When Freedom Gets the Death Sentence


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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When Freedom Gets the Death Sentence

Read 2 pages... Very sad... :(

Turkish-Kurdish family strongly disapproved of her modern and "un-Islamic" life.

She have to die because she gave up Islamic life for lived like a German modern. It's "honor killing" because her life is not fit Islamic belief... *shake my head*
Very heartbreaking.....it's really sad to see these women do not have much freedom for themselves as they wish.
Unfortunately, honour killing's all too common. It's awful muslim woman has to live with double standard.

It makes me angry to hear a woman like Hatin died because she chose to live her own life. I hope the family won't bring up her orphaned son.
Yes, very tragic; a young life wasted. :(

It is also shocking how little punishment the killers get.

"Usually the patriarch selects the youngest son to carry out the crime because he knows that judges in Germany don't usually give the maximum sentence of 10 years to a minor for manslaughter," he said.

Ten years is the maximum sentence for killing a sister? That is terrible! It seems life is so cheap.
Reba said:
Ten years is the maximum sentence for killing a sister? That is terrible! It seems life is so cheap.

That is the German judicial system for you. Most of Western Europe is like that...with weak and ineffective laws. A life sentence is rarely for life.

Well, as far as Muslums go, that is nothing new under the sun. Why does it surprise any body?

Sad indeed...
Reba said:
Yes, very tragic; a young life wasted. :(

It is also shocking how little punishment the killers get.

"Usually the patriarch selects the youngest son to carry out the crime because he knows that judges in Germany don't usually give the maximum sentence of 10 years to a minor for manslaughter," he said.

Ten years is the maximum sentence for killing a sister? That is terrible! It seems life is so cheap.

Well, he is not mass murderer or serial killer but honoring killing due their belief... Example they executed Christians because of their beliefs. I can't do anything to criticize their belief rules because they set their reglious rules differently as other beliefs.

I can understand that muslims don't know what right or wrong because they raised and were influence in muslim world... It look like that it's okay for the parents to have their sons to kill her. It's hard to get them to psychological therapy to change their attitudes, that's why I think 10 to 15 years sentence is fair sentence. All what I hope for them to learn their own lesson and wake up...

I beleive that she knows what muslim beliefs is and would not blame her brothers for that but Islamic belief...

German justice system have life sentence for serial killer or mass murderer... example about parents who killed their own children like what I created 2 threads here yesterday.

See this
Fiedler admitted that getting the inmates, who undergo psychological therapy, to reform or change their attitudes is difficult. "Many come from rural areas in Turkey or Lebanon and just don't know the concept of individualism," he said. "They don't feel any regret for what they did though some even kill their favorite sister. Instead, they're honored and feel like martyrs for having been chosen to carry out the crime."
Liebling:-))) said:
Well, he is not mass murderer or serial killer but honoring killing due their belief... Example they executed Christians because of their beliefs. I can't do anything to criticize their belief rules because they set their reglious rules differently as other beliefs.

I can understand that muslims don't know what right or wrong because they raised and were influence in muslim world... It look like that it's okay for the parents to have their sons to kill her. It's hard to get them to psychological therapy to change their attitudes, that's why I think 10 to 15 years sentence is fair sentence. All what I hope for them to learn their own lesson and wake up...

I beleive that she knows what muslim beliefs is and would not blame her brothers for that but Islamic belief...

What a load of tripe! For one making these statements, this is a direct consequence of having no belief system period (no absolutes and anything goes and is justifiable). To justify murder (a rose by any other name), due to a belief system is beyond stupidity. When life is no longer considered sacred or worthwhile to protect, then this is exactly the kind of thinking that prevails. Unfortunately, this kind of asinine thinking is commonplace. It is interesting to note that Europe which long ago has decided that there is no absolute truths is under attack from within. Since, Muslums have a very strong sense of absolutes, they are forcing the Europeans to confront their own abdication of morality. Guess who will probably win out? I give you just one guess... It is always on the side (in the long run) with those who believe something plus it doesn't hurt when you are growing faster populationwise.

You have selective amnesia, I believe your words (paraphased) about capital punishment was murder is murder no matter who commits it. Now, you are saying that because somebody does in the name of some belief system, that you can't criticize it. Make up your mind. Either murder is murder or it is something else.

