I will speak as a DeafBlind person that has been discriminated by both the Deaf and hearing community.
I will not allow myself to whine or moan because I have far better things to do with my time.
I advocate for disability rights and I use my time to educate the general population about everyone's rights - this means yours, mine and ours!
When a person puts me down, I remain calm and keep my composure. I remind that person tactfully that I am able to do things just as well as a sighted & hearing person can do ONLY I take a bit more time.
This is where open communication is needed. Whining about "deaf rights" does not work because there is no such thing about "deaf rights" when it is all about "human rights".
We all fall under one same category - human.
Deaf, Blind, Deaf/Blind, physically handicapped, developmentally challenged - we all are human.
It is better to work together as a collective than to work alone.
Instead of using "I, me, mine", try to use "We, ours, yours and mine", key emphasis on collective.