When I first moved into my condo I was outside throwing bread out for the birds . A trustee come over and start talking to me then he saw my
HA in my left and looked really worried and when he saw my second HA
the guy was thinking OH NO ! He then started all over again talking in a
monotone voice saying one word at a time very slowly ! We do not feed the birds here. Do you under stand me ? I so badly want to tell him I know some sign language that I think he'll understand ! What an ass he was thinking I was a retard b/c I am HOH.
I do love that we both filed for an abatement on our realtor taxes saying it was too high and I went up to the jerk and asked if he was able to
get an abatement and he said "No" I looked him in his face and said
" I did" and walked away ! He was

that I was able to get it and not him Mr. Bigshot .