Okayyyyy...this is sticky...VERY sticky...and by this I'm not referring to forum terms meaning "important."
I think I do understand what Cloggy is trying to say - and I've looked at all perspectives here.
Most of you already know - I am expecting in just three months. I will have to admit that I've wondered many, MANY things about my unborn little girl. First off, I wondered if she'll have brown hair like mine or blonde curls like her sister and brothers did when THEY were babies...I wonder if she'll have my husband's smile, and I wonder whether or not she'll be a soccer player like my five year old...(something's gotta come out of all that kicking she's doing in utero!)...I wonder whether or not she'll be born before, on or after her due date, I wonder SO MANY THINGS...and yes, I also did wonder whether or not she'll be hearing impaired or have normal hearing. I wondered the very same thing about my son when I was pregnant with him mainly because there IS always a possibility and as a deaf person myself, I was worried that if he couldn't hear something, then...well...neither could I. I believe it to be a common anxiety...and additionally, I think that regardless of whether or not the inquisitive parent-to-be is deaf him or herself, that is always going to be one of the general questions.
Now - that being said...I'll admit that growing up deaf was NOT easy on me. I was picked on, abused, tortured by kids in school, I often went home crying because they'd play monkey-in-the-middle with my hearing aid in the schoolyard. It was almost ALWAYS about my deafness and my peers' inability to be sensitive towards me.
So, no, I really wouldn't wish that my child go through some of the same issues I did. This is not an embarrassment issue at all - for if my child is deaf, then her father and I will still love her, nurture her, respect her and care for her all the same. It is unconditional, and that's the way a parent's love should be. It's not something we have a choice in anyway...once that egg is fertilized...well...that's it...there's a set of rules established for this baby that we have no influence on - for example, gender, race, future eye color, genes, etc. Other congenital birth defects, too...the list is truly endless.
Hope this helps a little.