You are correct about "Sit at home", but as for rest of other things that you said and I'm over 18 and will be 32 next Saturday and I have never receive any assistance from SSI. I work my first job at age 20 at family business for 4years, then at age 24 I work at nursing home for 6 years. My last job was temporary agency for short time 6 months, then I quit to go back school to get my GED.
I only receive is tax-free settlement from the hospital that my mom sued for malpractice when I was 2 1/2 years old when they misdiagnosed me for something else. So that is set to pay me for life. I do not receive SSI, SSDI, SSA, Medicare or Food Stamps.
I know few friends who stated "I would rather to sit home and collect from government." That's how they said it like that and I told them that it won't last them that long. Unless you go out and get part time job working somewhere, and the sad part is that they can't be hired is because NO HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED. I know few of them just spend their WHOLE SSI check in ONE DAY! and what else can they live off on??
I apologize that I misquoted on "Sit at Home" comment.