What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

Let's not get so snitty, now. Being perennially consumed with anger isn't a healthy thing to bear.

Um, I'm not the one who is perennially angry at hearing "hearies" people. Like I said, you win some and you lose some.

I'm just stating it for myself. I have no time nor the need to be angry at "hearies."
You seem to think you are better than the rest of us.

We are all perennially angry and you have no time for this.

Yet here you are posting about it in this thread. :roll:
You seem to think you are better than the rest of us.

We are all perennially angry and you have no time for this.

Yet here you are posting about it in this thread. :roll:

I recognize that people have different reasons for being angry all the time. I recognize that being annoyed isn't the same thing. I hoping that people are rather more annoyed than just plain angry all the time.

This is not about being "better than the rest of us" since I prefer to focus on the things that I can control and be positive about. If people prefer to be "perennially angry" all the time then that's their prerogative. I have mine. They have theirs. I hope they would eventually get to the point on moving past such feelings and focus on something more productive and positive.
I hate when all HOH think it is necessary for them to defend all other HOH just because they share a hearing attitude.
I found it quite interesting, myself, if you're talking about his music-related blog.

I don't have a problem with his music adventures. I participate in playing with instruments myself and I do go to concerts. That's his choice to take up such recreation. However when one become political, like on his other blog, their true self shows.
I found it quite interesting, myself, if you're talking about his music-related blog.

I think it is incredibly cool that he is a ragtime piano player that can hold his own with anybody.
That's the great thing about percussion instruments for deaf people.

People don't like his audism.

It has nothing to do with his music.
I don't have a problem with his music adventures. I participate in playing with instruments myself and I do go to concerts. That's his choice to take up such recreation. However when one become political, like on his other blog, their true self shows.

Again, pretty broad when one says "political." Not sure what you're referring to exactly since being "political" can cover just about anything.
You can thank souggy, who was the first to mention kokonut's blog. I didn't know it existed before that mention. Thanks, souggy - you have expanded my horizons! I've learned a lot about ragtime piano that I didn't know before.
You can thank souggy, who was the first to mention kokonut's blog. I didn't know it existed before that mention. Thanks, souggy - you have expanded my horizons! I've learned a lot about ragtime piano that I didn't know before.

I've been reading that blog and I also subscribe to his youtube page even though I cannot hear it. Ah well - I just wish I had been able to play piano even half as well.
I've been reading that blog and I also subscribe to his youtube page even though I cannot hear it. Ah well - I just wish I had been able to play piano even half as well.

You used to play the piano or you do play the piano now?
You used to play the piano or you do play the piano now?

I played piano (when I had one) from ages 7 to 30. Now, all I have is an electric keyboard that does not have the full 88 keys. I do play it at times and I know my fingers are hitting the right keys, but I still can't tell if I am playing right since I can't hear it at all. I played classical, religious and folk songs.
You can thank souggy, who was the first to mention kokonut's blog. I didn't know it existed before that mention. Thanks, souggy - you have expanded my horizons! I've learned a lot about ragtime piano that I didn't know before.

Not just ragtime (for the purists) but novelty rags and some early jazz as well.