Who is your best friend?

Peachy Lady said:
There is one being that has always been around forever in the past, present and in future. That is God. God is eternity...which means He is always, always around. God was never born and will never die. It is hard to imagine this because everyone dies in this world. Nothing else had been forever, not even air or water. No one made God, because He always was around. Our minds are limited comparing to God because our minds are limited to topography...which means by only the things we see on earth. That's why we all do not have the same view about the bible's parables, stories, especially in Revelation section. Revelation is very difficult part of bible to read because it has many hidden meanings that was interpreted differently by many people. All we need to do is to have faith, follow Christ's example in our lifes and we will then go to heaven. Ain't it wonderful???!!!

Why do you think God exists? Who says that He exists?
I think the point is, do you believe in God because someone taught you to do so? If you had never heard of the Christian God, would you develop your own set of beliefs? The answer is YES! People do that all over the world, in places which have no TV or outside communication. We are puppets, we do as told. Its not always bad, but it has determined our foundation, and deep down inside you know that if we found out God wasnt real, everything would fall apart. Look at the Pledge of Alleigance! "one nation under God, indivisible.." and "God Bless America!" Religion and politics are not as separated as one may think, nor are we as stable as we believe we are. Without the concept of religion and God, we are nothing, we are not free, we are dependent, with no goal. The average [Christian] American says, "life is about where you go when you die." So if we're living to die, arent we cynical?
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^Angel^ said:
because, I believe God Exist! :wiggle:
Okay, I believe that a supreme being named "Batman" exists. Does that mean that Batman is greater than God?
VamPyroX said:
Why do you think God exists? Who says that He exists?
Ok...think about the word itself. How did the word come out by itself? And, where did you get that breathin' of life? How did the "breathin' of life" know what it is like to be a human just like you and me ? If, there's no life in the universe, then, there's no earth to be made. It's the word that started it all...without word, there's no exist. Word itself have its own math. Without word, then there's no math. Word itself is a powerful livin'. It can come out of one's mouth to turn your thinkin' on. How would the word do that ? Your mind have words and that is your breathin' of life to keep your heart pumpin'...your body can talk with each other from the brain to the limbs. God is always there. He's everyone's breathin' of life we breathe and walk... without God, then, we will not be here, not even givin' births from our mothers' wombs. God is Light and that Light is givin' a Life. For example: You can't live without the candles or lamps at nights. *Chuckles* Every one of us depends on the light, because for some reasons, it preserves our lives from too many accidents. Light itself have the power to broad in the minds of ours to see things very clear and well understood before our own eyes. You would stumble in the dark at nights, if there's no light to help you to see where you are goin'. There's so many things that have alot of meanings out there. Maybe, you can analyze why we have the cameras or windows or houses..etc., etc. I found a several secrets about the cameras, windows, houses... and name a few. *Chuckles* :)
This thread sure took a weird turn somewhere. (And I thought I go off topic a lot)…

This is Mayflower, taken yesterday at a wedding. I prefer her company over anybody else’s, so I guess I should call her my closest friend. All of the really fun days I had last year were with her—particularly Deaf Expo in Long Beach. I caught up with a couple of people that day that I hadn’t seen in a long time, and Mayflower ran into four old friends from high school that she hadn’t seen in over 25 years. If I had to pick the best day of 2003, that was it. We tried to have dinner later aboard the Queen Mary, but there was a four hour wait for a table. As soon as the weather warms up we’re going to go back and spend the entire day there seeing the whole ship and touring the Long Beach Aquarium.


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Here’s another picture of Mayflower. Actually, I posted this one last night, then changed my mind and decided that I liked the other one better. Then I changed my mind again and decided that I like this one better. Yeah, I know—call me weird. I’ll send Alex a check to cover all the bandwidth I’m wasting.


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Peachy Lady said:
There is one being that has always been around forever in the past, present and in future. That is God. God is eternity...which means He is always, always around. God was never born and will never die. It is hard to imagine this because everyone dies in this world. Nothing else had been forever, not even air or water. No one made God, because He always was around. Our minds are limited comparing to God because our minds are limited to topography...which means by only the things we see on earth. That's why we all do not have the same view about the bible's parables, stories, especially in Revelation section. Revelation is very difficult part of bible to read because it has many hidden meanings that was interpreted differently by many people. All we need to do is to have faith, follow Christ's example in our lifes and we will then go to heaven. Ain't it wonderful???!!!

