Why do deaf people treat their own so wrong?

I completely disagree with you

it seems like you dont believe them, you seem to think its boiled down to personality or some kind of over-dependence that manifests itself into 'whinging'.

You noticed? bullshit, how many of those you know, probably 2 or 3, and then you over generalise, neo-liberal politics done a fine job brainwashing you into 'equality', havent you noticed? ALOT of these accomodations are cutting back!, its going backwards! I dont believe you have nothing against, its just words coming from you to champion your argument,sorry i just dont buy your words.
Have you ever read any disability studies texts? I bet you haven't.

Neo-liberals, brainwashed? Do you means as in social liberalism? Or the actual original definition as in economic liberalism? Be a bit more careful since people love to hijack labels, like apparently now all the conservatives are calling themselves libertarian, when they are not. If you means by economic liberalism, yes, I tend to be of an economic right-wing and a social left-wing opinion and I won't hide that.

In Canada, we are indoctrinated to be socialists in the education system. My stance is a conclusion I came to on my own. For the longest time I was a Communist until I started interacting more with the disabled community and started going to conferences that concerned welfare. Now, most Deaf people don't attend these, but nonetheless it is important for me to gauge society's reactions. The first one that opened my eyes was when I went to an AISH conference in 2005, and was appalled at how people choose their words.

I still to go them since whatever go on those conferences become a reflection of what the majority will think. Eugenics and institutionalization is an ingrained fear inside me, and is the deepest one of mine, since I was close to be institutionalized myself in 1987, and if I was born 10 years earlier, I would have been promptly sterilized. Everyday when I walk the streets, I see homeless people that were subjected to that treatment. So it is important for me to keep tab of what is going on regarding social welfare to make sure we don't slip back into that mindset since a lot of people view us as useless.

You see, every time people confuse privileges and rights, the more I hear the taxpayers scream that we should be institutionalized or worse. So when people say we should have freebies and so on, taxpayers don't like that. Now if they change the words to "subsidised," then there wouldn't be such a huge negative reaction.

We have to be careful about how we word our demands. As an analogy in what I support: having subsidised workshops to become computer literate is okay for most people, but demanding free computers for personal use is not.
I like this thread, but I am going to disrupt some of you with a very unpopular view in relation to this quote. I am not yet at the same stage of satisfaction as simplymints (but getting there) but where i differ quite sharply is that I dont respect the government (yours or mine it doesnt matter) I dont think of it as paying back government, for they screwed me over, listened to fuckwits like Deaf advisors, and so called social workers,(now service co-ordinators are even worse) they insist on assimilation and they dont want to bear the thoughts of 'owing us (d/Deaf people anything). The damages to d/Deaf people is far more severe than those stem from race issues. Races in politics is so successful mainly because they are hearing - they CAN fight back, whereas d/Deaf people the remains in the silence, even if some of the d/Deaf are 'successful' its only because a) they were hearing before, or b) not really deaf (regardless if they sign or not that's not the point (( but alot of culturally Deaf fuckwits do show their judgemental behaviour using sign as the measure of 'Deaf-ness'))
c) when half hearing or half-deaf, or indeed deaf, but 'succeed in a particular field of work' but doesnt not wish or see the point to challenge for freedom to a greater range of access but this is an unknown quality so its locks down due to lack of imagination. Access as mentioned in here not just sign language interpreters, a whole lot more, to embrace the power of 'hearing culture' to fully understand the workings of the world so a Deaf person can become a lawyer in any sense at all, not just 'lawyer for the deaf' or limited to 'family law' because the deafness constraint that certain awareness (I dont know its hard to put this to words -I'd leave it at that for now)

but coming back to paying back the government? (sic) nah I think governments owes us an apology bigtime. I dont wish to please the hearing family, community to be a 'goody good shoes' deaf , isnt he wondeful he works pays the tax... just like everyone....if like in movies or in real life we hear or read abont radical hearing talking intellectually about how crooked the governments are , and so (screen character - like public enemy the bug maker on the run from govt with Willis Smith and Gene Hackman) we dont go, 'oh you're stupid' we automatically think they must have a reason. but when it comes to a d/Deaf person to come out with a rebellious attitude we automatically think they wrong! , why is that? its comes down to stereotypes and 'normal expectations'.
so no I couldnt careless about paying back the government but as much as I like to work simply because doing nothing is not a good experience either. I guess some of you might say working and getting paid (and pay tax) is the lesser evil of the two, I suppose so. The whole point is that I dont and shouldn't and no one (those are hoh, or deaf or Deaf) should not feel bad at all !!

