Here's another one...and the answer might surprise some of you: What is the cure rate of sex offenders?
Bear, one thing that you could do is contact the media . A lot of times colluminsts and editorial page people will do a "look at this outrage" expose. Contact the major paper in your state. Hell................this might even be a good story for the NEW YORK TIMES! I read the Times occasionally and I have seen stories like your son's in it.
Is Bob's family not exactly functional? I mean what Courtney did almost sounds like what someone with severe mental illness or who is very immature would do.
You said that That made it sound like Bob was also molested by the man.
Either Bob is VERY mentally ill, or has been sexually abused. Most kids don't just go around molesting other kids for the fun of it. Bob really needs help, otherwise he'll be one of those assholes justifying "oh kids really want to be loved!" I really think that the family might seriously be in denial and also sounds very dysfunctional.
Bear, one thing that you could do is contact the media . A lot of times colluminsts and editorial page people will do a "look at this outrage" expose. Contact the major paper in your state. Hell................this might even be a good story for the NEW YORK TIMES! I read the Times occasionally and I have seen stories like your son's in it.
Is Bob's family not exactly functional? I mean what Courtney did almost sounds like what someone with severe mental illness or who is very immature would do.
You said that That made it sound like Bob was also molested by the man.
Either Bob is VERY mentally ill, or has been sexually abused. Most kids don't just go around molesting other kids for the fun of it. Bob really needs help, otherwise he'll be one of those assholes justifying "oh kids really want to be loved!" I really think that the family might seriously be in denial and also sounds very dysfunctional.
DD thanks hon and yes I have thought about publicizing it but with very vague threats from CPS at the time that if I did then they would see to it that I never got my son back, I was too afraid to. And he is still under the juristiction *sp?* of that court so to publicize it gives them the motivation to make it harder for us to get him back.
Thanks Liebling. I feel sad whenever I think of what is going on. There were many of times when I just felt like I couldnt go on.
Well the good thing is he is no longer under CPS, but he is now in DYS under the state, the bad thing is it can be till he is 21 not 18 hon. I agree it's not right and I am doing what i can to not only fight for him, but to get these beastly laws changed so no other child has to go through this.
Thanks, and I am gonna keep posting here and getting info out to garner the support needed to change these laws.
Wow! I was shocked reading your son's story, Bear. I hope Jillo finds someone or some information to help you and your son!![]()
This is scary cuz it can happen to any of us with our children.
I had a scare one time about 5 years ago when my ex hubby wanted to report my friend's 5 year old son for molesting our daughter when it was just them being curious about each other's geneitials. It was an awful experience cuz he sent an email to my friend saying that her son was a child molestor and that he was going to have him put in jail. My friend never recovered from that experience and since then she has forbidded her son to play with girls in his bedroom. I calmed my ex down so he admitted that he overreacted but the damage had been done to my friend who lived with that terror of not knowing if he would call the cops or Children's Services for 3 days. People dont realize when they say stuff like that to the child's mother especially when the child is practically a baby can do some emotional damage to the person. False accusation can be just as damaging.
Well, what I don't understand is that if adult looked at children as it is legal but adults are not innocent. Your son was accused but he is innocent but he was put on sex registry. That is something I don't understand. My cousin had sex relation when she was 14 years old and her ex-boyfriend was 17 years old. My aunt called police and they said it is legal. That is something I don't understand. My father who work for government said that most of law are not making any sense at all. This is making me wondering: If I have butt crack when I bend on floor and suddenly, I get arrested for buttcrack exposed in public and put on sex registry. Make no sense but it is the law not to be public exposed for little buttcrack!!! I better buy jumo large underwear that will fit up to my neck to prevent arrest. gee
Actually in Bob's past he was the abuser. I know who all 4 of the little girls were. Two of them were Tom's best friend's daughters, another was a little girl who's mom I used to work with, and another one was my son's aunt neighbor girl. I told them where to find it all. And they just didn't care.
You mentioned in your previous post that 10 years old Bob molested 4 young girls before your 12 years old son was being accused for rape at 4 years ago. Right?
