Sweetmind has a good view on what s/he claims is an audist --- no one can have a good view and keep on having it at all. She is right about gnulinuxman because he is my fiance and he looked at the deaf world through his teaching and all. He hates the hatred and the way we D/deafies are being "fixed" instead of remaining who we are.

This so wrong to "fix" deaf people just because of their ears dont work and that they should. Gemtun I agree with how you described the mom and child thing and also my family is negative all the time as well as some other people I know. gnulinuxman treats me well and positively equal with my deafness (stating he doesn't get negative or want my deafness "fixed")

He understands the hell we D/deafies suffer with CIs and HA (or anything that "fixes" deafness) also peoples negative views too. It hurts him to watch that, so he stands up for us to help us get people to understand. My college is mistreating and misunderstanding me at a big cost of my deafness. Gnulinuxman could tell his issue in it or how he sees it, but its like the school wants to "fix" me for being me and other things by giving me a probation. UGGHHHH!!!! I don't want to be "fixed" and gnulinuxman understands and he wants me to remain deaf and that I choose what I want done at my pick. I dont want to get "fixed" just because I am told to do so. DEAFNESS RULES BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!