Taking money from the government results in higher taxes. That means every time I accept financial support from the government, everybody who pays taxes is paying to support me. Giving money back to the government results in lower taxes. Why would I not want to repay my debt to society? I'm not paying the government because I think they should be richer than I am. I'm paying back every person from whom the government took money to pay me.
Neo-liberals, brainwashed? Do you means as in social liberalism? Or the actual original definition as in economic liberalism? Be a bit more careful since people love to hijack labels, like apparently now all the conservatives are calling themselves libertarian, when they are not. If you means by economic liberalism, yes, I tend to be of an economic right-wing and a social left-wing opinion and I won't hide that.

you can't be both left and right, they can not be compatiable. Economic systems are dependent on social attitudes of people towards how money matters.

In Canada, we are indoctrinated to be socialists in the education system. My stance is a conclusion I came to on my own. For the longest time I was a Communist until I started interacting more with the disabled community and started going to conferences that concerned welfare. Now, most Deaf people don't attend these, but nonetheless it is important for me to gauge society's reactions. The first one that opened my eyes was when I went to an AISH conference in 2005, and was appalled at how people choose their words.
Of course, you ee hardly any d/Deaf people attending those, its because they are indoctrinated to think Deaf culture matters more than how disability policies affects them - Deaf people follows a Cultural model over the Social model. To make matter worse, Deaf people want segration and disabled do not.

I still to go them since whatever go on those conferences become a reflection of what the majority will think. Eugenics and institutionalization is an ingrained fear inside me, and is the deepest one of mine, since I was close to be institutionalized myself in 1987, and if I was born 10 years earlier, I would have been promptly sterilized. Everyday when I walk the streets, I see homeless people that were subjected to that treatment. So it is important for me to keep tab of what is going on regarding social welfare to make sure we don't slip back into that mindset since a lot of people view us as useless.
This is coming from an awareness of Disability rights, and this certain perspective draws in a wider aspects of social activity

You see, every time people confuse privileges and rights, the more I hear the taxpayers scream that we should be institutionalized or worse. So when people say we should have freebies and so on, taxpayers don't like that. Now if they change the words to "subsidised," then there wouldn't be such a huge negative reaction.

I know exactly what you are saying, but semiotics stemming from the trickle down effect of right-wing social policies have also done a terrific (sarcastic -but not to you) to change the way we use language and in so doing, we also unwittingly absorb this ideation of what is privilieged and not. It is not privilieging about having aids given to us, or bigger hand-outs when you consider the harsher economic climate and increasing expenses of equipments which meant to ameliorate our lives. I can't see how this should be equated as 'privilege'.

We have to be careful about how we word our demands. As an analogy in what I support: having subsidised workshops to become computer literate is okay for most people, but demanding free computers for personal use is not.

Again, this is language being in dynamic than as a static means of communication, but that I mean, not just the introducing new words, but also new attachment to ideology, that is ideology of the right wing.

Language is NEVER neutral, never has been.
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Taking money from the government results in higher taxes. That means every time I accept financial support from the government, everybody who pays taxes is paying to support me. Giving money back to the government results in lower taxes. Why would I not want to repay my debt to society? I'm not paying the government because I think they should be richer than I am. I'm paying back every person from whom the government took money to pay me.

More lies from governments, not always, governments could spend more on roading, then demand more taxes, its not always a purposeful spending. Same goes for anything else, including disability-related - there are such people who would demand government to reduced, even eradicate disability spending and shift the whole thing to privisation. Scary but true, which this 'scheme of thoughts already has partially won - under the name of subsidisation. These concepts has met halfway with the older, keynesian model of socio-economic distribution.
I dont see why we should shoulder a slight burden of guilt or even an innocent 'responsibility' or thankfulness, to me government SHOULD be ensuring we are provided means to function and have same access to life success as much as anyone else. Indeed should we have success within grasp if we determined, and succeed we would pay back, but if we dont we shouldnt feel the wieght of guilt for failing to get out getting jobs even if we have tried. There is a lot of configuration in society that most of us are totally unaware of, and recognising these, then to ensure its barriers removed indeed it costs money, but in NO way we should be 'grateful' fuck that mentality, they (abled/hearing) dont give a flying fuck, its all just about making themselves look like angels for their own political means to ends.