What's an exact kind of sex abuse, 10 years old Bob did to 4 young girls?
I hope the link of my thread over difference between playing doctor and sexual abuse helps.
So you are saying that someone like my son just has to live with it? A 12 year old child has to live with it?
My suggestion to you is, go live my son's life for the past 4 years and see if you can *just live with it*.
For your sake, I hope you are never accused.
DD I haven't contacted the media out of fear. I suggested I may try this once and my lawyer *warned* me not to. That CPS didnt like it when someone didn't play by the rules.
Should youCPS when you know what they did your son is pain WRONG ?
I think you pick wrong lawyer. I think you should hire a right lawyer who specialist for child rights. (see the link, I provided in my previous post).
I am more terrified of trying that and having them retaliate by making it harder to see my son and or get my son out. With that town that my son was convicted in, retailiation is very plausible.
I think you would check with the right lawyer who specialist for child rights for the advice or check with medias who experienced with parents who have the similar case as you in the past?
When my son is out and off parole and everything. I will try to talk to the media then. But until then, I am too scared to try. I am terrified that they will make it harder on both of us.
Why do you are scared when you know what they did pain wrong? You has to defend your son against them because he is your son. Why wait for? Don't wait until after your son is out and off parole....
Van I will never understand it either. Only thing I can say is this system sucks! LOL.
My hubby does not like young kids anywhere near him, because he is very afraid of being accused of doing something wrong.
My son's ex foster mother will not have girls as foster children in her house, because she is afraid of false accusations. It is pretty bad when we are all too willing to believe the victim and prosecute the *guilty* party. Sometimes these so-called innocent victims aren't so innocent. Read on and you will see what I mean.
Should youCPS when you know what they did your son is pain WRONG ?
I think you pick wrong lawyer. I think you should hire a right lawyer who specialist for child rights. (see the link, I provided in my previous post).
I think you would check with the right lawyer who specialist for child rights for the advice or check with medias who experienced with parents who have the similar case as you in the past?
Why do you are scared when you know what they did pain wrong? You has to defend your son against them because he is your son. Why wait for? Don't wait until after your son is out and off parole....
Liebling it's not that simple, our system is a very vindictive system. If you go against them publicly they can make life very hard for you.
I am already dealing with a child in trouble with the courts, did I also need to deal with CPS and the courts and the state making things harder for me?
Believe it or not this system takes kids away from their parents on trumped up charges. I was not gonna risk my daughter too, to this system.
It's not the same when you are poor and can't afford to fight the system. If I had been rich enough to fight the system every which way, then I probably would have. But being not really poor but not rich enough to hire a lawyer and pay thousands in legal fees to fight anything else they wanted to do here, there was no way.
Anyone who has faced this system will tell you how bad it is. It's not the same as what you have over there. Also the ones that do speak out, usually have money to fight, or knows someone that will help them fight.
I could go to the media and speak out, but to do so, jeapordizes my son and my daughter right now. It's just not worth the risks involved to me right now.
My daughter turns 18 in June. I don't want her to have to go through hell with the system, just because Mom spoke out about the injustices.
There has been a lot of light shed on that CPS department lately and they keep coming out of it unscathed. Nothing touches them Liebling.
These cases below are the same CPS department my son and I had to deal with. There was no investigation other than an internal one done to this department. -- Tipster noticed caged children in visit last year -- Judge gives foster father prison in death of girl, 11
Both of these cases and my son's case was dealt with by the city of Norwalk and the Huron County Department of Jobs and Family Services.
Nothing was ever done to the city or the DJFS. Why would I wanna take the chance of speaking out against someone who is apparently untouchable?
You mentioned in your previous post that 10 years old Bob molested 4 young girls before your 12 years old son was being accused for rape at 4 years ago. Right?
What's an exact kind of sex abuse, 10 years old Bob did to 4 young girls?
I hope the link of my thread over difference between playing doctor and sexual abuse helps.
I don't know the specific details in all the cases Liebling, but I do know of 2 girls that were sexually sodomized by the 10 year old Bob.
