What did you learn today?

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So... what are Java, C/C+/C# then? Please explain to a non-programmer what those three things are.

Don't taze me bro.

I already know that stuff.
so is object oriented programming an english class or an analogy?
were just messing with you man :wave: :giggle:

I know. I felt like musing with a jester.
I learned that there has *gasp* Monument rocks and Native Indian ruins in western Kansas. I just couldn't believe it while I was studying on the large Kansas map for the first time which it has shown every attraction places in colored red texts. Since I've been to KS state for more than 20 times in my life (a large numbers of my Dad's family side lives there), I always thought as I've had travelled and seen everything was just full of corns, wheat, and sunflowers and nothing much else. But a little mountain rocks! And the ruins just like what Colorado and Southern Utah have a lot of them. Anyway, the next time I visit KS, I would try to visit the Monument Rock and the ruins nearby if I could be able to spare 7-8 hours drive there from Topeka/KS City.
i learn that tomorrow night will be so cool for me and my friends to watch two moons coming at midnight at PST (well, saturday morning)..
I learned that Chelus fimbriatus has been renamed fourteen times over two centuries before it was decided on in 1934.

That is if Wikipedia is correct.
I learned that ip address on VP was not working, then IT Tech waited for a new ip address to assign to other person. Once ip address was ready and I reset VP in order to get it working. Viola!! It worked like a charm. My sweet revenge to a trainer by resetting an IP address, soo it means that trainer will not come to check someone's VP. :giggle:
I learned that the 877 number for my CapTel phone to have people call me when using 1 phone line is not working. Wondering if I gave out the 877 number for Missouri by mistake. Will have to check later.

Also learned, that there are times when AD will lift my spirits and moods.
I learned that my 16 month old daughter will probably have to have an MRI to determine if her inner ear is causing her difficulties with balance. She has bilateral moderate hearing loss and wears ha's. Have any of you had balance issues? She walks like she's had a few too many :(
Ohh... When I got off at a train station, I immediately noticed one Indian man in the crowd. As you know Indian men/women have common brown eyes. But that one has blue eyes. Very rare indeed. It is my first time seeing him with his own blue eyes.
Today I learned that I need to check every piece of equipment on my bike before I take it out on the trails. My back brake came loose and caused me to flip over my handle bars and just missed a tree by a couple inches
Today I learned that I need to check every piece of equipment on my bike before I take it out on the trails. My back brake came loose and caused me to flip over my handle bars and just missed a tree by a couple inches

damn. you went superman.
Today I learned that I need to check every piece of equipment on my bike before I take it out on the trails. My back brake came loose and caused me to flip over my handle bars and just missed a tree by a couple inches

Sounds like you had an adventure on your own. :giggle:
Learnt that my work PC wouldn't allow me to FTP to my server....guess it has been blocked, as per usual. Jiro, you know what I am talking about :cool2:
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