What's your dinner tonight?

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Did not fix dinner last night. MIL had me take her to Denny's after her hair appointment and I ate there and got sick.

Tonight, I will be making pasta salad with bow-tie pasta and shrimp, kidney beans, peas, corn onion and we each will use our own dressing.
Vegetarian spaghetti and raspberry Poptarts.
Oh goodness. It was my turn to cook for the deaf social. Friday I shopped and chopped. I put everything into my big old electric roaster (giant crockpot) and produced a lovely beef stew for 40 servings. I also made a 10 serving chicken pot pie casserole for those who dislike beef. Read 50 servings of food here folks.
The social was cancelled due to our much needed rain!!
I called all my family. They did me proud. I only have about 1 1/2 gallons, yes gallons of stew remaining.
No freezer room. Guess what I had for dinner?
Roast chicken. I really could not stand one more bite of stew at all. Eeeeyuck.
It was a great stew but I have been eating it all day and last night too.

Now I have to do it all again next weekend as it is still my turn... ugh. lol
I'm having salmon with duxelles (mushrooms and shallots) with wild rice, aspargus soup, carrots and milk (lacoste free of course) tonight.
Well - MIL is going to try and go to her weight loss meeting, but she was not aware that the banks were closed today, so I'm not sure what we are doing. My family is having spaghetti and garlic Texas toast.
My husband's coworker gave him a bag of food from Vietnam called Bot Banh Xeo , which is made into a crepe and filled with seafood, bacon, onion, garlic, shallots, and bean sprouts.
My cheese raviolis came out fabulous last night. I toasted them after. Yum !!!

Tonight is ... picking through the refrigerator and freezer. Gonna be a mix-and-match. SO is out grocery shopping so maybe I should wait. I do think we might end up with pigs-in-a-blanket. So easy, so cheap, so yum.
Layered in a skillet - diced potato, slivered sweet onion, diced tart apple, large diced green cabbage and polska kielbasa then steamed with loose fitting lid. Nice fall type food.
It was nice to have supper with my husband, daughter, grandson and to be happy together.
homemade mac and cheese.. made the white cheddar sauce myself :)
I had midnight supper. Why? I skipped, jest wasnt hungry.

I had frozen lasagna. Frozen food very easy to cook. :)
soy blueberry yogurt
half lox sandwich

ok- my bad, supposed to go in "lunch" thread:giggle:
I'm having spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce with salad and milk tonight.
pasta and salad is one of my favorite meals.
I like spicy pasta sauce. I bet your homemade sauce is delicious!

maybe I'll have that tonight:hmm:
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