As for the sister who was murdered, I don't believe for one second she condoned what they did. Why do you think she drifted away from Islam at least it's strict interpretations? She was living her life on her terms...not what somebody else said. For somebody to judge her and take her life because of a belief system (in which she was a part), is hypocritical to say the least.
sr171soars said:
What a load of tripe! For one making these statements, this is a direct consequence of having no belief system period (no absolutes and anything goes and is justifiable). To justify murder (a rose by any other name), due to a belief system is beyond stupidity. When life is no longer considered sacred or worthwhile to protect, then this is exactly the kind of thinking that prevails. Unfortunately, this kind of asinine thinking is commonplace. It is interesting to note that Europe which long ago has decided that there is no absolute truths is under attack from within. Since, Muslums have a very strong sense of absolutes, they are forcing the Europeans to confront their own abdication of morality. Guess who will probably win out? I give you just one guess... It is always on the side (in the long run) with those who believe something plus it doesn't hurt when you are growing faster populationwise.

I would suggest you to focus Muslim beliefs... :)

My thread "Islamic Law In The Bible"

and read what's Islamic belief is.


60 Questions Muslims Don’t Like To Be Asked!


You have selective amnesia, I believe your words (paraphased) about capital punishment was murder is murder no matter who commits it. Now, you are saying that because somebody does in the name of some belief system, that you can't criticize it. Make up your mind. Either murder is murder or it is something else.

:confused: What's belief do with capital punishment here?

Yes of course brother is a murder because he killed his sister due belief ground. German Justice System consider it as manslaughter because he's not mass murderer or serial killer.

How do you feel if I criticize your belief? I bet you would not like it... I'm neutral to every beliefs and respect their beliefs... I find very sad that some of beliefs have no freedom... Anyway, you can't compare any beliefs with legal capital punishment... ;)

As for the sister who was murdered, I don't believe for one second she condoned what they did. Why do you think she drifted away from Islam at least it's strict interpretations? She was living her life on her terms...not what somebody else said. For somebody to judge her and take her life because of a belief system (in which she was a part), is hypocritical to say the least.

She is not only one who escaped from Islamic belief to start new life... She tried to be save her life but brother found her and kill her... :( I heard the muslim stories often... I feel bad for muslim women... some of them have good self-esteem and escaped with the help from cousellors. Some of muslim women are killed because the bible says so...

I read the newspapers saying that a 16 years old muslim girl killed by her OWN father because she lead modern life and has German boyfriend. Other girl was burnt by his own parents for disrespect muslim belief and want modern freedom... and more more more more more..... German government send them back to their own country after long sentence.

All what muslim says is: they do what the Islamic bible law says... Everyone knows that they are being brainwashed by Muslim belief... :(

Do you want to call US to take over this country like they did on Iraq?
EDGE said:
Do you want to call US to take over this country like they did on Iraq?

Er...who are you talking to? Liebling or me?

My answer is heck no! I never wanted to go into Iraq as it was. I just knew the Middle East is such a powderkeg and any conflict there is always a long and drawn out affair. They, the Muslims (most of the population in the Middle East), are still trying to figure where their religion fits in the world. They have never totally recovered from the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The oil situation only exacerbates the problem by allowing them to ignore serious issues in their own society. The fanantics are gaining the upper hand right now as they feel many different slights especially from the Western world. It's that old cliche "I can't get no respect" deal. Obviously, there is more to it...

Personnally, I believe there will be a clash of civilizations until this is all resolved. Meaning its going be real ugly for a while.
EDGE said:
Do you want to call US to take over this country like they did on Iraq?

Sorry, I find your question is nonsense.

Everyone have different beliefs in different countries in the world...

I´m neutral to any beliefs (relignons)... All what I say is it´s wrong of people to kill other people to follow what the bible says, belief etc..., that´s all.
Liebling:-))) said:
How do you feel if I label your belief as "load of tripe"?

Personally, I don't care. The fact you took offense makes my point about what I thought about your statement. Everybody's free to believe what they want and pay the consequences for it. If you don't want to pay, don't play.

One of my tenets is to agree to disagree but leave it at that and don't get personal.
Liebling:-))) said:
I suggest you focus on Muslim beliefs...

All what muslim says is: they do what the Islamic bible law says... Everyone knows that they are being brainwashed by Muslim belief... :(

I know in general what Islam is about and how it impacts such a believer.

That is not the issue here and why I responded the way I did.

I took exception with your idea to accept or rather "not criticize" why Muslims would kill one of their own for the reasons they did. Hence, my dialog about that.

No belief system or religion can condone murder and be justified. Multiculturalism is not an exercise to accept all practices without judgement. Some judgements need to made even if it is contrary to the "prevailing winds". The human condition needs some absolutes for purposes of stability. Without it, chaos exists and society deteriorates. We are witnessing that now especially in the Western world.
Nothing is new cuz it had been going on for many years. They still think women are lowest form of human being and they treat their dogs better than their own women.

One story I remember few years ago, this homeless young girl in Iran who tried to survive by selling her body on the street. Who knows how many men did had sex with her and they were one who put her to death. so it is all right for men to do things alike that and they don't get death penatly alike women do. Where is the justice for those men?