We need to ignore the 'whose money' thinking, dont be fooled into thinking our rights costs millions, how about looking at this in different light, like who was milking from our disabilty hmmm? Doctors !!, medical instiutions, hospitals, welfare agencys, home carers agencys, are not entirely innocents and neither is Deaf-related organisations. Politics always has to do with 'who's hiding the money, and then who's is winning the popularity to decide how this hidden money is going to be cut and divided for distribution' (sic) in the name of contribution.
More lies from governments, not always, governments could spend more on roading, then demand more taxes, its not always a purposeful spending. Same goes for anything else, including disability-related - there are such people who would demand government to reduced, even eradicate disability spending and shift the whole thing to privisation. Scary but true, which this 'scheme of thoughts already has partially won - under the name of subsidisation. These concepts has met halfway with the older, keynesian model of socio-economic distribution.
I dont see why we should shoulder a slight burden of guilt or even an innocent 'responsibility' or thankfulness, to me government SHOULD be ensuring we are provided means to function and have same access to life success as much as anyone else. Indeed should we have success within grasp if we determined, and succeed we would pay back, but if we dont we shouldnt feel the wieght of guilt for failing to get out getting jobs even if we have tried. There is a lot of configuration in society that most of us are totally unaware of, and recognising these, then to ensure its barriers removed indeed it costs money, but in NO way we should be 'grateful' fuck that mentality, they (abled/hearing) dont give a flying fuck, its all just about making themselves look like angels for their own political means to ends.

We need to ignore the 'whose money' thinking, dont be fooled into thinking our rights costs millions, how about looking at this in different light, like who was milking from our disabilty hmmm? Doctors !!, medical instiutions, hospitals, welfare agencys, home carers agencys, are not entirely innocents and neither is Deaf-related organisations. Politics always has to do with 'who's hiding the money, and then who's is winning the popularity to decide how this hidden money is going to be cut and divided for distribution' (sic) in the name of contribution.

I realise that the government spends money on other things as well, but I still feel that if they spend less on me, they're spending less than they'd be spending otherwise. But I think I do understand what you're saying. If suddenly nobody needed government financial assistance any more, would our taxes be reduced? Probably not. They'd probably spend the money on something else less important.
Not going to get into the whole political label debate. Many people see it an one-pane linear topic, when it's actually two-pane dimension. The way I worded it is the way the average joes understand how to split the two-pane dimension into linear politics.

Of course, you ee hardly any d/Deaf people attending those, its because they are indoctrinated to think Deaf culture matters more than how disability policies affects them - Deaf people follows a Cultural model over the Social model. To make matter worse, Deaf people want segration and disabled do not.

Agreed. It does make me furious. I am all for not being labeled as disabled, but if you don't want to be labeled disabled, don't be on disability pension in the first place! Now, granted, I realise there are people like SimplyMints, and people like her, I am assuming it's a her, are the ones that I would support. I don't view deafness or blindness as a disability, but I am aware that we are under an umbrella for hearing and or seeing folks. So whatever affect the disabled population, affect the deaf and blind populations as well.

I know exactly what you are saying, but semiotics stemming from the trickle down effect of right-wing social policies have also done a terrific (sarcastic -but not to you) to change the way we use language and in so doing, we also unwittingly absorb this ideation of what is privilieged and not. It is not privilieging about having aids given to us, or bigger hand-outs when you consider the harsher economic climate and increasing expenses of equipments which meant to ameliorate our lives. I can't see how this should be equated as 'privilege'.

Depends on what you're talking about. Some I agree with, because the people will see a return back into the system, which makes the nay-sayers back off and stop criticising us. Others I disagree with since I don't see the benfit. It depends on the issue. Now if you means accommodations to improve accessibility, then yes, I agree the government should help out with that.

However if you were to talk to tax-payers' negative experiences, they are usually because the taxpayers bulk about people who received luxury items for instance a free car. One example that come to mind was a person on disability was using his money to spend on gambling, expanding his reptile collection and somehow got a free car in the process somewhere. Of course when other people found out, they were offended that he wasn't using the money to pay toward basic necessaries. Now, normally, I would say there is a few bad apples, no big deal, but I have become jaded over the years as I see more people who do this than the people who don't. Could be because the bad apples stand out more, but the mainstream tend to remember only the negative experiences.

Tax payers are not always right, but most of the criticism and advocating for budget cuts seems to come from people spending money on luxury goods that others cannot afford working full-time. So in my eyes, whenever people do this, it become progressively backward and hurt the people who legitimately do need a leg-up.

