What did you learn today?

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I learned that my son scored waaaaay high on visual development... and with all his 'special abilities' (we don't say disabilities) we celebrate every little victory like that!! Especially when we score OVER our age range :shock: :D:D
Keyboarding is an actual name for courses where you improve your word per minutes. Not every institute calls it "keyboarding" though.

Although it would be less confusing if it's "Typing ___" or "Computer Typing ___"
sounds like your professor is into techno. or maybe experimental :lol:

Possibly but who knows. :lol:

Our computer keyboarding professor is old woman and she can type so faster.
Keyboarding is an actual name for courses where you improve your word per minutes. Not every institute calls it "keyboarding" though.

Although it would be less confusing if it's "Typing ___" or "Computer Typing ___"

Yup, that's right and my typing is epic fail because I use fingers to press in.

I took typing class at middle school but turned out that isn't help me at all.
Keyboarding is an actual name for courses where you improve your word per minutes. Not every institute calls it "keyboarding" though.

Although it would be less confusing if it's "Typing ___" or "Computer Typing ___"

just checked my local community college course catalog. Interesting...

CC 392 Keyboarding Fundamentals
6 sessions, 18 hours, $245 :eek3:
001, T/W/Th.; September 14-September 23, 2010
Hours: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: E-112
Instructor: Marion Keegan
Develop proper keyboarding skills, improve accuracy,
and speed, and learn basic mouse skills.
The course includes instruction in creating a
basic business letter and envelope in Word.

$245. seriously?
Yup, that's right and my typing is epic fail because I use fingers to press in.

I took typing class at middle school but turned out that isn't help me at all.

what did you think how we type? mouse and on-screen keyboard?
just checked my local community college course catalog. Interesting...

$245. seriously?

It cost $363 with 3 credits at our community college, along with typing book and registration code cost $137 additional.
on-screen keyboard?

In your Windows 7 start menu - type "keyboard"

Still paid for with jiro's tax dollars...

No, VR in Alabama is funded by state of Alabama, of course, it is from taxpayers whoever resident in Alabama.

There are VR service in many states.
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