What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

deaftim, How about looking through your previous posts here and other threads and you tell us what did you think of your language? I think it is a great idea for you to be here on alldeaf. Why? It can help you to see your own language around women and men and it would build up your confidence with self esteem. you see I am female that i do find some of tasteless words you use AND i can see your attitude somehow so bitter. Yet I know you are a nice person that is for sure. Just shape up with your bitter attitude into a cool attitude and don't think about "deaf" in the way too much. peace. :)
deaftim, How about looking through your previous posts here and other threads and you tell us what did you think of your language? I think it is a great idea for you to be here on alldeaf. Why? It can help you to see your own language around women and men and it would build up your confidence with self esteem. you see I am female that i do find some of tasteless words you use AND i can see your attitude somehow so bitter. Yet I know you are a nice person that is for sure. Just shape up with your bitter attitude into a cool attitude and don't think about "deaf" in the way too much. peace. :)

Hmmm,I have seen Caroline used profanity....

This forum is about deaf.

For example: I talk about football on Raiders forum. There, I dont talk about my deafness.(ever) Please wake up!
Hmmm,I have seen Caroline used profanity....

This forum is about deaf.

For example: I talk about football on Raiders forum. There, I dont talk about my deafness. Please wake up!

I tried my best to explain but i guess my explanation is useless. This is how you talk to people like this all the time? like you said "please wake up." Ok suit yourself. :)
I tried my best to explain but i guess my explanation is useless. This is how you talk to people like this all the time? like you said "please wake up." Ok suit yourself. :)

nah, i avoid arguments in real life. :) I rarely yell.

I guess some people dont get it. :roll:
nah, i avoid arguments in real life. :) I rarely yell.

I guess some people dont get it. :roll:

True some people don't get it. hey youre the one who keeps mentioning those people who's cockblocking you from meeting ladies. or is it something with the attitude? just think about it. just saying.

I wasn't warning you. I am dearly hoping you would realize that when a multitude of people are pointing out the same things that bothers them about you, that maybe YOU would wake up. You sound so angry and miserable and lonely and I am so aware of that every time you post. We're all aware of it. I truly want you to be happier and pointing out that maybe if you stop being so crass and vulgar, more people would find you approachable and in turn, you'd be a happier person.

But if you want to think we're all deluded and picking on you for no good reason and respond to us that way, then fine. I won't say anything anymore while I watch more and more people put you on their ignore list. It's going to be painful witnessing this because I really do feel for you. I did listen to how you describe the way you grew up and there were times my heart broke reading some of what you wrote and I completely get why you're angry and it's very sad that as a result, how you manifest that anger is making you even more unhappy and costing you potential friends on this site.
Had a funny thing happen at the bank. At first it pissed me off, but then I just realized how stupid this girl was.

Now, most of us know that Wachovia is going back & forth about changing over to Wells Fargo, right? Well, when I went in today to cash MIL's check for her, 2 regional managers were behind the teller line basically to see how things were going. I go in, sign the check, give my license and debit card from my bank as I have been doing for the past 2 years. The teller starts asking me questions, but mumbles them while chewing gum. I comment that I am deaf and I need to see her face to face so I can read lips, and that gum will also make it harder. She gets a little perturbed that I mention that she's chewing gum, then proceeds to say "Why do you have a drivers license if you're deaf, you have to be able to see to drive you know." These managers were just totally dumbfounded, but the branch manager told them not to say anything yet, since he knows me well. I just looked at this girl and asked her "Think about what you just said and then ask if you should be driving or even in charge of money in a bank." Well, I tell you, she got embarrassed and those managers cracked up laughing. She did not get what she said and had to ask me what was wrong. I told her that deaf people can't hear and that it's blind people who can't see. She still didn't get it, so they replayed the video and then she got it. :laugh2:
nah, i avoid arguments in real life. :) I rarely yell.

I guess some people dont get it. :roll:

if some people don't get it - it's mostly because you are not making any sense.
You are being a hypocrite.(Not calling you a name,Ok?) Do not want another warning. Somebody already snitched on me.