So, I advocate for personal and economic freedom for all people who are blind, deaf and disabled. If we can work and pay for ourselves, then society won't see us as a burden and won't be so willing to cut us loose, which can lead to undesirable consequences.
I'm not going to go into politics here about funding for the disabled.

There is a common myth that people assume everything disabled people get are from government funding which is not true.

I did my research when I was asked to work with CNIB's staff. I did research for myself and found out that CNIB's major fundraising came from private donations. Only 23% came from government support whereas 65% came from public support. CNIB website


They make this information available for the public to see how they spend each dollar wisely.


Several times of the year, CNIB hosts functions in conjunction with the community and the monies are split between the agencies. United Way works in conjunction with CNIB for 3 months from January until April to do fund-raising.

I'm trying to show that there's misconception about non-profit organisations using government money when it's not quite the case and the government spending money on non-profit organisations as well.

Each year CNIB has to make sure they apply for the same grant they receive each year otherwise if they do not record each intervenor request for each client, they can expect to receive much less grant money.

The organisation has to make sure they account for each dollar and cannot have "leftover" grant money each year otherwise there goes less grant money the next fiscal year.
I'm not going to go into politics here about funding for the disabled.

There is a common myth that people assume everything disabled people get are from government funding which is not true.

I did my research when I was asked to work with CNIB's staff. I did research for myself and found out that CNIB's major fundraising came from private donations. Only 23% came from government support whereas 65% came from public support. CNIB website


They make this information available for the public to see how they spend each dollar wisely.


Several times of the year, CNIB hosts functions in conjunction with the community and the monies are split between the agencies. United Way works in conjunction with CNIB for 3 months from January until April to do fund-raising.

I'm trying to show that there's misconception about non-profit organisations using government money when it's not quite the case and the government spending money on non-profit organisations as well.

Each year CNIB has to make sure they apply for the same grant they receive each year otherwise if they do not record each intervenor request for each client, they can expect to receive much less grant money.

The organisation has to make sure they account for each dollar and cannot have "leftover" grant money each year otherwise there goes less grant money the next fiscal year.

May I have your permission to blog this to raise awareness of how blind people gain access? I won't be attacking it, but rather supporting it. It would probably help diffuse some of the bitterness toward blind technology that I have encountered in post-secondary. Merci beacoup.
May I have your permission to blog this to raise awareness of how blind people gain access? I won't be attacking it, but rather supporting it. It would probably help diffuse some of the bitterness toward blind technology that I have encountered in post-secondary. Merci beacoup.

Go right on ahead! Advocate it and shine on .. with lots of 90 Love to you!!

:bowdown: My new DB hero!!
I am not sure if I had already said this in this thread. I was thinking a lot about the title and just came to a realization...how is it that just because one is deaf, another deaf person is my "own"?

Hearing people treat each other wrong ..even murder each other but do we say "Why do hearing people treat 'their own' wrong?" No.

I am a part of the Deaf community, yes but not the WHOLE Deaf community and there are people in the Deaf community that I could live without. I know that it is impossible for me to be buddy-buddy with everyone in the Deaf community due to so many different personalities. Heck, I even have a few enemies in the Deaf community or people snubbing me because I grew up oral. I have long since accepted that and dont really care. I am happy with the friends I have and dont really need more.

The same issues happen in the hearing world, the Spanish community, Asian community and so on. When you put an extremely large group of people together and call them a community, more likely not everyone will be the best of friends.

However, I do agree with the issue of bullying. Yes, it does happen in the Deaf community and it is a shame. There are relationships where one deaf person abuses another..just like in the hearing world. I wish it doesnt happen and if anyone has any ideas on how to combat it, I am all eyes.

If we are going to criticize the Deaf community just because there happens to be people with different personalities, different beliefs, and so on who sometime dont get along, then we should criticize the hearing community too.

Honestly, I feel that some people need to stop focusing so much on blaming the whole Deaf community for a some people's behavior towards others...instead focus on those people and what their issues are, then address them.

I admit that I am outspoken about certain topics but is that the Deaf community's fault? No..it is my own fault and should be my own consequence. If one cannot accept that and continues to blame the Deaf community, maybe they need to take a good look at themselves and ask themselves why.

Just my 2 cents.
Hearing people treat each other wrong ..even murder each other but do we say "Why do hearing people treat 'their own' wrong?" No.

