Why the World Hates the US?

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They hate us because we posess all the qualities you would hate in a friend, we are pushy, arrogant, dominate, controlling, rude and non empahthetic.
Actually Saddam did started, but in other way. He decided to invade Kuwaiti! That is where the mess started. The first Bush made huge mistake by being lenient with Saddam, the agreement for ease fire in the desert storm was disarment of WMD. Then that is when Bush ease fire with Iraq, then he left the office and Clinton took over the office, what he did with Iraq? NOTHING! Then the second Bush came in, and ask Saddam what he had done with WMD, Saddam refused to cooperate. So, *IF* Iraq never invade Kuwaiti, then I'm sure we won't be in mess with Saddam. I believe Saddam invaded Kuwaiti because it is oil rich, and Saddam WANTS it so badly! I think that is how people assume that American politicans were after Afg, Iraq all because of greedy with oil, but reality it was Saddam that started it.

VamPyroX said:

If you look at it this way, we're acting in accordance with our own definitions... but what about in the view of others.

For instance, we look at other religions that are non-Christian and call them cults. What about those who are non-Christians? How do they perceive us? We could be considered cults to other religions.

Back to the war in Iraq... who started? I don't remember Saddam starting anything. I haven't seen anything that appears as if Saddam launched a rocket against us, sent bombers against us, sent ships after us... nothing.

Think of it this way. You and me are enemies. I don't like how you do things. You don't like how I do things. However, I punch you in the face. When people ask me why I punched you in the face, my defense would be... "He/She was gonna hit me."

That's what Bush has done. "Iraq was gonna do something bad to us. So, I had to hit Iraq first."

Now, doesn't that comment sound a bit... childish? ;)
My thread about 9-11, Im not ready to discuss more details, but it is rather startling. I found out more than that. Some of you like to blame on others, but what I just learned is really interesting... I really don't think Bush is behind the 9-11. Just his pure enemies that is behind this mess. Be careful when it comes to evidences. Sometime evidence can be altered to fool everybody.

GalaxyAngel said:
Yeah, Right.. I believe sumth'n Bush's behind his back and has done for.. 9/11 which I saw the true story t.v. showing about Bush's source who involved and already spill the beans about him and proof the doucement meeting which forgot shredding.
Same thing I did post other thread.. I think related DHB's thread about 9/11 (not sure)
I believe the real issue is over religious! Middle east hates Jewish BIG time. They all wanted Israel to be wiped out from the world atlas! Remember, America is the one who helped Jewish get their own land, and I believe this is what pissed most of middle east countries off big time. In turn they all hate USA.
That's right, diehardbiker65. It is hard for us to reveal what is really going on unless other countries tell the real story. But, that is not going happen because of our media controls. Bush is relaxing and eating his food with his group. He does not give a damn anything. He believes that he controls his power and money by focusing the military issues than helping our American civilizations on health issues - just because he won his 2nd term to be the president. There is no 3rd term.

I think that when our soldiers will come home, some of them will loose their house and mortgage because of medical or psychology needs. The government cannot help every soldier - it will help them around 1,000 soliders. It has quite nothing to do with Bush because it is the same idea for soliders who came home from Vietnam war. Most of them were homeless. It is just the same pattern.

It is too bad that the foreign people missed the point by hating us as Americans. They should have blamed on Bush and some Republicans. It is already made a big mess, and it is too late for that. Some of us know that a foreign media is different story that does not provide our media in our country. Like - A foreign news that tell them that Bush is brave to fight your country that make them angry so this is probably how they made a big rally against Americans. We do not see this one in our media news. Isn't that something that you have to be aware of?
diehardbiker65 said:
I believe the real issue is over religious! Middle east hates Jewish BIG time. They all wanted Israel to be wiped out from the world atlas! Remember, America is the one who helped Jewish get their own land, and I believe this is what pissed most of middle east countries off big time. In turn they all hate USA.
This is what I believe too.
diehardbiker65 said:
I believe the real issue is over religious! Middle east hates Jewish BIG time. They all wanted Israel to be wiped out from the world atlas! Remember, America is the one who helped Jewish get their own land, and I believe this is what pissed most of middle east countries off big time. In turn they all hate USA.

That is partly true. But there is more to it than that. Some other reasons are American culture itself (when viewed from an Islamic viewpoint...they view our culture as very immoral...hey Hollywood sure doesn't help sometimes), we have often in the past backed the dictators or nasty regimes for our regular fix with oil (called realpolitik...what goes around comes around), we do represent the height of Western Civilization (crusaders as Osama likes to point out) and that really gets their goat. They were the leading edge at one time under the Ottomans and that died in WWI. They want it back...or least die trying... Again not all believe that, but I see nothing in the Muslim world countering that trend...
diehardbiker65 said:
I believe the real issue is over religious! Middle east hates Jewish BIG time. They all wanted Israel to be wiped out from the world atlas! Remember, America is the one who helped Jewish get their own land,

Yes, it´s part true. It´s not just America but England as well... It´s Great Britian and America work together and take care of Jewish and found place for them is Israel.
diehardbiker65 said:
I believe this is what pissed most of middle east countries off big time. In turn they all hate USA.