I explained how difficult it is to meet a woman AFTER I read your post about hearing women dont like to talk to deaf guys like me because we talk "retarded". That is all. ( please dont deny and make me look bad)

Jiro, you dont know what you are talking about. That is all I have to say.( read the thread)

I dont even have a criminal record.

I am deaf and I have had hearing gf and I have no problem meeting a woman - either deaf or hearing.

Hearing women don't like to talk to deaf guys cuz we talk "retarded"??? I still have no idea what you're talking about and I still don't know why would you want to chase after these kind of shallow-minded women. :dunno:

I hope you'll find a nice woman so that you'll see that you've been making a fuss out of nothing
Had a funny thing happen at the bank. At first it pissed me off, but then I just realized how stupid this girl was.

Now, most of us know that Wachovia is going back & forth about changing over to Wells Fargo, right? Well, when I went in today to cash MIL's check for her, 2 regional managers were behind the teller line basically to see how things were going. I go in, sign the check, give my license and debit card from my bank as I have been doing for the past 2 years. The teller starts asking me questions, but mumbles them while chewing gum. I comment that I am deaf and I need to see her face to face so I can read lips, and that gum will also make it harder. She gets a little perturbed that I mention that she's chewing gum, then proceeds to say "Why do you have a drivers license if you're deaf, you have to be able to see to drive you know."That rem These managers were just totally dumbfounded, but the branch manager told them not to say anything yet, since he knows me well. I just looked at this girl and asked her "Think about what you just said and then ask if you should be driving or even in charge of money in a bank." Well, I tell you, she got embarrassed and those managers cracked up laughing. She did not get what she said and had to ask me what was wrong. I told her that deaf people can't hear and that it's blind people who can't see. She still didn't get it, so they replayed the video and then she got it. :laugh2:

That reminds me of a girl that I used to know when I played an online text game called MUME. She could not get it thru her head that I was just deaf and she seemed to think I was a latter day Helen Keller. She wanted to know how I could play if I couldn't read the text :roll: Others had to tell her that I was not deaf-blind.
How does one go about finding this "ignore" list/button thingy? :hmm:

Go to "UserCP" at top left, then click there, on the page it takes you to, scroll down , and on the left side you will see many choices.

Keep going until you reach "edit ignore list" , type in the name you want to ignore, and click, "save changes." :)
Go to "UserCP" at top left, then click there, on the page it takes you to, scroll down , and on the left side you will see many choices.

Keep going until you reach "edit ignore list" , type in the name you want to ignore, and click, "save changes." :)

one small piss-off comment i might make to you tim, change your avatar it looks immature, and aggressive. it kind of put people off, just a hint.
and relax more man, and MAN-UP at the same time. not easy but realise it all takes time. Real Life is NOT like a 1 and half hour movie session..with all its summerised easy to gather life's signposts like you'd know all the right things to say...guess what...IT NEVER IS...and nor will it be.....it really takes a long time...i too have problem getting women but now...im more mellow and not too fussed hell even im prepared to grow 0ld alone which is fine, not everyone is going to find someone...try tell yourself that, get the pressure off and then it MIGHT happen least when you expect...
so just bloody relax and change the avatar (and real life self image too) people arent dumb they have their own radars too

remember that, they have their own radars too

Nothing to report here...hearing people havent ticked me off these days. maybe I am learning to not to take anything personal anymore. However, I still get ticked off with the whole "my deaf child doesnt need to learn ASL" attitude and that probably will always be my biggest issue with them.
Adding on from what Shel said......One thing that gets me riled with the hearing is "Why waste your time on sign language when you can speak clearly enough for us to understand you." UGGGH!
Adding on from what Shel said......One thing that gets me riled with the hearing is "Why waste your time on sign language when you can speak clearly enough for us to understand you." UGGGH!

I know what you mean with this. I get it everyday from one family member and most people from MIL's church and neighbors.