Pay attention.. read scroll up.. I've already made statement to LadySekhmet as my respond. Did I critiztie teenager?
Look it again..
I'm not here repeat to you..
Seems you shove fill up the full dirty into my mouth! I ain't here to debate w/you.
I'm trying to point of view as my concern.
CI isn't magic as same thing hearing aid.
Exactly Cheri made good point her statement. What make the difference?
and also you cannot face con vs pro ?
I'm here raise up speak out my voice and trying to make point but seems you doesn't want to hear feedback. Fine by me then.. Whatever you say.. CI is always right..
Sure~:sure: whatever you say..
Update: My older son have little hearing loss his left ear. I did ask my son, Do you willing Cochlear Implant? He respond me, Heck no, why should I have those? and doesn't want to have ci on his head making me look uglier something stick on it.. I was kinda little laughing him.. but nothing can I say more.. He's making a joke.. really serious he's getting little hearing loss..
He is proud ASL but still rusty his sign languages and understand Deaf Culture for!