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Heh! I glad to hear.![]()
You are welcome!
Heh! I glad to hear.![]()
It's not easy to do..
I am definitely Pro-life. i don't agree with people bombing the abortion clinics, i think taking a stand in prayer will make a bigger difference. I believe according to the word of God He is the author and fininsher of Life and Death. He knows us before we were formed.Even though their are unwanted pregnancies , whether by accident or rape, God can always turn it around and use that child to turn a life around, for his Good. Life of a Baby should be seen as a very beautiful part of life, and part of Gods Creation.I noticed many pro-lifers are only talking about abortion stuff --
let allow me ask you,
What is true "pro-life" to you?
I think there are generally two kinds of people who are against abortion. Those who are anti-abortion, meaning they are against abortion, and those who are pro-life.
I often find myself being the latter.
I'm pro-life meaning I'm against the death penalty, against most war, a vegentablian (sp) and obviously against abortion.
Often times, pro-lifers are porteyed (sp) as uncaring and inconistent with their beliefs. Anti-abortionists who bomb clinics, anti-abortion politicians who enforce the death penalty and anti-abortionists who threatened people's lives, in my opinion, are not pro-life and do much more harm than good to our cause. Pro-life is *all* about the anti-DEATH.
What are your thoughts on this?
Do you believe in a "consistent life ethic" or would you simply call yourself "anti-abortion?"[/COLOR]
PS- please dont bring a agurement here. respect and be nice. Thank you. :3
I am definitely Pro-life. i don't agree with people bombing the abortion clinics, i think taking a stand in prayer will make a bigger difference. I believe according to the word of God He is the author and fininsher of Life and Death. He knows us before we were formed.Even though their are unwanted pregnancies , whether by accident or rape, God can always turn it around and use that child to turn a life around, for his Good. Life of a Baby should be seen as a very beautiful part of life, and part of Gods Creation.
No, it isn't easy. But he had already been committed to a mental institution once before this happened. That doesn't mean that he shouldn't ahve been given a second chance, but they should have paid closer attention to the behaviors he was showing. One of hisprofessors told the administration 2 weeks before he did the shootings that he was seriously disturbed and acting very strange in her classes. With his history of mental illness, they should have adressed it immediately when the professor reported it.
Your grammar is awfully familiar to me.. However, yes, I believe that bombers are against those clinic which is not a truly pro-life because a word, "volience," does not fit in a word, "life" or "a vaule of life". It's too beyond pro-death group that would be fit in a word, "volience". Besides... it's so dumb to call a person "pro-life" him/herself when he/she makes a such hamrful thing to do, which is not respecting a vaule of life.
Simple and plain. That's it.![]()
I've been told that my grammar sounds familiar to specific authors,
Maybe we met somewhere before.
I'm not pro-life........just came on here to say I respect your consistency. That is not what we see from the holey roller pro-lifers......plenty of hypocrisy.
I do think vegan for this purpose is a bit of a stretch.
But admire your consistency.
Done.any one of Mods, will you change the subject from "what's prolife (prolifers only)" TO "what's prolife?" Please and thank you.
Nothing wrong with vegan.....just seems a bit extreme if solely connected to prolife agenda. Yes, some animals not treated well. Never eat veal......cruel product.
It is hard to be total vegan.
consistency....refers to consistent. without contradiction.....free from variation or contradiction
What is a pro life?
I believe in...
Various wounds on the Earth is needed to be heal as soon as possible. As a true-prolife, a person should learn mistakes, fix 'em now, and be consider deeply for next future.
For explain - if a foster sytem is broken, fix it! If teen parents schools are not enough, make a team, posters plan, and to speak up for new step! ("Waah! Murders kill more people!! We need more death plentay!!" is not a great logic.)
A pro-life person should never back off and do nothing while the Earth is suffering.
A pro-life person should never ignore women's risk health or their rights no matter what. ( You can't expect us as heartless assholes because you claim we are not care about women but unborn babies. But that's not means we support abortion for her risk health only, instead of with that, we have to fight for improving women's healths).
A true pro-life person should not support either illegal or legal abortion, however, rather to support for the best improvement on pregnancy plan and women's health in future. 34th years of abortion war is totally waste of time.
Pro-wars are not an optional, either.
Pro-life is all for pro-nature; cruelity free, keep the Earth clean, protect all kind creatures, to fight against warm gobeling, and go on. Its all about our nature.
Pro-life is suppose be netural religion; be teamwork and cooperative! Common sense.
Pro-life is about about a vaule of life is very matter to the Earth.
A life of every creature should never have been taken by the killing. Kill is not the optional, but prevent is only one way.
Mmm I cnt think of more to say. Aha =)
Some pro-lifers supports the death penalty, I'm one of them. If we don't get rid of the criminals, we will lose more innocent people, most criminals who had released from prison end up back in prison. Where is justice in this?
It is not hypocritical to be anti-abortion but in favor of the death penalty because they're not the same, You don't compare an innocent unborn child to a convicted criminal.
If you have a pet, and your pet got a deadly disease, they suffer, you have a choice to put the pet down to sleep or let your pet die on his/her own, it doesn't make you a killer if you decide to put your pet down, You're only stopping the suffering and letting your pet go in peace.
Criminals do not get killed they get executed for the crime they committed. This also doesn't make you a killer either.
You have an unborn baby growing in the womb of the mother, doesn't have a choice to either live or die, if the mother decide to terminated her pregnancy that makes her a killer, and those who support the right of women to decide on abortion makes them also a killer. I only support abortion if it involve risk to both the unborn and the mother.
No offended to anyone this is just my opinion.![]()