Claim #1: Hearing people is better than Deaf people because Hearing people never make any gossip at all.
Claim #2: The hearing world just knows how to keep their dramas to themselves. Basically, the Deaf world sucks.
Claim #3: If someone starts a gossip or something in the hearing world, those hearing people wouldn't care because they got better things to worry about.
Claim #4: They just don't care about those gossips because they wouldn't know what or who you are gossiping about. There are plenty of hearing people is like that.
Claim #5: Hearing people is rarely involve with or never involve with political dramas, abortion dramas, religions dramas, and etc. because they know better.
Claim #6: Deaf people is so stupid. They should go to the hearing world to learn about their hearing "culture". They will shut up a big time! Hearing world rocks!
Claim #7: Hearing people is for private matters, the Deaf community is not.
Claim #8: Hearing is more healthy than ill-breeding deafness because less drama and more intelligence.