No, it´s not true.

Nobody in the world hate America except Muslim countries. (Islaim and Irak...) I put link somewhere in my thread here the reason why they hate America... I will add the link here when I find my thread here.
I feel sorry for American citizen are blind...

Not meaning YOU.. but stupid BUSH did monozplating you.. brainwashed... How do you feel when Bush expense stupidity war high volume than other needs likely eg: schools, Hospital, and others... Why didn't he focus others and best obession war war? Can you tell me why?
Why can't you see "world hate the us?" As can you try ask other countries and feedback... you'll understand!

That what, Canada gov't one of them say that, "Poor Americans are blind... believed all bush's monoplazing.." I read the newspaper.. Likey I said.. whoa... really i read it whole thing... Geez Whiz.. Sad!
webexplorer said:
It is hard for us to reveal what is really going on unless other countries tell the real story. But, that is not going happen because of our media controls. Bush is relaxing and eating his food with his group. He does not give a damn anything. He believes that he controls his power and money by focusing the military issues than helping our American civilizations on health issues - just because he won his 2nd term to be the president. There is no 3rd term.

I think that when our soldiers will come home, some of them will loose their house and mortgage because of medical or psychology needs. The government cannot help every soldier - it will help them around 1,000 soliders. It has quite nothing to do with Bush because it is the same idea for soliders who came home from Vietnam war. Most of them were homeless. It is just the same pattern.

Yes, that´s right.

It is too bad that the foreign people missed the point by hating us as Americans.

No, it´s not true. Nobody hates Americans personality but disagree with American polities.

They should have blamed on Bush and some Republicans. It is already made a big mess, and it is too late for that.

Yes, we aware that it´s Bush and Republicians, not Americans.

Some of us know that a foreign media is different story that does not provide our media in our country.

I feel from those forum that Americans didn´t know much about Bush than other countries do.

Like - A foreign news that tell them that Bush is brave to fight your country that make them angry so this is probably how they made a big rally against Americans. We do not see this one in our media news. Isn't that something that you have to be aware of?

Not really, Everyone aware that Americans are furious against Bush and want to stop war. We withnessed from the media and TV... I never heard the word "How brave or Held, Bush is to fight for America or Americans admire Bush as held etc". All what I know is Americans don´t want war except the Republicans who support war.
webexplorer said:
I think that when our soldiers will come home, some of them will loose their house and mortgage because of medical or psychology needs. The government cannot help every soldier - it will help them around 1,000 soliders. It has quite nothing to do with Bush because it is the same idea for soliders who came home from Vietnam war. Most of them were homeless. It is just the same pattern.

That's depressing !!!

I'm surprised that the Government
does NOT provide any insurance to cover/keep up
with these soldiers mortgage and medicals etc ????

I never heard of anything like "Soliders Insurance"
or something like that ugh ... I have no idea if
this kind of insurance does exist or not ?
Remember the Americans believed Bush and Co. when they said Saddam have WMDs and on the way to making nukes--remmy yellow cakes? So we supported bush until the deaths reached over 1,000 u.s. soldiers and we re still stuck in Iraq with no end in sight. Now we are tired of it and know our $$ is going down the drain...Vietnam II.

Yes, it is correct that U.S. protected our access to oil and other resources for ourselves and the corporations. We interferred one time too many and the world is fed up with us--especially after Bush said screw the U.N. and went to war alone with Britian.
Y said:
That's depressing !!!

I'm surprised that the Government
does NOT provide any insurance to cover/keep up
with these soldiers mortgage and medicals etc ????

I never heard of anything like "Soliders Insurance"
or something like that ugh ... I have no idea if
this kind of insurance does exist or not ?
Military people get SGLI (Servicemen's Group Life Insurance).

They get free medical care while on active duty. After they are discharged, they can use VA hospital services for free or low cost.

If a reservist is activated and sent overseas, the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act protects their property from foreclosure proceedings while they're gone.

If a military person becomes permanently disabled while on active duty, he/she will receive a life-long monthly pension and medical care.

While on active duty, he/she gets paid a tax-exempt housing allowance. Whether or not that covers the cost of a mortgage depends on the cost of the house the person owns.

I'm not sure if this answers all your questions but I hope it gives you some information.

Of course, whatever pay and "benefits" military people get, it's never enough for the sacrifices they make.
Your Mom said:
They hate us because we posess all the qualities you would hate in a friend, we are pushy, arrogant, dominate, controlling, rude and non empahthetic.
Then why do so many people try so hard to immigrate to the US?
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