Why Cochlear Implants Hurt Deaf Culture?

TrippLA said:
It does to me too but I hate Cloggy because got agreement and disagreement on my suggest and comment that's some part are true. I bet he don't know anything and make mistake. I'm about want leaving CI/HA forum til he get banned.

I acknoledged the info. I just said to ButterflyGirl:
And you are right. The statement said, "change in hearing", nothing about which direction.
Still interested to read more about it.
Found the info yet?
TrippLA said:
It does to me too but I hate Cloggy because got agreement and disagreement on my suggest and comment that's some part are true. I bet he don't know anything and make mistake. I'm about want leaving CI/HA forum til he get banned.

Cloggy is entitled to his opinions as much as you are entitled to yours. I seriously doubt ANYBODY is going to get banned, least of all Cloggy, for having differing opinions.

All you (and everybody else) can do is agree to disagree.
Cloggy said:
I acknoledged the info. I just said to ButterflyGirl: Found the info yet?

It's does same with my one of friend wear hearing aids, it was loud when he was younger and it went down when he's 19 but it still work but not hearing so great as like young.
Cloggy said:
I acknoledged the info.
I just said to ButterflyGirl:
Found the info yet?
Good Grief, what more do you want from us?
Isn't our stories about our personal experiences enough for you?
ButterflyGirl said:
Good Grief, what more do you want from us?
Isn't our stories about our personal experiences enough for you?
It is. I said so.
Why aren't our stories, regarding our experiences with our children, enough for some other members?
CI and hearing aids are no different. CI and hearing aids pick up sounds, simple as that

NOOOOOOOO, they are very different.

hearing aids merely AMPLIFY the sounds.
So if you are have 'dead' nerve that carry sound at certain frequency, no matter how much you amplify you CAN NOT amplify something that is GONE.

Imagine your ear is like guitar. Suppose the guitar have 20 strings. each one carry different frequency.
Imagine half of these strings are broken, removed. No matter how loud is guitar, you can NOT produce sounds from MISSING strings!!
You can only amplify the remaining strings. and THIS IS why hearing aids no matter how loud does not help hearing CLEAR.

For example some of the strings represents sounds like M N R and the other S T K. The S T K string broke! are gone!

If you miss S T K strings no matter how loud a guitar, you can't amplify S T K if it's gone. You can only use M N R strings.

CI works differently. In big generalisation, the electrical impulses via CI carry sound which is sent directly to the brain.
You can hear sounds that otherwise your nerves does not produce.

See here:
A cochlear implant is very different from a hearing aid. Hearing aids amplify sound. Cochlear implants compensate for damaged or non-working parts of the inner ear. When hearing is functioning normally, complicated parts of the inner ear convert sound waves in the air into electrical impulses. These impulses are then sent to the brain, where a hearing person recognizes them as sound. A cochlear implant works in a similar manner. It electronically finds useful sounds and then sends them to the brain. Hearing through an implant may sound different from normal hearing, but it allows many people to communicate fully with oral communication in person and over the phone.


Audiofuzzy said:
NOOOOOOOO, they are very different.

hearing aids merely AMPLIFY the sounds.
So if you are have 'dead' nerve that carry sound at certain frequency, no matter how much you amplify you CAN NOT amplify something that is GONE.


CI works differently. In big generalisation, the electrical impulses via CI carry sound which is sent directly to the brain.
You can hear sounds that otherwise your nerves does not produce.
I think the persons that need this information are ignoring it....
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TrippLA said:
It does to me too but I hate Cloggy because got agreement and disagreement on my suggest and comment that's some part are true. I bet he don't know anything and make mistake. I'm about want leaving CI/HA forum til he get banned.

Yes i know what you mean . Cloggy just wont to quit it till he get the answer he want ..

CutePommie said:
Yes i know what you mean . Cloggy just wont to quit it till he get the answer he want ..

Isn't it a strange experience that when strange statements are made, they are not just accepted but, if unclear, actually asked to explain?
Cloggy said:
I think the persons that need this information are ignoring it....

Cloggy.. why can't you start saying the "person"s name.. cuz we have no idea who you're really speaking to. so start saying the names instead of "person", please.

In that case, if you're speaking of me, I'm not ignoring it.. I learned something from Audiofuzzy and its interesting. I'm not saying she's wrong.. Like I said.. I never had a CI so I have no clue what it feels like to hear it. As for my aids.. I can hear sounds. I just grew up hearing for those who have CIs and learned form that opinion..

and Cloggy, If you can, please stop your egos with us deaf people.
Back to the topic.

^Angel^ said:
I've noticed some deaf people are saying that cochlear implants hurt their deaf culture and I'm curious to know why they feel that way, please remember to keep an open mind on both sides, cause I'm willing to listen to everyone's view/opinions on this topic here...Please let's discuss in a civil manner without putting anyone down, Thanks :grouphug:

Why do some of you feel that cochlear implants hurt the deaf culture?....
With about 90% of deaf children being born from hearing parents and 90% of deaf parents having hearing children I feel that there will be fewer and fewer deaf people connected to deaf culture. Especially when the requirements for participating in Deaf culture is exclusive use of ASL and lack of hearing.

Before CI, the numbers of people that were unable to hear anything would stay relatively stable, but with CI allowing more and more children to grow up in a hearing society, and late-deafened people to stay in the hearing society, the numbers will decrease.

But another process is going on as well. With reducing numbers dus to fewer children getting in contact with the deaf world, the Deaf culture is holding on to it's view that CI is bad and that ASL and total deafness is required to participate in the deaf world. This means that they exclude themself for CI-users that grow up now. New contacts will be difficult with barriers like these.
Instead, Deaf culture should expand itself to include more people, and CI-people should be considered as equal. It can survive by keeping an open view.

