, ssi and ssd is what's making people take advantage of and they are capable of working... etc there's a lot more
The way we eat? What we drive? What do you mean by that?
They have richer foods and fancy cars in several other countries too.

SSI and SSD are good for people who cannot get a job due to a disability but I do agree that there are some people who take advantage out of it but these are the ones who are lazy and they really should get a job. Not only here in USA but also in some other countries there are some people who are too lazy to get a job.

By the way, these are not the reasons why most Muslim countries hate the USA so much.
RebelGirl said:
US is spoiled... very very very spoiled.. that's what makes us a brat and big-headed! I can deffy understand why other countries would think of us like that.

I believe that Saudi Arab is far worst than US. Most Saudi Arabians are much worst spoil and extremely wealthy especialy lazy. It is a biggest mistake that US goverment depends on Arab's oil. U.S. is supposed to invest alternative energy (solar/windpower) and hybrid vehicles.

Bush is the one that made him extremely spoiled and he has best friend - the leader of Arab who invested in stock with him years ago. That made oil industrials very rich.

Some Republicans really don't get the point that we have so much air pollution and poison environments in our country. That's why it is not working between the parties - Demo, Repub, and Green party. It is all about money that upper class really care... than anything else. That's why the upper class is very spoiled. Many middle and low classes are stuck dealing with their money for rest of their life - i.e. mortgages and debts.

I still believe that the Canada and European's system are much better than our system because our system have so many corruptions.

It has nothing to do with SSI and others. It is the one that we know is the government because it is not telling the truth because they control our money system. The "government" is just simple tells people that SS and SSI have so many problem - that is not the case yet. The government gave away billions of dollars to Iraq. Do we have that billions of dollars before the wars? That's something that we have to think about.
Liebling:-))) said:
You get some of wrong information. :)

I will make my post later. I am doing with my job here and then post later in the evening.

I'll be glad to corrected on whatever you meant by wrong information... ;)

Here is a link about my remarks on unemployment benefits (maybe I should have said welfare instead.....) Economist - Tough Love

Perhaps the average joe doesn't get six weeks leave and nice health care benefits...but I'm sure the better employed do...of course things may have changed since I read up on them...
webexplorer said:
I believe that Saudi Arab is far worst than US. Most Saudi Arabians are much worst spoil and extremely wealthy especialy lazy.

Yep, they are really bad. It is beneath most of them to work any blue collar job. That is why they have guest workers from other places to do this for them. In fact, they got to the point not long ago that there were more guest workers then they were Saudis. That forced them to rethink some of their policies but it has been a hard slough because the average Saudi doesn't want to work with their hands. This is a consequence of their oil wealth over the years...

webexplorer said:
It is a biggest mistake that US goverment depends on Arab's oil. U.S. is supposed to invest alternative energy (solar/windpower) and hybrid vehicles.

No argument from me on this. Unfortuately, people being people the world over...they prefer the easy route than think things through and here we are... Blame goes all around both to the political leadership and to the rest of America. I guess we are making up for this stupidity now... :whistle:
diehardbiker65 said:
My thread about 9-11, Im not ready to discuss more details, but it is rather startling. I found out more than that. Some of you like to blame on others, but what I just learned is really interesting... I really don't think Bush is behind the 9-11. Just his pure enemies that is behind this mess. Be careful when it comes to evidences. Sometime evidence can be altered to fool everybody.
I don't either think Bush is behind the attacks on the twin World Trade Center however, he knew there was a plan of attack before Sept. 11th and did nothing to prevent that, he decide to ignored the threaten like it will never exit, when the day came, look how fregging calm he was during the whispering of what being said, when America was under attacked. I've seen that footage so many times after the attack on the twin towers. If I was President Bush, I would got off my ass in a heart beat and inform the teacher quietly that I have an emergency that I have to attend.