Amen! Faith is a substance of things not seen, it is to believe and furthermore, The Word...the Bible...A Living Word...which is God/Jesus for He IS the Truth, the Way and Life...I know, for I'm a firm believer and have had many truly wonderful experiences in relation to the things of God in my life...here is one testimony that I would like to share and often have shared in the past with others...both believers and non-believers. Here goes: One night as I was walking to the store late at night...a man who was with a woman called out to me from across the street hollering words that I could not hear or understood what he was saying...I pointed to my ear as a sign that I couldn't hear him...apparently I ended up going across the street where he was as he was quite persuasive about getting my attention...anyhow, he was asking all kinds of ridiculous questions like what time was it, what I was doing, etc...and before I knew it...he had me out in the middle of a very busy street with cars zooming behind my back...then he had wanted to know what my name was...I just told him my first name...and he wanted to know my full name...and I refused to give that out to him...and he was getting angrier and started to ask for some ID...at this point...I said a 'prayer' asking God to help me and to take command of this situation that was unfolding...when I said a prayer, I whispered without this man actually hearing me say it...then he shoved me back across to the side of the street where we were originally on...and then seeing his hands clenching into fists and his face being distorted to a degree that was showing an uncontrollable rage and anger...immediately, five police cruisers showed up at THAT moment...never giving him a chance to strike me or assault me...now that is 'faith' working, believing that God would answer and come in a time that I needed His Help!! :)
As for my best friend(s), God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit is my true and best Friend...^Angel^ whom I love is my bestest friend on earth, Cheri and PeachyLady also is my best friends...there are many others that I do consider my friends...and have no intention of leaving them out :deal: ...and hope to make and meet many more friends! :D
Roadrunner said:
Amen! Faith is a substance of things not seen, it is to believe and furthermore, The Word...the Bible...A Living Word...which is God/Jesus for He IS the Truth, the Way and Life...I know, for I'm a firm believer and have had many truly wonderful experiences in relation to the things of God in my life...here is one testimony that I would like to share and often have shared in the past with others...both believers and non-believers. Here goes: One night as I was walking to the store late at night...a man who was with a woman called out to me from across the street hollering words that I could not hear or understood what he was saying...I pointed to my ear as a sign that I couldn't hear him...apparently I ended up going across the street where he was as he was quite persuasive about getting my attention...anyhow, he was asking all kinds of ridiculous questions like what time was it, what I was doing, etc...and before I knew it...he had me out in the middle of a very busy street with cars zooming behind my back...then he had wanted to know what my name was...I just told him my first name...and he wanted to know my full name...and I refused to give that out to him...and he was getting angrier and started to ask for some ID...at this point...I said a 'prayer' asking God to help me and to take command of this situation that was unfolding...when I said a prayer, I whispered without this man actually hearing me say it...then he shoved me back across to the side of the street where we were originally on...and then seeing his hands clenching into fists and his face being distorted to a degree that was showing an uncontrollable rage and anger...immediately, five police cruisers showed up at THAT moment...never giving him a chance to strike me or assault me...now that is 'faith' working, believing that God would answer and come in a time that I needed His Help!! :)

Wow!!! It sure was clear that God was present when you had problem with that guy. The power of prayer is very, very powerful. I wonder why he needed to know your ID, etc? But netherless, I'm glad you are safe now. Whew!
This is the first time I have posted my personal story, but I wanted to tell you all about the powerfulness of God and guardian angels in my life...

When I was 14 years old, I was learning how to cook. I was making no-peek chicken casserole. I melted the butter in the glass casserole pan ON the stove. I did not know at that time, but one should never melt butter right in the glass casserole pan on the stove. Anyway, while the butter was being melted, the glass casserole pan was getting hotter and hotter. I was not worried about it at all because I thought I did the right thing. All of a sudden I felt my heart beating very fast and very heavily and I was puzzled. I felt my head being turned towards the cabinets and I looked at it. In my head I got the message "put your head in the cabinet!" I thought uh?? I heard this message very loud and clear...so I felt silly, but I walked to the cabinet and put my head right into the cabinet. All of a sudden, I felt the air boomed very loudly and felt glass shattered everywhere in the kitchen, some hitting on the cabinet door right next to where my head was! I jumped up and my mom came running in very fast. I was all shook up. I realized that the guardian angel and God was protecting my right eye because my left eye had been blind since I was 20 months old from Spinal Menigitis. I thanked God and angels many times after that for protecting me. Of course, I never melted butter in casserole pan on the stove since then! It was very clear that there IS God because I have felt His presence. There is no way that I would have felt panic in my heart when I did not feel any worry about the way I was cooking. God was giving me messages in my heart and mind to direct me in the right way to protect me. God is soooo powerful!!
Peachy Lady said:
Wow!!! It sure was clear that God was present when you had problem with that guy. The power of prayer is very, very powerful. I wonder why he needed to know your ID, etc? But netherless, I'm glad you are safe now. Whew!

It didn't occur to me why he wanted to see some ID at the time, but later on, it dawned on me that he wanted to see the ID in order to get to my wallet...to 'steal' what money I had on me at the time....

Amazing PL! Those who DO take God seriously in their hearts and earnestly seeking Him each day can feel His Presence...and yes, I am a very strong believer that prayers is an awesome and powerful 'tool' anyone can utilize in and for their lives...His ways may be mysterious to many, but His Answers and Protection is fabulously awesome during times of need or help in a crisis...! I get excited when I hear of others whom have had amazing stories such as yours PL...thankfully the Angels of God and God was there to protect you from serious physical harm!! :)
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Hey... hey... hey...

Let's cut it with the "God" stuff. No, I'm not saying that cuz I hate God. I'm saying it cuz it seems like it's becoming a religious forum and that's probably gonna scare everyone away... like me.

Anyway, I have very few best friends... they are the ones I trust. I'm not gonna name them for privac reasons, but I do trust them dearly. I even trust them more than I trust my parents!
the only friends i belive in, is three poeple who were there for me, and they know who they are, some of us have gone our seperate ways but its the memories we all shared. im now learning to live again in the best of the best that i can be. thanks ladies! for all u have done...

LAST thing is, my other friend i am very close to. is tweety babe my woman my soul my life ! :)
javapride said:
the only friends i belive in, is three poeple who were there for me, and they know who they are, some of us have gone our seperate ways but its the memories we all shared. im now learning to live again in the best of the best that i can be. thanks ladies! for all u have done...

LAST thing is, my other friend i am very close to. is tweety babe my woman my soul my life ! :)

awwww!!! same here.. hehehe!!! :kiss: :cuddle:
Best friends

I believe that I don't need a limit on best friends - I have many, and call all my friends my best friends. Period.