Here in Norway, Deaf culture is losing ground due to the Norwegian policy that all deaf people are offered CI. Again, 90% are born from hearing parents, so the main choice will be to keep the child in the hearing society.
But there is also great acceptance by the deaf community for CI, and this will allow CI-children to investigate deaf culture.

I have read on this messageboard that in the UK the situation is also more relaxed compared to USA, and again, I think that that will save the deaf community.

But, Deaf culture as existing 20 years ago is on it's way out.
RebelGirl said:
Cloggy.. why can't you start saying the "person"s name.. cuz we have no idea who you're really speaking to. so start saying the names instead of "person", please.

In that case, if you're speaking of me, I'm not ignoring it.. I learned something from Audiofuzzy and its interesting. I'm not saying she's wrong.. Like I said.. I never had a CI so I have no clue what it feels like to hear it. As for my aids.. I can hear sounds. I just grew up hearing for those who have CIs and learned form that opinion..
I'm sorry if you felt as one of the persons. You said it yourself, you're not. You read and learn from other posters.

I refer to people that still believe that "A HA is the same as a CI" even after a good technical explanation is provided why they are not. You can scroll back in this thread and you'll see who... I'm not going to spend the time on that.

Glad to see you here.
Cloggy said:
With about 90% of deaf children being born from hearing parents and 90% of deaf parents having hearing children I feel that there will be fewer and fewer deaf people connected to deaf culture. Especially when the requirements for participating in Deaf culture is exclusive use of ASL and lack of hearing.

Before CI, the numbers of people that were unable to hear anything would stay relatively stable, but with CI allowing more and more children to grow up in a hearing society, and late-deafened people to stay in the hearing society, the numbers will decrease.

But another process is going on as well. With reducing numbers dus to fewer children getting in contact with the deaf world, the Deaf culture is holding on to it's view that CI is bad and that ASL and total deafness is required to participate in the deaf world. This means that they exclude themself for CI-users that grow up now. New contacts will be difficult with barriers like these.
Instead, Deaf culture should expand itself to include more people, and CI-people should be considered as equal. It can survive by keeping an open view.

Here in Norway, Deaf culture is losing ground due to the Norwegian policy that all deaf people are offered CI. Again, 90% are born from hearing parents, so the main choice will be to keep the child in the hearing society.
But there is also great acceptance by the deaf community for CI, and this will allow CI-children to investigate deaf culture.

I have read on this messageboard that in the UK the situation is also more relaxed compared to USA, and again, I think that that will save the deaf community.

But, Deaf culture as existing 20 years ago is on it's way out.

I think rubella vaccination helps cut the deaf babies that why but deaf people can take their genetic test at special doctor. Just depends on female/male that where match with genetic to get deaf babies.
TrippLA said:
I think rubella vaccination helps cut the deaf babies that why but deaf people can take their genetic test at special doctor. Just depends on female/male that where match with genetic to get deaf babies.

Very true TrippLA. Also, whereas 100 years ago most within the deaf community married others who were deaf because of communication similarities, in today's day and age more hearing people are learning sign language, deaf people learning to lipread or get CI's and becoming involved with the hearing community, there's fewer people being born with congenital deafness because those genes are becoming more recessive.
Yes i know what you mean . Cloggy just wont to quit it till he get the answer he want ..

Please I wanted to explain something.
Please do not think Cloggy is 'bad' and out there to get you "deafies" or humiliate you who oppose CI in children, or CI in general.

Cloggy is a hearie, he does not understand all the language that some deaf pple use - an ASL English version.
Also he is Dutch (I think) and English is his second language - that's another problem.

He does not understand well the degree of difficulty some of you might have of understanding him.
At least it looks like to me.

You CLOGGY please remember pple here does not understand everything you say very well for the same reason - some don't understand " hearie" version of English. Is not that they ignore you or put you down or don't believe you.

To add to the confusion when it comes to CI subject there is strong psychological aspect of being proud as deaf person,
and equating having CI as being " fixed" thus "better" than deaf (which is not).
Some pple happened to be misinformed as to what excatly is CI, how does it work and how it is implanted,
and some does not know about how important are early years in developing language, so it all further adds to confusion.

Cloggy, please remember these pple are not being stubborn but there is a bit of language barrier for some,

andmore over it is likely that you as a hearing person probably do not understand the fact that one can actually choose to be totally deaf, and happy with it.

That's what my late brother did - he threw away his HA despite having the same degree of hearing loss as me, because he said they only give him unneccessary problems. He was functioning better as "totally deaf". So he choose "deaf ways only".

And that part too confuses general subject of CI further because while it is separate subject (the psychological part) it is introduced over and over into any CI pros and cons topics.

Try to remember that Cloggy, and please try patiently and not only politely but also warmly to get back on track everytime when we stray, and when you try to convey what you want to say again and again.
I'll try my best too.

It is not the deaf pple's fault when they can't always "get" what you try to say.

So let's be patient, everybody :cheers:



Is this thread about Cloggy?
When I asked serveral times to please stick to what this thread is about, but the few of you decide to ignore me and keep posting off-topic in my thread here, and now this thread is heading into a totally different direction where it has no bearing to which this thread is about in the first place...I don't understand why some of you have to disrespect me like this...

I'm going to ask one more time, to please stick to what this topic is about, also I will report to the moderators about some of the post that is wayyy off the topic, that needs to be removed , this thread is not about Cloggy, sure isn't about cars or trucks, so please leave that out...

Thank you!
'Scuze me Angel, but I just asked "let's discuss CI and deaf culture nicely, taking our language problems under consideration".

What's wrong with that?


btw talking about Rubella vaccinations is off topics too. We are supposed discuss "Why cochlear.........".
What does Rubella has to do with it? yet you didn't say anything up to that point.