Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

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Shel90, aww.. sorry abt that but im sure that you'll overcome it.

Pepsi is rocks but i am cutting them down and rise my addiction to drink Peet's, water, gatorade, and teas.

It was cool to talk with SunshineLady on blackberry messenger.
here another thing, my professor said that i dont need asl 1 but i need asl 3 and 4. I am surprise that my asl classes in high school was college credits.
here another thing, my professor said that i dont need asl 1 but i need asl 3 and 4. I am surprise that my asl classes in high school was college credits.

Well at least partly good news today, so it wasn't a total loss.
Maybe someone has installed a bomb in your car, what was the problem? Did something explode?
Thank goddness, it didn't even leave her a stratch or two.
If the battery is fine, you have a problem with the starter
I am sorry to hear that Shel :hug:

Yea..thanks..it may take me a week to get over it. It was something that really meant a lot to me. I wish I can say here but cant. I will fine by next week when I get used to the changes. :)
Thanks..I did survive but very exhausted. However, I am feeling down cuz of some bad news I recieved at work. Cant elaborate here but I feel really really bummed out about this situation.

Sorry. Not a very good way to start the new school year off.:hug:
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