The same issues happen in the hearing world, the Spanish community, Asian community and so on. When you put an extremely large group of people together and call them a community, more likely not everyone will be the best of friends.

Yay! Something I can agree with.

Go right on ahead! Advocate it and shine on .. with lots of 90 Love to you!!

:bowdown: My new DB hero!!

No, thank you! And blogged. :p
Agreed. It does make me furious. I am all for not being labeled as disabled, but if you don't want to be labeled disabled, don't be on disability pension in the first place! Now, granted, I realise there are people like SimplyMints, and people like her, I am assuming it's a her, are the ones that I would support. I don't view deafness or blindness as a disability, but I am aware that we are under an umbrella for hearing and or seeing folks. So whatever affect the disabled population, affect the deaf and blind populations as well.

Tax payers are not always right, but most of the criticism and advocating for budget cuts seems to come from people spending money on luxury goods that others cannot afford working full-time. So in my eyes, whenever people do this, it become progressively backward and hurt the people who legitimately do need a leg-up.

So, I advocate for personal and economic freedom for all people who are blind, deaf and disabled. If we can work and pay for ourselves, then society won't see us as a burden and won't be so willing to cut us loose, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

something I should say, in the country i live, about a year ago, a rather hot scandel (but weirdly, it wasnt projected out as one) was exposed on newspapers all over the country that the top four staffs of the welfare department of our government actually 'earned' $800,000 which was like almost 4 times the salary of our Prime Minister (like President) but the country i live follows more closely to the British system).
Now this raises really important questions of who's taking it for a ride........ they or us?? we Struggle!, ok given the few might abuse it, but they dont tend to sustain this habit for long, as they'd end up resorting to crime and thus be cut off and thrown to jail. But the filthy rich, greedy executives - in my eyes are worse criminals. (By the words I dont mean they broke the law, they haven't, it is just used to illustrate what's really going on, by legal means they still are RIPPING us off, not just the governments but all those involved in the economy. I am sure some you may have stumbled across some articles similar to this. All Im saying i find it really strange that we have to talk about the unknown little guys, with big fingers directed at them, thus completely forgeting where is the real imbalance lies, aliong with gross distortion of how to identify greed, greed of the poor is actually worse and deserving more attention than the greed of the rich?? it is highly interesting we said this every day on ordinary TV programmes constantly bombarding upon us the mindset which teachs us to think the poor must be greedy. it is too weird if you ask me.
I am not sure if I had already said this in this thread. I was thinking a lot about the title and just came to a realization...how is it that just because one is deaf, another deaf person is my "own"?

Hearing people treat each other wrong ..even murder each other but do we say "Why do hearing people treat 'their own' wrong?" No.

I am a part of the Deaf community, yes but not the WHOLE Deaf community and there are people in the Deaf community that I could live without. I know that it is impossible for me to be buddy-buddy with everyone in the Deaf community due to so many different personalities. Heck, I even have a few enemies in the Deaf community or people snubbing me because I grew up oral. I have long since accepted that and dont really care. I am happy with the friends I have and dont really need more.

The same issues happen in the hearing world, the Spanish community, Asian community and so on. When you put an extremely large group of people together and call them a community, more likely not everyone will be the best of friends.

However, I do agree with the issue of bullying. Yes, it does happen in the Deaf community and it is a shame. There are relationships where one deaf person abuses another..just like in the hearing world. I wish it doesnt happen and if anyone has any ideas on how to combat it, I am all eyes.

If we are going to criticize the Deaf community just because there happens to be people with different personalities, different beliefs, and so on who sometime dont get along, then we should criticize the hearing community too.

Honestly, I feel that some people need to stop focusing so much on blaming the whole Deaf community for a some people's behavior towards others...instead focus on those people and what their issues are, then address them.

I admit that I am outspoken about certain topics but is that the Deaf community's fault? No..it is my own fault and should be my own consequence. If one cannot accept that and continues to blame the Deaf community, maybe they need to take a good look at themselves and ask themselves why.

Just my 2 cents.

I'm strongly convinced that the majority of people who accept government aid would much rather earn their own income if they only could.

Well, I got one thing to say, this is fact. Most people who get government aid aren't ones that are lazy or single mother that just like to give birth to collect money, like what the majority would like to think. They are portrayed as that because of media and stereotype, unfortunately.