Bob's parents had a vibrator and Bob took it and used it on a 7 year old girl and a 5 year old girl. He also made those two girls do oral sex on him. Not sure if he did more than that, but that is what I know about 2 out of 4 girls.
I only know this because the 2 girls were Tom's best friend's children. He told us pretty much everything that had happened between Bob and his girls. That happened the year before my son, so Bob would have been 9 at the time he did this.
LostPanther can verify these facts as she also knows the family, although she probably doesn't realize it. Just tell her to ask Copper about what happened to his kids and she will know.
Its very sad that those kids were allowed to get away with it all these years, thus putting more children in danger by allowing these kids to remain free.
It's not the same when you are poor and can't afford to fight the system. If I had been rich enough to fight the system every which way, then I probably would have. But being not really poor but not rich enough to hire a lawyer and pay thousands in legal fees to fight anything else they wanted to do here, there was no way.
I don't know the specific details in all the cases Liebling, but I do know of 2 girls that were sexually sodomized by the 10 year old Bob.
Bob's parents had a vibrator and Bob took it and used it on a 7 year old girl and a 5 year old girl. He also made those two girls do oral sex on him. Not sure if he did more than that, but that is what I know about 2 out of 4 girls.
I only know this because the 2 girls were Tom's best friend's children. He told us pretty much everything that had happened between Bob and his girls. That happened the year before my son, so Bob would have been 9 at the time he did this.
LostPanther can verify these facts as she also knows the family, although she probably doesn't realize it. Just tell her to ask Copper about what happened to his kids and she will know.
Its very sad that those kids were allowed to get away with it all these years, thus putting more children in danger by allowing these kids to remain free.
Bear, I read the whole post you replied my post is very's heartbreaking... I quoted part of your whole post to question you about famliy legal protection insurance.
I don't know about US system but I would like to ask you a question about Family legal protection insurance. Did US system do have Family Legal Protection insurance? If yes, have you thought about this?
Yes, we are not rich enough to hire the lawyer because lawyer expenses are high that's why we decided to join family legal protection insurance for my family & our safety if any happened to us.
If you have legal insurance then you can choose the Lawyer who expert about child's rights and want to hear their advice about the legal when you feel CPS did wrong.
It's just suggestion because I don't know what kind of insurance plans they have in America which different as in Europe.
I will be glad to explain if you want to know more about legal protection insurance.
I don't know the specific details in all the cases Liebling, but I do know of 2 girls that were sexually sodomized by the 10 year old Bob.
Bob's parents had a vibrator and Bob took it and used it on a 7 year old girl and a 5 year old girl. He also made those two girls do oral sex on him. Not sure if he did more than that, but that is what I know about 2 out of 4 girls.
I only know this because the 2 girls were Tom's best friend's children. He told us pretty much everything that had happened between Bob and his girls. That happened the year before my son, so Bob would have been 9 at the time he did this.
LostPanther can verify these facts as she also knows the family, although she probably doesn't realize it. Just tell her to ask Copper about what happened to his kids and she will know.
Its very sad that those kids were allowed to get away with it all these years, thus putting more children in danger by allowing these kids to remain free.
Yes sis bear i remma you told me what happen abt ur son which i don't know what heck going till you told me whole story i was likemake me sicko what they did to you and they take ur son away from ur life which not fk right urgh! also same thing happen to copper's kids are take away from them that sad..If i m lawyer i wuld make them tell the truth front judge and make them feel guilty what they did to ur son put in jail. You gotta keep fight and don't give up
also that Bob who is shuld put JAIL instead ur SON
Yes sis bear i remma you told me what happen abt ur son which i don't know what heck going till you told me whole story i was likemake me sicko what they did to you and they take ur son away from ur life which not fk right urgh! also same thing happen to copper's kids are take away from them that sad..If i m lawyer i wuld make them tell the truth front judge and make them feel guilty what they did to ur son put in jail. You gotta keep fight and don't give up
also that Bob who is shuld put JAIL instead ur SON
Yep sis LostPanther it is sad that we have lost our children. Ask Copper someday if you see him what Jay's kids did to my his kids and he will tell you. It's a sad story and unfortunately they got away with it too.