Who is your best friend?

Best friends...

Hmmm...good question.

I've had friends come and go. I guess it's like some of you have already said. You move, you change schools, you lose touch with people...it's really easy to do that, by the way! But yeah...right now, most of my high school friends have gainful employment, are first getting engaged right now...and I have a husband, a house and three kids, already. I do feel like I've grown up a little too fast sometimes. BUT...

It is extremely hard for me to say for sure who my best friend is since I have serious trust issues sometimes. (LONG story!)

If you know everything there is to possibly know about me and still love me, then you know you're considered one of my best friends. Right now, that's only about three or four people, if you count my husband. :)

Care to submit an application? :) Ha ha ha...
best friends???? when i was young and my bestfriend and i are very closes and real lots of fun in old school.... when i moved another school and i never think about bestfriend....... i didnt see her over 18 years..... some peoples knew who i am ? some people said oh oh me and my bestfriend still forever and always and i have to tell them a truth and right now my bestfriend and i didnt see each other so long times.. when i saw a picture of her in somewhere and i was shocked and i started think about her but i did stop by her house but she never get home and i knew that she is very busy lady and same as me.....
I have a few bestfriends people who lives in a different states...... but i still love to talk with new people around the worlds......
I do love to god (jesus) jesus is my bestfriend and i trust in jesus in my heart with lots of roses ....
in a last year i break one of veryyyy good friend who live in iowa and i cant speak with a good friend because i have a reason..... i cant tell who is a person ???? i dont want to give another big fight again .... a person knew that i am very strong private person..... i hope a person will understand and maybe a person will talk with me and give our beautiful forgives each others

also i have a beautiful bestfriends are ....... MY TWO DAUGHTERS
thanks !
My two daughters are very closes to me because i raised them real good and sometime i make some mistakes but two daughters understand and they never lose me at all thats why i called two daughters are my bestfriends forever and always......
best friends?

i have alot of best friends and i love them all... but some are us are departing because of our graduation and things started to change around. everyone moved on, i get less friends but then again, i made new friends everywhere. ahh, i have a few best friends now that I kept for a long time. 2 girls in my life for almost 11 years. my <3 to Sharon and Ashley. :sadwave: to all my best friends in the past years.
pimpdaddyposse said:
I dunno if I'm allowed to say this... She's my faghag! :scatter:

Whoo hoo! a CSDF'er! ;) I know her from our alumni school in California. :wave: (Tell Ally hi, heheh)
I consider a few people my close friends -- Javapride cos we've gone through a lot during our 20+ years of friendship.

Joy - she was the first person to get me comfortable and involved in the Victorian Deaf community when I first moved here.

Kelly and Kim - both hearies, but we've been hanging out together a lot since we all left our jobs last year. Ironically, Kelly's 22 years old...11 years younger than me...heheh..but she's cool as! Kim's a few years older than I am, still she's hysterical to hang out with. :)
Pretty Woman said:
My husband is my best friend, that's why I married him! :)
i forgot to say one more, i got a best friend too whose my fiance now... haha. winks.
Well, My best friends are in real life..... I like to hang with them and chat with them. I not trust online people would be best friend. :) I would be friend with them (online people)