I learned about this grim fact in one of social work classes.
then we may need to start looking at what does Deafhood really means
Well, I got one thing to say, this is fact. Most people who get government aid aren't ones that are lazy or single mother that just like to give birth to collect money, like what the majority would like to think. They are portrayed as that because of media and stereotype, unfortunately.

I learned about this grim fact in one of social work classes.

yep, and social work classes?!! thats new here in New Zealand, social work is basically chucked out, and replaced with the stinking "service co-ordinator" real bad news.... fucking moronic know-it-all deafies get some job oppurtunities do ing that But they are also puppets to the " hyped up success" bullshit
yep, and social work classes?!! thats new here in New Zealand, social work is basically chucked out, and replaced with the stinking "service co-ordinator" real bad news.... fucking moronic know-it-all deafies get some job oppurtunities do ing that But they are also puppets to the " hyped up success" bullshit

Woha... refrain yourself from looking down upon people who have a job? I can understand your bitterness, but I know this attitude scare away a lot of hearing parents away from the Deaf culture.
I dont do the looking down, they often look down at us, of course it may come across like that, employed people arent gods either, I taking a view that describes the bigger picture facing employment of d/Deaf people and how it affects their 'disability status'.
They THINK they 'made it' they havent done shit, and even so they 'know the job' but in reality they just became traitors, serving the ends for the hearing to keep control over d/Deaf people.
The only times when d/Deaf rights 'are heard' is when 'rights to have interpreters' is enforced in someway or another, but the end of the day -its the Hearing (98% of them are hearing OK) who are lining up their pockets.

I wont refrain, as you see, you can't hide this situation of this trend following this climate of
"policy before people".

How so would this scare parents from Deaf culture? audiologists, doctors, and TOD's already doing a good job of that.
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I have been thinking about this for a bit. Deaf people like to blame everything on oralism and audism, and some tend to look down on those who are able to land themselves a job. While their concerns are valid and every bit of it is true, I also have got a chance to work with numerous hearing adults who have deaf or hard-of-hearing children.

Over the past few years, I have seen hearing adults try to join the Deaf community since they were looking for support and they knew oralist methods and cochlear implants were failing their children, but they were sometimes turned away by some of the highly-vocal bitter members of society. Unfortunately the highly vocal minority shuns parents for not learning ASL, they excommunicate people who grew up in mainstream or oralist schools, they scream discrimination when one of their peers is able to hold a job with decent salary and belittle people with poor signing abilities. You know the ones I am talking about. For many of the hearing parents that choose to mainstream their children, that is their initial first experience when trying to contact the Deaf community. I know such bitter reactions exist because I have seen it for myself repeatedly, so I know they are not making it up.

I have to come to learn from my family, who chose to become a part of the Deaf community, as well as my deaf and hard-of-hearing friends, that their local community was offered free land by a wealthy philanthropist and the land was slanted to become a community project for the Deaf by the Deaf. A lot of people like the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, CODAs, parents of deaf children were looking forward to the new deaf-based community. However the project and the committee fell apart when people were arguing who was allowed and who wasn’t allowed to live in the community.

Yet, we wonder why hearing parents avoid us? I grew up with American Sign Language as my primary language and wasn’t forced to speak. I rationalised that if I can vocalise, I can learn how to speak at the age of 8 on my own without other people putting pressure on me. It was a decision I made on my own since the Deaf community encouraged my mom to let me make my own decisions once I come to be at the age of reason. The Deaf community was a big part of my childhood. How is this all possible? The Deaf community in Lethbridge, and at the Manitoba School for the Deaf embraced new parents with open arms and kept their bitterness to themselves; and my mom, who was new, she will never forget the support she gained from the Deaf communities she had worked with. In fact, it seems like all parents who got to see the positive aspects of the Deaf community, without initially seeing the bitter or angry aspects, become integrated into the Deaf culture themselves.

I think the key to gaining Deaf unity, to ensure better future for the Deaf community and continuation of the Deaf culture is to embrace everyone that come across our ways, extend our hand and show them act of kindness. First-time parents do not need to hear the socio-political rants or anti-hearing grudges that come from the Deaf adults. Most of them [parents] are scared and are unsure what is the best future for their children.

I think we forget that first impression is everything.
yep, and social work classes?!! thats new here in New Zealand, social work is basically chucked out, and replaced with the stinking "service co-ordinator" real bad news.... fucking moronic know-it-all deafies get some job oppurtunities do ing that But they are also puppets to the " hyped up success" bullshit

I may not be understanding your post clearly but I have a question..what's wrong with deaf people having job opportunities?