What is wrong with being deaf anyway? Being deaf does not mean it's the end of the world. Just as there is nothing wrong with being White, Black, Latino, Russian, American, Hearing, Purple, Yellow, Green!
Why are you forcing cochlear implants down someone's throat, a must to have does not mean that you'll be accept in the world of society or living life in the real world. This is a reality that we have to face, when one shovel cochlear implants down other's throat.
There is no requirement to be able to hear to be out in the real world, Life is hard for everyone out there not only deaf people.
Some people with CI, does the same to their deaf friends without CI, It goes both ways Heath.
Which is it, CI are not for everyone nor chances that it'll be for all deaf people? You cannot say both. There is a possiblity that CI can make one become totally deaf after one realize that CI is not working for one at all. It is too late for any person who went through that experience and lost all of their residual hearing. Is that a risk that anyone willing to take? With me, it's not even worth the try. I'm glad that it works for some who shows the understanding of speech and sounds, But, therefore I'm sad for some that did not work for them. But the truth is CI is not for everyone. So please stop forcing people to get CI, when you don't know if they'll experience the same as you do. Becareful, because I smell lawsuits.