I still don't see why we have to go after Saddam, and not after al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden? How did the hijackers got on American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77, United Airlines Flight 93 with no problems? Bush should have took care of securities that are needed before Sept. 11th if he knew there was a plan of attack, How come many times we've been attacked and nothing been done to prevent it? We could have done better, instead of moving forward like nothing ever happened. That what pissed me off the most.
Reba said:
I don't think Europeans are seeing both sides of the story on their TV news.
Liebling is correct, Bush never asked us if we want the war, those who vote for Bush for the second time for a President are the ones who support the war. That made me so sick to my stomach, How can people vote for Bush and support a war that has nothing to do with Sept. 11th! Osama bin Laden was responsible, he was the one who carried out the attacked on America. The way I see it, It seems like nobody really cared the lives that died that day on Sept. 11th. (shaking my head)
Cheri said:
Liebling is correct, Bush never asked us if we want the war, those who vote for Bush for the second time for a President are the ones who support the war. That made me so sick to my stomach, How can people vote for Bush and support a war that has nothing to do with Sept. 11th! Osama bin Laden was responsible, he was the one who carried out the attacked on America. The way I see it, It seems like nobody really cared the lives that died that day on Sept. 11th. (shaking my head)
I felt the same way when Bush won his second term as a President. The war in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks to search for Bin Laden and his al-Qaeda was enough. The war in Iraq was not necessary and it is still going on :(
guido said:
As anti-Imperialist as I am, I have to say this: Oil could not possibly be the motive for invading Afghanistan. It is not an oil rich nation, by far. Although, I'm sure there is more to it than "the Taliban is harboring Osama bin Laden," oil is not it. So therefore I can conclude that many of these other statements are nothing more than speculation and skewed facts.
My understanding if the Afganastan situation is that we were there to defeat the Taliban which were supporters of terrorist groups and also provided a safe haven for them. Additionally, it was kind of a boot camp for training terrorists. That definatly had to be stopped.
Liebling:-))) said:
It sound to me that you support war and don't bother to listen Americans who protest against war.
That's the problem. Europeans see only the negative news about America, and the protests. They don't realize that the protesters are a very small percentage of the population. Protesting is more "newsworthy" so it gets more coverage. News about people supporting the military, or showing the positive things that happen, don't get covered because those stories are "boring."

...Republicans on war issues because I'm not for war and revenage against other countries.
War against terrorism is not a Republican issue, and war against terrorism is not about revenge. See, that's what I mean about not getting the whole story.

"Revenage" doesn't solve anything but worst.
It's not about "revenge".

If a surgeon cuts a tumor out of a patient's body to prevent the spread of cancer is that "revenge" against the patient? No. It's saving the life of the patient.
Reba said:
That's the problem. Europeans see only the negative news about America, and the protests. They don't realize that the protesters are a very small percentage of the population. Protesting is more "newsworthy" so it gets more coverage. News about people supporting the military, or showing the positive things that happen, don't get covered because those stories are "boring."

War against terrorism is not a Republican issue, and war against terrorism is not about revenge. See, that's what I mean about not getting the whole story.

It's not about "revenge".

If a surgeon cuts a tumor out of a patient's body to prevent the spread of cancer is that "revenge" against the patient? No. It's saving the life of the patient.

No but you might be able to look at it as being revenge against the cancer.
War at its very basic level is revenge, 9/11 for example it was about revenge, it was about getting back and putting down those who messed with us soil. We would not be at war with them right now if they did not attack the US, its like when someone hits you, your gut reaction is to pull back and hit them back. Why? For revenge, to get even, to get back at them , to show them you cant hit me and just think i wont do anything.
Reba said:
That's the problem. Europeans see only the negative news about America, and the protests. They don't realize that the protesters are a very small percentage of the population. Protesting is more "newsworthy" so it gets more coverage. News about people supporting the military, or showing the positive things that happen, don't get covered because those stories are "boring."

War against terrorism is not a Republican issue, and war against terrorism is not about revenge. See, that's what I mean about not getting the whole story.

It's not about "revenge".

If a surgeon cuts a tumor out of a patient's body to prevent the spread of cancer is that "revenge" against the patient? No. It's saving the life of the patient.

A small percentage of people, if by small you mean half. Most of the polls are generally split right down the middle 50 for 50 against, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/07/AR2005060700296.html

so if youre going to say that its a small percentage of people that disagree with the war, i will say that its a small percentage of people that agree with the war.

the polls generally give disapproval of the overall status of the war at about 47-51 percent.

This poll even lists it as high as 54 % http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/24/poll.iraq/

This one lists it at 53
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