What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

I am fine, just ticked, but happy with my doctor for standing up for me.

MIL is recovering from another fall last night. She really is not doing very well with her balance. Doc took her off the pain meds and cut her back on the muscle relaxers.

You guys seem to be having really bad luck with doctors lately.

Did anybody check her brain tumor to see if it could be affecting balance and is growing?
You guys seem to be having really bad luck with doctors lately.

Did anybody check her brain tumor to see if it could be affecting balance and is growing?

Not really - I think she just took too many of her pain pills and muscle relaxers which will cause drowsiness. Today, she is all there, just in pain from the fall. She had a pain pill early this morning and nothing since until about 1 hour ago, she took 2 Tylenol with doctor permission.
I am fine, just ticked, but happy with my doctor for standing up for me.

MIL is recovering from another fall last night. She really is not doing very well with her balance. Doc took her off the pain meds and cut her back on the muscle relaxers.

Good on your doctor!

For MIL - ouch!
Was at a doctor's office with MIL today and we informed the nurse that I was deaf. I reiterated "total deaf". She proceeds to shout very loudly and MIL got very upset and shouted back. The doctor came running and upon recognizing me (he's my doctor) asked what was wrong. The nurse said, "she's deaf, I hollered so she could hear." Doc's response? "She specifically stated she is total deaf, she did not say hard of hearing, so please pay attention to what is being said. She can read your lips if you face her." "Well, how do you know, she's never been here?" "Well, she's my patient at the other office." Doc got a different nurse to take MIL's vitals.

What a 30 watt! Thank goodness the Doc has sense.
You guys seem to be having really bad luck with doctors lately.

Did anybody check her brain tumor to see if it could be affecting balance and is growing?

You have a point. MIL seems to be experiencing a lot of falls recently.
How they think I can hear them if they yell at me.

How they act like its easy for me to read their lips if they talk slow.

When they know I am deaf and they can sign they still talk at me or around me.

How they treat me like I am stupid or retarded.

How they careless about my needs; they cater to the needs of the hearing only.

How they talk when I am in their presence -- like I am not even there.

How they always want me to talk and refuse to write back and forth.

How they tell me I cannot do something because I am deaf. One medical school told me I cannot apply to the school or become a doctor because I am deaf. Their comments were based solely on the fact that I am deaf and nothing else.

Audism and linguicism is still alive and well today. It has not gone away nor does it appear to be going away.
"Why are you teaching your hearing son sign language, he's not deaf" (my ex mother in law said that to me.) :pissed:

At least your family is trying, as far as you and your son goes. You are teaching your son sign language. My family just flat out refuses to sign and talks directly at me like I am stupid.
I had one woman ask me 'Can deaf people drive?'. Then she went on blah blah about deaf people shouldn't be driving at all cos it is too dangerous and we may cause an accident. I told her excuse me madam I start driving when I was 10 yrs old on my parents farm. She got that OMG look on her face. I told her that we don't need ears for driving. We are visible and aware of what going on around us whilst driving.

Some still ask about sex too. One guy on Yahoo answers ask me if deaf can have sex. Good Lord, are hearing people really this stupid? :giggle:
Jazzy, thank goodness the audists in state department of vehicles haven't yet targetted the deaf as the federal government has. We deafies can still get licenses to drive non-commercial vehicles in all states. However, we who are totally deaf can no longer get a commercial driver's license.

I held a CDL for forty years, but when I went to renew in 2002, I was told I had to pass a hearing test. Of course I failed and was denied a CDL.

So that I could still work, the state of Montana issued me a special permit to drive (and go through DOT scales) only in a 100-mile radius of my place of employment. What kind of stupid logic is that? When deafies are 105 miles from home, they are no longer safe truck drivers?

When I moved to Oregon, I was issued another special licence to drive commercial trucks, this time good for the whole state. So now another driver has to take over the bee truck at another state's border. It's totally insane and unconstitutional.

In some countries its still illegal for Deaf to drive.
Let's make one thing clear! Not ALL hearies carry bad news. There are some of us (me) that are pretty cool actually. I mean I can hang with anyone in town and not make any waves; I'm cool with Deaf folks.


Right, not all hearies are bad ... just most.
Wow! Stories like this never cease to amaze me!!! Just thought I have heard it all but yet, I still learn of new stories or situations regarding the ignorance of some hearing people!

Stats show that deaf people are actually more safe drivers. We get less tickets and in less accidents.
You have a point. MIL seems to be experiencing a lot of falls recently.

She's massively overweight, and tends to mix her meds up. She takes too much of one thing and then doubles something else. She will not allow us to help her with that, though I did take control this morning. She asked early for a pain pill, I noted the time she got it. Just 2 hours later she's asking for another, I reminded her that she already had one. She then asked about her muscle relaxer and I gave her one and noted the time. She is also having problems with one of her knee replacements, but the doctor will not operate until she loses weight, but she has no will power to do so. She is really missing her late hubby and just wants to get our constructions done and all, so she can go to a nursing home and stay. She will not allow us to help her until the end.

Oh, she just said that she will be asking her doctor for a referral to check on the tumor.
Please try reading a little more carefully. Anij said that not all deaf peddlers are deaf. No need to get your back up.

I find using sign with peddlers is a good way to flush out the con artists.

Anyway, what ticks me off most about hearies are the "deaf groupies." Luckily as a teacher now and not doing as much interpreting, I don't encounter them very much anymore.

Signing is a good way to get rid of the Mormons too. They always get scared or confused if you sign to them and stare at them. :D
What Would You Do?

I suggest that someone contact the show "What Would You Do", and tell them that ABC should air a segment about the deaf community's difficulties in the hearing world. I am absolutely appalled about the fact that restaurants refuse to serve you? I would think that that's a matter for the ADA! I am a member of the hearing community and I am embarrassed and ashamed of what all of your have endured. Get that segment aired and millions of people will be informed. I will continue reading your complaints because I want to learn. I want to treat everyone with respect. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I will continue to learn ASL. I want to make a difference. And, I do care about how you feel.

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