What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

I suggest that someone contact the show "What Would You Do", and tell them that ABC should air a segment about the deaf community's difficulties in the hearing world. I am absolutely appalled about the fact that restaurants refuse to serve you? I would think that that's a matter for the ADA! I am a member of the hearing community and I am embarrassed and ashamed of what all of your have endured. Get that segment aired and millions of people will be informed. I will continue reading your complaints because I want to learn. I want to treat everyone with respect. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I will continue to learn ASL. I want to make a difference. And, I do care about how you feel.

Start a thread on this. THis is a vent thread for us. Not a hearing sharing thread.
Oh my gosh!!! Will take a look at it later. Never knew you could fly a plane without communications via radio and be on a job! :hmm:


You go to small airports and you will be able to be a private pilot only.
Professor51, your post strikes me as patronizing. Do you socialize in the Deaf community? I recommend that you do to learn about Deaf culture. You have some misconceptions.

As Botti pointed out, this is thread for Deaf/HOH people to vent our frustrations. Your input would be kindly received on another thread.
Oh my gosh!!! Will take a look at it later. Never knew you could fly a plane without communications via radio and be on a job! :hmm:


Yes you can, but my understanding is if you need clearance to land then you need a hearing co-pilot who can facilitate communication between the ground and cockpit. Some private airstrips you do not need permission to land. Like in some private jet communities. Jumbolair for example, has no tower or air traffic control. Of course, you have to be a member of Jumbolair to land there. So I guess it all depends on the runway and the airport and all that stuff. At least, that's my understanding.

I personally do not see why they can't use morse code or something. There are ways to convert the beeps into a light that flashes. I have seen it done before. There is also speech to text. I have it on my cell phone and it is very accurate. Why they can't do something with that either I do not understand. Oh, and why they can't have video phones in the cockpit? They have airplanes with wifi on board now. Video can be sent over wifi, I did it with my sorenson video phone.
I suggest that someone contact the show "What Would You Do", and tell them that ABC should air a segment about the deaf community's difficulties in the hearing world. I am absolutely appalled about the fact that restaurants refuse to serve you? I would think that that's a matter for the ADA! I am a member of the hearing community and I am embarrassed and ashamed of what all of your have endured. Get that segment aired and millions of people will be informed. I will continue reading your complaints because I want to learn. I want to treat everyone with respect. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I will continue to learn ASL. I want to make a difference. And, I do care about how you feel.

Been done. Guess you missed it.:cool2:
Maybe we should get together and collaborate on this? God knows hearing aint going to do anything for us!
Maybe we should get together and collaborate on this? God knows hearing aint going to do anything for us!

Can't agree with your last statement. Therefore, collaboration is impossible.
I was shocked when I read on facebook when someone posted to one deaf friend of mine who is reading 2 or 3rd grade level. This lady's comment "You think You are confused!" I wanted to slap her that it was not my friend's fault for not able to understand hearies.
Other thing I found one blog which ticked me off big time yesterday. Deaf Spirit driven out! What a nerve of pastor of Guate ( forgot how to spell this country) in South America think we the deaf people who happen to have Deaf Spirit are demon. 6 year old girl's deaf spirit left and hearing spirit came in to make her hearing?
Hearies ticking me off

Mmmmm, I think it is like my brother who lives with me now, although he travels a bit. He is an amazing musician and he learned to finger spell, both hands at the same time, laughing in 1 day. Just so we could communicate. I love my brother, he is the only family I have left...but..sometimes he will still look at me say at the grocery story and just start talking..laughing..i always make him feel bad, he says...because i say..what? do you think i regained my hearing and forgot to tell you..lol...other hearies..really don"t offend me..I understand they will never understand unless they are in my shoes...so peace to them..Midnight♥
What ticks me off about hearies are:

When I tell them I'm deaf, their respond would be "Oh I'm sorry" and then walks off. :confused:

When some hearing parents refused to sign with their deaf children. (with or without the use of cochlear implants)

When some hearies shouts while talking to me, It doesn't make me hear any better when they're shouting--they're making me more deafer.

When some hearies turned their face away while talking to me, It's like hello? I have to read your lips.

When some hearies chew on their gum while talking to me, It's like watching a cow eating.

I am hearing... I agree with you completely! I dont do the third one, and the rest of them are from just plain ignorance. (The first one I actually get excited because I get to practice ASL...) :)laugh2: at the last one!) I hate it when a few people do inconsiderate things, it gives us all a bad reputation. I always make sure I am very concious of other peoples disabilities, and that is one of the reasons why I am an ASL major, because I want to help the deaf community. On behalf of the hearies, I'm sorry that some of us do that... We do not think sometimes about others, which I can see why that angers you, because it angers me as well! All the best. :D
I am hearing... I agree with you completely! I personally make sure I dont do the third one, and the rest of them are from just plain ignorance. (The first one I actually get excited because I get to practice ASL...) :)laugh2: at the last one!) I hate it when a few people do inconsiderate things, it gives us all a bad reputation. I always make sure I am very concious of other peoples disabilities, and that is one of the reasons why I am an ASL major, because I want to help the deaf community. On behalf of the hearies, I'm sorry that some of us do that... We do not think sometimes about others, which I can see why that angers you, because it angers me as well! All the best. :D

Not a hearie thread. This is a Deaf vent thread. Please start a new thread on how you are different. :)
Wirelessly posted

I dislike how hearies post on this particular thread telling us ..."but I'M not like that, I don't do that" :ugh3:
Its not a hearing vs. deaf thing, some people are just jerks.

One peeve I have is some people assuming hearing aids work like glasses. Glasses can give people 20/20 vision but it doesnt work that way with hearing aids.

Hearing loss is loss, not unfocused hearing. Hearing aids help but its not like glasses wear it solves the problem.

Another annoying thing is when people tell you to turn up your hearing aid if you say "what" one too many times. They have no idea theres a limit to how much it can be turned up b4 feedback starts kicking in.

Hey there newbie here. Just had to comment on this cause I never figured out how to answer someone who says that(Hearing loss is loss, not unfocused hearing. Hearing aids help but its not like glasses wear it solves the problem.) now I have a come back!!!!!
Was at a doctor's office with MIL today and we informed the nurse that I was deaf. I reiterated "total deaf". She proceeds to shout very loudly and MIL got very upset and shouted back. The doctor came running and upon recognizing me (he's my doctor) asked what was wrong. The nurse said, "she's deaf, I hollered so she could hear." Doc's response? "She specifically stated she is total deaf, she did not say hard of hearing, so please pay attention to what is being said. She can read your lips if you face her." "Well, how do you know, she's never been here?" "Well, she's my patient at the other office." Doc got a different nurse to take MIL's vitals.


What a twit.

I hate encountering hearing people like this. Some hearing think if they speak into my CI, I should hear them just fine but when they do that, it makes it hard for me to lipread them. Grrrr.

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